DOMINANT species - Definition and examples

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DOMINANT species - Definition and examples
DOMINANT species - Definition and examples
Dominant Species – Definition and Examples
Dominant Species – Definition and Examples

An ecosystem or natural environment can house thousands of species due to the abundance of resources it can offer them. However, some species will be more abundant than others, just as some will fulfill more specific roles within the immense network of interactions that can be found in the same place.

This is of interest when studying ecosystems, both to find out their species composition and for their conservation. So much so, that some species will exercise a very large influence on their entire ecological environment, whether on other species or the structure of the environment where they live. Continue reading this article on our site and find out everything about the dominant species, as well as their characteristics.

What are dominant species?

A natural community is composed in such a way that its species influence the way the entire ecosystem functions. But not all of them have the same abundance and the disappearance of some will affect it more than others.

Although there is a wide variety of opinions among ecologists as to how to define a dominant species, we can say that it refers to the fact that one species is more abundant than another within a system However, this term also refers to the influence and control that some species have over others and over the entire structure of their community. Therefore, in addition to this, the role it plays in its environment will also define it as a dominant species, and many times these are key species for its ecosystem.

Characteristics of dominant species

In this way, we could summarize the characteristics of the dominant species in this way:

  • They are the most abundant species within a system.
  • They consume a greater part of the resources, so they contribute with more productivity, that is, they produce more biomass (organic matter).
  • In general, they adapt better to the environment.
  • They are less likely to disappear from that community.
  • They are more resistant to diseases, except those that are very sensitive or vulnerable, for example, due to an outbreak by some pathogen.

So this role may be played by one or several species and may vary within each level of the food chain, since many Sometimes, for example, dominance is held by predatory species whose disappearance could affect the abundance of other species, such as some herbivores, for example.

Importance of dominant species

So, as we mentioned before, dominant species can have a significant impact on ecosystem functioning and community structure. That is why it is very important to identify the dominant species or species in a given community in order to determine the way in which research is carried out to conserve an environment or particular species. Thus, these types of organisms become vital for their environment and through research it will be possible to predict the potential impacts of the loss of species and other aspects of structural change in the ecosystems.

Because of all this, the identification of these species becomes important (although sometimes difficult) due to the loss of biodiversity that we currently have, as well as to understand how they would respond to changing environmental conditions. The fact that most of the dominant species are abundant does not guarantee their persistence over time, which often gives researchers false peace of mind, so it is important to monitor their abundance in time and space. In this way, many of these species also become key species, which adds value when it comes to their conservation.

You may also be interested in this other article on Umbrella Species - Definition and examples.

Examples of dominant species

Dominant species can be functional species or groups (species with a similar ecological role) that, as we mentioned, are influential in their environment, as well as common and conspicuous. They may be very abundant species and be defined by their large biomass, others may be dominant due to the role they play in their habitat or be predatory and competitive species. Next, we will show some of the most significant dominant species.

Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

During their migrations, they form schools of thousands of individuals, and are the food source of many predators, both marine and terrestrial. They are a very important piece in the food web that also contributes to the fertilization of the soil and the forest Their elimination could profoundly affect their entire ecosystem.

Dominant species – Definition and examples
Dominant species – Definition and examples

Wild or European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

This species of rabbit, in addition to being the only wild species present in Europe, represents a significant proportion of the diet of many predators, such as the lynx, whose diet is very specific and feeds largely of this species. On the other hand, the rabbit does not have an equivalent species that plays a similar ecological role, and its adaptability to almost any environment makes it a dominant and key species in the Mediterranean environments, since it also acts as an ecosystem engineer, that is, it models the landscape at a structural level.

However, we must not confuse the wild rabbits with the free ones, for this reason, we leave you this other article on Differences between rabbits and hares.

Dominant species – Definition and examples
Dominant species – Definition and examples

Mussels (many species)

Mussels are highly abundant organisms that compete for space between rocks in the intertidal zone of the North Pacific in the United States with other species, such as algae or barnacles, that also require a hard substrate to establish themselves. Due to their large biomass, they have the ability to expel these species in a very short time.

This is an example of a dominant species that, being a super competitor, limits the biodiversity of the ecosystem, since by having a high number of individuals, the diversity of species around them will be poor.

Dominant species – Definition and examples
Dominant species – Definition and examples

Crayfish (several species)

These animals play an important role in the processing of organic matter, as well as in the transformation and flow of energy. They have a great establishment success in various types of habitats, and this makes them behave as dominant species. It feeds at several of the trophic levels, since it is considered an opportunistic generalist and, in addition, it serves as food for many predators.

If you want to know more about these incredible crustaceans, here we leave you this other article on Types of crabs - Names and photographs.
