High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment

High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
High Cholesterol in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
High Cholesterol in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cholesterols are essential fats that all animals need to properly develop their bodies and maintain a balanced metabolism. Although cholesterol has gained a certain "bad fame" thanks to the consequences of its high levels in the bloodstream, it is one of the lipids that the body produces naturally and is present in practically all cells, participating in digestion, the synthesis of vitamin D and the production of hormones.

The problem arises when blood cholesterol levels are constantly excessive, characterizing a clinical picture called hyperlipidemia or hypercholesterolemia Although it usually affects much more frequently to humans, dogs can also be diagnosed with high cholesterol.

In this article on our site, we will tell you more about the symptoms, causes and prevention for high cholesterol in dogs Of course, we emphasize that hyperlipidemia, as well as any other disease or he alth problem, can only be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian. Therefore, do not offer natural remedies or home solutions, or self-medicate your best friend without the prior guidance of a trained professional.

What does it mean that our dog has high cholesterol?

The term "high cholesterol" is popularly used to refer to the clinical condition called hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipidemia, which is characterized by the constant presence of excessive levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

In this sense, it is essential to differentiate a eventual or temporary elevation from a picture of hyperlipidemia. When eating or experiencing complicated situations (high stress, fear, etc.), it is normal for dogs to show an increase in blood cholesterol. However, these levels should normalize after a few hours of feeding or the negative context.

But if we talk about a case of triglycerides and high cholesterol in dogs, we observe that the levels of fats in the bloodstream remain high after having performed blood tests in a fasting context from 8 to 12 h.

Causes of high cholesterol in dogs

As it happens with people, high cholesterol in dogs can have different causes. Therefore, it is essential to have the experience and knowledge of a veterinarian who, with the help of technology, will be able to evaluate the specific cause of hypercholesterolemia in each patient.

In general, high cholesterol in dogs is usually associated with congenital anomalies, metabolic problems or an inappropriate diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Below, we summarize the causes and risk factors that may be associated with hyperlipidemia in dogs:

  • Pregnancy: pregnant dogs can be especially vulnerable to developing hyperlipidemia, so we must pay special attention to nutrition of a pregnant dog and the appropriate exercises for the period of gestation and lactation;
  • Nephrotic syndrome: this is a degenerative disease that affects the kidneys and is characterized by complex symptoms that include hyperlipidemia, proteinuria and interstitial edema. It usually develops from a complication of glomerular kidney disease (GERD) in dogs.
  • Unbalanced diet, with an excess of foods rich in fat, meat, dairy or industrialized products.
  • Sedentary lifestyle or poor physical activity, that is, when the dog does not perform the exercises that he demands to maintain optimal he alth and balanced behavior
  • Problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland (especially canine hypothyroidism).
  • Diabetes.
  • Abnormal and excessive activity of the adrenal glands.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Colestasis: consists of total or partial obstruction of the bile ducts that is usually related to liver or pancreas problems.
  • Old age: Older dogs tend to show a greater predisposition to accumulate fat in their body and need special care with their diet and physical activity. They may also be more vulnerable to numerous illnesses and certain behavioral problems. Therefore, it is essential to provide proper care for elderly dogs, as well as effective preventive medicine.
High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of high cholesterol in dogs
High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of high cholesterol in dogs

Symptoms of high cholesterol in dogs

High cholesterol in dogs is usually a silent disease, whose first signs are not very specific and difficult to recognize in our best friends. For this reason, many dogs are only diagnosed when their symptoms are more advanced. This is also why it is essential to carry out preventative consultations with the vet to carry out the necessary blood tests and guarantee the optimal state of he alth of our furry friends.

Below, we list the symptoms that are often associated with high cholesterol in dogs:

  • Bruises or skin patches.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Formation of orange or yellowish lumps on your skin, which are filled with fat (known as dermal xanthomas).
  • Seizures.
  • Alterations in the nervous system (which can lead to alterations in their habitual behavior).

Treatment for high cholesterol in dogs

When you observe one of these symptoms in your best friend or any change in their appearance or behavior, do not hesitate to go quickly to the veterinary clinic. A trained professional will be able to carry out the necessary tests to confirm the diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia, as well as establish an appropriate treatment according to the needs of your furry friend.

Very likely, the vet will recommend a change in your furry's diet and exercise routine, in order to control cholesterol levels and improve your quality of life. Typically, adult patients with hyperlipidemia adopt a specific high cholesterol dog food or diet that is high in fiber (which helps metabolize cholesterol molecules), low in fat (maximum 10%), and high in protein. quality.

Depending on your dog's he alth and cholesterol levels, the vet will assess the need to administer specific drugs or natural supplementsthat help reduce blood fat levels and prevent the development of diseases and complications related to high cholesterol in dogs.

Can a dog be given Danacol?

Due to the benefits of this product in humans to lower high cholesterol levels, many people wonder if they can also give it to their furry ones. The truth is that dogs can eat plain yogurt because it is an excellent source of probiotics, but when we talk about its liquid version and, moreover, made especially for humans, we do not recommend offering itSo, as we said, it is best to go to the vet so that the specialist can determine how to lower high cholesterol in your dog.

High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Treatment for high cholesterol in dogs
High cholesterol in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Treatment for high cholesterol in dogs

How to avoid high cholesterol in dogs?

Preventing high cholesterol in dogs is not only possible, but it is essential to offer an excellent quality of life to our best friends. The best preventive measure is to provide complete and balanced nutrition to our furry friends, taking into account their age, size, state of he alth and the specific needs of their body.

To do this, the ideal is to always have the guidance of a veterinarian when deciding the best diet for our dogs. In addition, we should never offer prohibited foods for dogs, as well as greasy, fried or industrialized human foods.

It will also be essential to offer an active lifestyle to our dogs, giving them the opportunity to exercise regularly with at least 2 or 3 walks a day 30 to 40 minutes. On the other hand, preventive visits to the vet every 6 months will allow us to control the state of he alth of our faithful companions, as well as to diagnose any imbalance in their organism early.
