How do reptiles breathe? - Reptile breathing

How do reptiles breathe? - Reptile breathing
How do reptiles breathe? - Reptile breathing
How do reptiles breathe?
How do reptiles breathe?

Do you know how reptiles breathe? These animals have varied anatomies that adapt according to the environment in which they live, since there are terrestrial and marine reptiles. For this reason, they have different mechanisms to carry out the breathing process, which even vary between the different species of sauropsids

If you want to know everything about reptile respiration,then you can't miss the next article on our site where we will detail many Curiosities about the respiratory system of reptiles. Read on to discover it all!

How do reptiles breathe?

Reptiles are vertebrate animals and many of the species we know today have existed since prehistoric times. Most reptiles are land animals, but some are adapted to live in aquatic environments and even the sea.

Now how do they get the oxygen? Where do reptiles breathe? These animals have pulmonary respiration, so This vital process is carried out in two phases: one external and one internal. To do this, reptiles have the following structures:

  • Nostrils
  • Windpipe
  • Glottis
  • Bronchios
  • Lungs

These structures are found in all terrestrial reptiles, but how does the process take place? How do land reptiles breathe? For gas exchange, terrestrial reptiles rely on the lungsThe air enters the nostrils or the mouth, crosses the palate and encounters the trachea, where the glottis divides the air to carry it to the two bronchi, from where the gas is transported to the lungs. The lungs, in turn, are made up of multiple alveoli

In the breathing of reptiles, the chest muscles are essential, which dilate the box (which covers the lungs), thanks to this, the amount of air received will depend on the size of the cavity thoracic and pulmonary.

In general, all terrestrial reptiles have two well-developed lungs, however, most snakes, marine or not, have only one lung , because the other one is stunted. There are also other species in which respiration takes place in only one direction, such as the summer savannah lizard (Varanus exanthematicus).

Also discover on our site what are the characteristics of reptiles!

How do marine reptiles breathe?

When it comes to breathing in reptiles, it takes place a little differently in marine animals.

Most turtles and sea snakes, for example, take in air from the surface and are able to store it in their lungs, after which they can submerge between half and an hour, depending on the species. Snakes are also able to reduce their metabolic rate when they are underwater, thanks to this, they carry out anaerobic respiration and take advantage of the amount of ATP that it is found in the body, so it does not require oxygen immediately.

In the marine environment, even different species of turtles and snakes use different mechanisms. Although some turtles rise to the surface to inhale oxygen, others are able to extract it through their cloaca (located in the anus) or through the pharynx, thus taking advantage of the oxygen found in the water.

How do crocodiles breathe?

Among reptiles, one of the most popular are crocodiles, which thrive both on land and in water. Their breathing process is the same as that carried out by the other terrestrial sauropsids: the air passes through the nostrils, passes through the trachea and the glottis, is divided to reach the bronchi and from there to the lungs.

Also, to expand its rib cage, the crocodile's body must push back on the liver, which returns to its place with exhalation, this process is done of mechanical form Now, what happens when the crocodile is underwater? Much of its life is spent in the aquatic environment, where it cools off and hunts.

To do this, simply contract the glottis, with which oxygen is retained in the body and gases are expelled through hemoglobin, thanks to this process, which is also mechanical and involuntary, the crocodile is able to open its snout underwater and hunt without swallowing water.

Don't miss our article on the world's most dangerous reptiles!

How reptiles breathe: explanation for children

Do you have a child at home and need to explain the breathing process of animals? The case of the reptiles works perfect for this tutorial. Here is a simple explanation, detailed by steps:

  1. The animal sucks in air through the nose.
  2. Once inside the body, the air passes through the palate.
  3. Air goes down the throat to the bronchi.
  4. In the bronchi it divides.
  5. Air passes into the lungs. Clever!
  6. Then, all that remains is to expel the carbon dioxide through the nose.

With this simple explanation, the process animals use to breathe will be very easy to learn.
