How to find a lost cat? - ALL THE STEPS

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How to find a lost cat? - ALL THE STEPS
How to find a lost cat? - ALL THE STEPS
How to find a lost cat?
How to find a lost cat?

Losing our cat is, without a doubt, a terrible and devastating experience. It is crucial to start looking for it as soon as possible, since the more time passes, the more difficult it will be to find it. If you don't know how to find a lost cat, in this article on our site we are going to help you in this search, reviewing the best tips to locate and attract your best friend. If your cat is lost you can share your photo in the comments in case someone has seen it. Good luck!

Behavior of a lost cat

First of all, if your cat or cat has not been neutered, he or she may run away from home in search of conspecifics of the opposite sex during the mating season. If so, it will most likely be back in a matter of hours or days. The problem with this situation is not only the uncontrolled birth of litters of kittens. On these outings our cat can fight with others, contract incurable diseases, such as feline immunodeficiency, or suffer abuse or mistreatment. To avoid this, castration is recommended as part of responsible ownership.

On the other hand, if the cat has run away or fallen and has never been outside, it is most likely that he is very scared or even hurt, if he has had a major fall. In these cases, it is common for it to seek a hiding place in the vicinity where it remains crouched, sometimes emitting pitiful meows. It's more likely to be at night when you go out, if you can. A frightened cat could be between 1-2 days without moving and its behavior, once it does, will depend on its character, that is, on whether it is more or less curious, sociable, shy, etc.

Other specimens, especially if they are used to going outdoors, may explore the environment, search for food and move away from home. If there are colonies of cats in the area, it is normal for them to be expelled by those cats, since they are very territorial. If for some reason you do not return home, for example because you are injured or trapped, it will be more difficult to predict where you may have gone. On the other hand, some cats are able to find their way back home and show up at home on their own some time later.

As we can see, the cat's lifestyle and character help us to focus the search on hiding places or in places farther from home. Do not forget that many cats on the street behave the same as at home In other words, if your cat is very sociable, it is more likely that he will seek to approach the people, making it easier for someone to catch it and transfer it, for example, to a clinic or shelter. For the most reserved, you will have to think about using trap cages. In addition, cats can remain hidden and without eating for a while, but when they are hungry they will be more likely to look for people, food or meow if they hear us. That is why we must insist.

How to find a lost cat? - Behavior of a lost cat
How to find a lost cat? - Behavior of a lost cat

How far can a lost cat go?

Occasionally there are cases in the news of cats that have traveled hundreds of kilometers to return home after being lost. It is possible, but it is not the most common. In general, to search for a lost cat we can talk about a maximum radius of 2-5 kmAlthough, if you are not used to the street, it is normal for you to hide near the place where you fell or left your home and no more than 1 km away.

How to find a lost cat? - How far can a lost cat travel?
How to find a lost cat? - How far can a lost cat travel?

How to find a lost cat?

Below we explain the steps to follow if we want to find a lost cat. Taking into account the character of our feline and how it can behave on the street, it will be convenient to prioritize one or the other actions. On the other hand, you must report the disappearance to the corresponding registry if the cat is microchipped. This way, if he shows up, they won't be able to accuse you of abandoning him. Otherwise, it makes no difference if you're wondering how to find a lost cat with a chip. These tips are as valid as for cats without a chip.

Ask around the neighborhood

As soon as you discover the loss of your cat, walk around your home calling it by name, although it is not very likely that it will come, since it is usually very scared. Start the search by tracking the zones closest to your home Then, gradually increase the area to check. Talk to all neighbors and merchants to inform them and ask for access to their gardens or garages. Leave them your contact in case they see it.

Search in hiding places

It is unlikely that you will find your cat in an open space. He will be hiding, so you should look anywhere that can provide him with shelter. Check every corner well, even if it seems impossible that a cat has gotten there. This includes both ground and heights

Use social networks

Networking is a great way to reach lots of people. Prepare a publication in which you include your photo, your name, your description with the most important details and a contact telephone number. If you have, put the chip number. It is recommended offer a reward Spread the post on all your accounts publicly and ask for it to be shared. Send it to animal associations, lost animal groups, kennels, Seprona, etc.

Contact protectors

Call the animal shelters or kennels in your area and provide all the information about your cat. If they pick one up, they can check if it's yours. Repeat the call or visit them every two or three days Sometimes they are so busy that they don't always have time to check for lost animals among arrivals, especially if they don't they have a microchip.

Hang posters

This is an effective way to reach people in the area who don't handle social networks. Make a poster including the same information that you have put on the internet, that is, the photo of your cat, its name, a short description, your name and your contact information. Check the posters and replace those that are damaged.

Visit veterinary clinics

Call or visit all the surrounding clinics. Especially if your cat is injured, it is possible that someone has picked it up and taken it to a veterinary clinic. Ask and send or leave them the poster with all the information.

To insist

Repeat all actions mentioned periodically and step by step. Your cat could appear at any time, even if time has passed. Do not be discouraged or afraid of being heavy. You never know who might give you a clue or where your cat might be.

How to find a lost cat? - How to find a lost cat?
How to find a lost cat? - How to find a lost cat?

How to attract a lost cat?

If you locate your cat, it will not always be enough to call him and have him come to your arms or approach and hold him yourself. Some will be so scared that they may even run away and hide more. So approach him crouching and speaking softly to him and carry a carrier with a blanket that smells like his home, as well as food. Sometimes a can or some cat treats are served.

If the cat is so scared that it won't come closer, we can place a trap cage, with appetizing food inside, to try catch it. It must be checked constantly so that the cat does not remain locked up too long and to free anyone who is not ours. If you need more tips on how to attract a lost cat, don't miss our article How to catch a cat?
