How to find my lost dog? - Steps to follow

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How to find my lost dog? - Steps to follow
How to find my lost dog? - Steps to follow
How to find my lost dog?
How to find my lost dog?

Losing your dog is hard and distressing, especially if you live in a state that allows animal sacrifice. For this reason we recommend that you act quickly and firmly to prevent something bad from happening to him.

On our site we want to help you find your beloved pet, for this reason we are going to share with you some steps that every owner who has lost a dog should follow. Read on to learn how to find a lost dog and don't forget to comment and share your pet's photo. Good luck!

Search the area where you got lost

Try to remember the last place you saw your dog for the last time (or that you know of) and start combing area. To speed up the search you can go by bicycle. Ideally, you should ask for help from a group of friends or family for greater effectiveness. Don't forget to scream his name, he might be hiding.

He comes with treats, a sound toy that he identifies as his own and even a familiar dog. Familiar and positive stimuli can help him perceive you. Ask people you meet if they have seen a dog with certain characteristics. A photo on your mobile can help you.

How to find my lost dog? - Search the area where it was lost
How to find my lost dog? - Search the area where it was lost

Share it in the social media

To start you must share the news of your dog's disappearance on your twitter and facebook profile(without privacy) so that he can reach the whole world. Indicate some personal details such as his name, photograph, area where he was lost… Then you must ask them to share your publication

In addition to your own profiles, you can continue posting in groups of lost dogs in your city, groups of abandoned animals or forums in which regular publications are observed.

How to find my lost dog? - Share it in the social media
How to find my lost dog? - Share it in the social media

Call the animal shelter

Contact your nearest kennel or animal shelter to see if your dog has made it there. Explain what your dog is like in detail, leave your phone, and most importantly: ask them to take chip number note.

If you have no luck you can continue contacting other shelters further away. Dogs can sometimes travel enormous distances.

How to find my lost dog? - Call the animal shelter
How to find my lost dog? - Call the animal shelter

Think of places I could go

Have you lived somewhere else? Is it an adopted dog? If you answered "Yes" to either of these two questions, ask yourself another: Where do you think he would go?

Try to think of all the possible places your dog would go if he could. Do not underestimate their ability to navigate, some dogs have come to travel up to 20 kilometers to their destination.

How to find my lost dog? - Think of places you could go
How to find my lost dog? - Think of places you could go

Hang up banners

Prepare signs to hang in the area where you last saw your dog. Don't forget to add the following information:

  • A picture of the dog
  • Dog's name
  • A little description
  • Your name
  • Two contact telephone numbers

Don't forget that a reward can encourage someone to help you look for your dog.

How to find my lost dog? - Hang posters
How to find my lost dog? - Hang posters

Go to veterinary clinics

Especially if it has fallen into the hands of a kind person, your dog may end up in a veterinary clinic. Don't forget to go with the signand leave the information there in case your dog shows up. Remember that, in principle, the vet should call you if he reads the chip and does not identify the client as the owner.

How to find my lost dog? - Go to veterinary clinics
How to find my lost dog? - Go to veterinary clinics

If you still can't find him…

Don't lose your nerve, we recommend that you go through the whole process again. Visit shelters, kennels and clinics again: your dog can appear at any moment.

Take advantage of the reach of social networks and try to be original and create a video or publication that can go viral. If you see that it doesn't work, you can always pay a small amount to reach more people.

We wish you the best of luck and may you find your best friend soon

How to find my lost dog? - If you still can't find him…
How to find my lost dog? - If you still can't find him…

If you find your dog…

We hope you finally find your dog, and if so, don't forget to follow these tips:

  • Put an identification chip with your updated mobile and contact details.
  • Use a physical tag on the dog's collar where the name of the animal and your contact telephone number appear.
  • Don't let him loose in parks and public spaces if you think he might run away again.
  • Work education with him to prevent this from happening again.
  • Watch and be attentive during walks.
