High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

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High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
High Urea in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
High Urea in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Sometimes we need to do a blood test on our dog. It may be because he is sick and we are trying to reach a diagnosis or as part of a complete check-up, which is recommended for dogs older than seven years. Within the parameters analyzed in a blood test is urea.

In this article on our site we will explain what high urea means in dogs, since it is usually the most frequent alteration of this parameter, although it can also appear low, as we will see.


urea is a component of urine and is the residue generated by the metabolism of proteins that takes place in the human body, mainly in the liver Thus, the urea present in the urine is the result of this metabolism and, also, of the decomposition of cells in the body.

From the liver it passes to the kidneys and from these it is eliminated in the form of urine. If there is a problem in these organs, it will result in alterations in the level of urea. In a diet with an excess of proteins we could also find elevated urea. The accumulation of urea supposes the presence of toxic substances in the body, which is known as uremic syndrome or uremia

High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Urea
High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Urea

Symptoms of high urea in dogs

A elevated urea can cause our dog to present the following symptoms:

  • Increase in water intake which can be associated with an increase in the amount of urine eliminated, that is, we will notice that the dog urinate more and more times a day. If we don't give him enough opportunities to do it in the right places he will pee inside the house
  • Dehydration, despite drinking more.
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea, in some cases with blood.
  • Smell of ammonia on the breath, very characteristic, sometimes accompanied by wounds inside the mouth.
  • Loss of appetite, resulting in weight loss.
  • Bad condition of the mantle.
  • There may be edema, that is, accumulation of fluid in different parts of the body.

If we observe any of these symptoms in our dog we should go to the vet as they are signs compatible with different alterations. The blood tests, urine and, if applicable, ultrasounds, X-rays, etc. they are the ones that will allow us to reach the diagnosis.

It is important to know that high urea and creatinine usually appear in dogs, that is, the existence of pathology manifests itself with the increase of both parameters at the same time. Phosphorus is also elevated. These values indicate how the renal system is functioning.

Treatment of high urea in dogs

The tests carried out by our veterinarian will allow us to find out the cause of the elevated urea, which is what we will have to try to get the return to normal values, if possible. A high urea accompanied by a creatinine also high and symptoms like those described usually indicate that our dog suffers from kidney disease, which can manifest itself acutely or suddenly or, on the contrary, appear gradually, chronically.

The treatment of this pathology involves keeping the animal hydrated, offering it a diet with protein from quality and in adequate quantity and treat symptoms such as vomiting.

Sometimes the dog may recover but there is a possibility that irreversible kidney damage has occurred and our dog may become chronic kidney diseaseThese dogs, in addition to the indicated treatment, need close veterinary follow-up Chronic kidney failure is not curable, so we must concentrate on keeping the dog with the best possible quality of life.

High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of high urea in dogs
High urea in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of high urea in dogs

Low urea in dogs

Although it is more common for tests to reveal high urea in dogs, it is also possible that this parameter is decreased, which may be indicative of liver failure.

In this case, the parameters related to liver function will also be altered and the dog will present symptoms such as weight loss, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea, polydipsia and polyuria, that is, an increase in water intake and in the elimination of urine, abdominal distension due to accumulation of liquid (ascites) or, very characteristic, jaundice, which is the yellowish coloration of the mucous membranes due to accumulation of bile that cannot be properly eliminated due to a diseased liver.

Hemorrhages and oedemas and neurological symptoms may also occur as a result of poor elimination of toxic substances (hepatic encephalopathy). Requires veterinary treatment and proper nutrition.
