My cat makes noise when breathing, why?

My cat makes noise when breathing, why?
My cat makes noise when breathing, why?
My cat makes noise when breathing, why?
My cat makes noise when breathing, why?

A cat can make noise when breathing for different reasons and it is totally normal for us to worry about it. In this article on our site we will review the most common causes that can cause abnormal sounds in the feline's breathing, such as an obstruction or any other respiratory difficulty.

In addition, when you breathe in or out, different sounds will be produced depending on where the damage is and its severity. We shouldn't delay in going to the vet as inefficient breathing can be a sign of serious illness and have serious consequences.

Brachycephalic cats

Before explaining why a cat makes noise when breathing, we should know that breeds with flattened noses, such as Persians, they will be prone to emitting breath sounds due to the peculiarities of their anatomy.

Sometimes it is more obvious that the cat makes noise when breathing when sleeping because it becomes easier to appreciate these sounds. Sometimes, the typical curled-up feline postures where the nose is somewhat covered, are also a source of noise without implying any pathology.

My cat makes noise when breathing, why? - Brachycephalic cats
My cat makes noise when breathing, why? - Brachycephalic cats


Due to this disease, the cat makes noise when breathing and presents symptoms such as ocular and nasal discharge, cough, sneezing, fever, lack of appetite, depression, mouth ulcers, pain when swallowing, mouth breathing open and tongue out, etc. The cat that stops eating runs the risk of becoming dehydrated, therefore, and because eye damage can lead to corneal ulcers and blindness, we mustgo to the vet

This disease is caused by herpesvirus and calicivirus but, as it is often complicated by the appearance of bacterial infections, the vet will prescribe antibiotics and the supportive treatment that the cat needs, such as fluid therapy and analgesia.

It is important to get him to eat by offering warm palatable foods to improve acceptance. The cat that is cured will remain as a carrier, being able to show symptoms again in times of stress.

Feline asthma

With a higher incidence in Siamese cats, asthma is another of the pathologies that cause a cat to make noise when breathing. It is triggered by an exaggerated reaction to irritating substances found in the environment. This causes chronic inflammation of the lower airways with signs such as bronchoconstriction, coughing or breathing difficulties

Cat makes a choking noise at the end of the coughing episode, in an attempt to swallow the excess mucus that your bronchi produce. Requires veterinary treatment for life.

Usually used for this inhalers. In addition, it is advisable to control the environment by avoiding exposing the cat to fumes, using dust-free litter in open litter boxes, not using aerosols in their presence, etc.

Pleural effusion

This is the buildup of fluid in the space between the lungs and the chest wall. It can occur mainly due to heart failure, infectious peritonitis, neoplasia or pyothorax, which is the accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity. In these cases the cat breathes badly because the lungs lose the space to expand.

In addition, the cat makes noise when breathing when panting, is restless and even cyanotic, that is, bluish, if the breath is very difficult. This is an emergency and the vet will need to insert a needle into the chest cavity to remove as much fluid as possible. Look for and treat the underlying cause

My cat makes noise when breathing, why? - Pleural effusion
My cat makes noise when breathing, why? - Pleural effusion

Other causes of breath noise

In addition to the pathologies mentioned above, we can name other causes why a cat makes noise when breathing such as polyps or tumors that arise in the nasopharyngeal area, obstructions in the larynx such as those that can be produced by neoplasms or foreign bodies such as threads, bone splinters or thorns, etc.

The multiplicity of causes and the seriousness that the obstruction of the airway can cause, make a prompt visit to the vet who, by examining the cat and pertinent tests such as x-rays, ultrasounds or biopsies, you should determine the diagnosis and, consequently, the appropriate treatment.

My cat shakes when breathing

Lastly we mention a emotional cause that can explain why the cat trembles when breathing and also panting. It is about stress In this situation the cat will breathe quickly, agitated, superficial and with his mouth open, he will keep his pupils dilated, he will pass his tongue by the lips repeatedly and swallow saliva.

The first thing is Leave the cat alone and then look for the trigger of stress to avoid it or gradually get the cat used to it. A veterinarian specialized in feline behavior or a ethologist will be able to help us.
