My pregnant dog is breathing heavily - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO

My pregnant dog is breathing heavily - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO
My pregnant dog is breathing heavily - CAUSES and WHAT TO DO
My pregnant dog is breathing hard - Causes and what to do
My pregnant dog is breathing hard - Causes and what to do

The gestation of bitches is a stage that usually raises numerous doubts among caregivers, since it is not just about guaranteeing their well-being. The puppies that grow inside them also need our care. Not being able to see them directly to know how they are doing is a source of concern.

To avoid scares, the recommendation is always to put ourselves in the hands of the veterinarian to carry out an adequate follow-up and, also, to identify alarm signals. One of them may be a change in breathing. Your pregnant dog is gasping for breath? We explain the causes and what to do in this article on our site.

My pregnant dog is panting a lot

First of all, you need to know that overheated dogs pant as a way to regulate their temperature, since they can't, like us, through sweating. Panting is the way they have found to exchange hot air from inside their body with cooler air from outside.

Logically, this physiological mechanism will be in difficulty when atmospheric temperatures are high or the dog presents some circumstance that, by itself, affects its breathing. For example, dogs of brachycephalic breeds breathe worse due to their anatomical constitution or those that suffer from a heart or lung problem.

A pregnant dog can also show more difficulties. That is why we must limit its exposure to heat and not allow it to be exhausted by excessive exercise. Otherwise, you could get dangerous heat stroke. But if your pregnant dog is already breathing hard and you think it's due to heat or exertion, take her to a cool place, offer her water and keep her calm. With these measures it should be enough for, in a few minutes, the breathing to be regulated. If you see that the dog continues to pant a lot or shows any other symptoms, contact your vet immediately.

My pregnant dog is breathing heavily - Causes and what to do - My pregnant dog is panting a lot
My pregnant dog is breathing heavily - Causes and what to do - My pregnant dog is panting a lot

Pain sign

Heavy breathing is not always a sign of overheating. Sometimes panting indicates some pain, which is not always easy to locate. Sometimes it does happen that, caressing our dog, we detect that the panting, some moaning or moving away to avoid contact occurs just when we touch a certain point. We can also see that a blow is taken or that damage is done. But there are times when we are not aware of any injury or pain and rapid breathing is the only distinguishing sign we perceive.

If this is the case with your dog and she suddenly starts gasping for breath, you can Examine her by feeling her whole bodyCarefully to look for a pain point. Look inside the ears and between the fingers for any embedded foreign bodies. Be sure to feel the body well under the hair looking for any lump or sign of inflammation.

Also note whether or not there are other symptoms, such as fever, loss of appetite, reduced movement, etc. Depending on what you find, you may or may not have to go to the vet. On the other hand, a visit to this professional will be mandatory if the dog is breathing hard and we cannot locate the origin of the pain or discomfort.

The dog is in labor

Perhaps the star question among caregivers of pregnant dogs is when the big day will be, that is, what are the symptoms of a dog that is going to give birth. Precisely, rapid breathing may be a sign that the bitch is experiencing contractions, which are the movements made by the uterus to facilitate the exit of the puppies. Before it is normal that her appetite has decreased, she looks for the perfect place to make her nest, scratches the ground, etc., although these behaviors can go unnoticed

If labored breathing indeed corresponds to the onset of labor, our role should be Leave her as calm as possible and just observe that it develops normally. In a few hours the whole family should be calm and resting. Only if you see that your dog is panting excessively, no puppy is born despite her efforts, she eliminates a greenish or bloody secretion, etc. you must intervene, immediately calling the veterinarian and following his instructions.

If you want to know more about the delivery of a bitch, the process, the duration and possible complications, don't miss our article How long does a bitch give birth?

My pregnant dog is breathing fast - Causes and what to do - The dog is in labor
My pregnant dog is breathing fast - Causes and what to do - The dog is in labor

Canine Eclampsia

Unfortunately, there is a serious reason why a pregnant dog can breathe heavily. It is a pathology known by the name of eclampsia. It is true that it is more common in females that have already given birth and are lactating, as you can read in our article Why does my dog pant a lot after giving birth?, but it can also be diagnosed in female dogs. during gestation.

It is hypocalcaemia, that is, It is due to calcium deficiency and, in addition to rapid breathing, we can see the very restless dog, with jerks, incoordination, fever, hypersalivation, etc. Eclampsia is a veterinary emergency The bitch should be treated immediately. If during the course of the disease or the treatment she had her puppies, the vet will prescribe artificial feeding until the dog is recovered.
