The best birds to have at home

Table of contents:

The best birds to have at home
The best birds to have at home
The best birds to keep at home
The best birds to keep at home

If you are thinking of having a pet at home, you should know that birds are also a good option, since their attractive color and the song of some can be interesting. The variety of existing birds is immense; however, not all of them are suitable for living with people, either because of their size, their habits, or their state of conservation.

When you have one at home, always make sure that it is not in danger, to prevent you from contributing to illegal trafficking Do you want to know what the best birds to keep at home? Then you can't miss the next article. Discover the most popular and recommended birds on our site:

1. Parrot

Scientifically known as Psittacoidea, parrots are probably the most popular exotic domestic birds, not only for their beautiful plumage, but also for their their intelligence or their ability to imitate sounds. Their diet is omnivorous and, although it is true that their main food source is fruits and seeds, they also enjoy all kinds of insects and even meat. In addition, his sociable and caring personality is attractive to many.

They require a spacious cage, but it should also be noted that they must be able to fly freely around the home most of the day, which You will avoid many behavioral problems, many of them related to stress and confinement. They are very intelligent animals, capable of learning tricks and even words. They are recommended for experienced owners in the possession of this type of animal, since they tend to be very talkative and, in most cases, require the handling of a guardian experienced.

If, despite not being an experienced parrot owner, you are considering adopting one, we recommend you discover what the macaw is like as a pet and consult an exotic animal veterinarian beforehand to find out how to feed it care or educate him.

The best birds to have at home - 1. Parrot
The best birds to have at home - 1. Parrot

two. Common Parakeet

The Common Parakeet, also known as Melopsittacus undulatus is probably one of the most popular small domestic birds in homes around the world, so this could be a good option if you are a beginner Their diet is simple, based mainly on fruits and seeds.

They are very sociable animals, so we recommend having at least two, preferably a male and a female, because if both belong to the same gender tend to be unfriendly to each other. Although it is one of the best-known domestic birds for children, we must ensure that the handling of the little ones is appropriate, as they could very easily harm them, being such small and sensitive animals.

The space designated for them should be large, with a nest, water and food containers, and handles where they can hang. Ideally, these objects should be cleaned daily, but don't worry, spraying a little water with baking soda and drying with a damp cloth is quite effective for this daily cleaning. Find out more about them in Australian parakeet care.

The best birds to have at home - 2. Common parakeet
The best birds to have at home - 2. Common parakeet

3. Domestic Canary

The canary or Serinus canaria domestica is the songbird par excellence in homes, since it has been domesticated for centuries. It is a very intelligent bird, capable of learning different rhythms, as long as it listens to them repeatedly. The canary's diet is varied and is mainly based on feed and canary seed, but also includes some vegetables such as green shoots, broccoli or carrots.

Although they are very cheerful animals that love to sing, they tend to have a somewhat insecure personality, so it is recommended to offer them a large and comfortable space, where they have a nest or hiding place where they can take refuge when needed.

The canary is one of the most popular birds recommended to have at home, but we must point out that cold climates can be somewhat harmful, as it is a tropical climate bird. If you want to continue discovering more about this wonderful songbird, do not hesitate to consult the care of the domestic canary.

The best birds to have at home - 3. Domestic canary
The best birds to have at home - 3. Domestic canary

4. Nymph

The Nymphicus hollandicus is an exotic bird that belongs to the cockatoo family. He is an animal affectionate with his human companions, as well as intelligent. Their plumage is striking, with vibrant tones, where most have a gray or white body, accompanied by a voluptuous yellow crest, just like their heads, and small reddish spots under the eyes and beak.

These birds love to be entertained, so it's important to have all kinds of toys that they can use for fun. Similarly, they enjoy singing and humming. During the day they love to roam free around the house, but when it's time to sleep it is necessary to keep them in a covered cage, quite spacious, since they are very skittish. With regard to their diet, it is mainly made up of birdseed, feed, fruits and vegetables.

Without a doubt, the nymph is one of the best birds to tame, mainly because of its sociability. Discover more about this species in the care of the Carolina nymph.

The best birds to have at home - 4. Nymph
The best birds to have at home - 4. Nymph

5. Lovebirds

The Agapornis is known for being a faithful bird, both to its partner and to its human companions, which is why it has also received the name "inseparable". Of loving personality, it will always seek to be by your side, whether to play, snuggle or peck at your head, so it is a highly recommended bird if you have children in House.

However, it is not indicated if you are looking for birds that are not very noisy, as the lovebird is especially talkative and requires constant attention Especially if it is Imprinted, the lovebird can go through a somewhat troublesome "adolescence" stage, as it tends to constantly rampage by your side.

Your diet is mainly based on seeds, fruit and vegetables, in addition to the vitamins that spending time in the sun offers you. Environmental enrichment for birds is especially important for this type of bird, which needs regular entertainment and socializing to be happy.

The best birds to have at home - 5. Lovebirds
The best birds to have at home - 5. Lovebirds

6. Cockatoo

The Cockatiel comes from Australia and Asia. In the animal world it is easy to recognize it, due to its enormous crest, its rounded beak and its colors, mostly white and gray. What you should keep in mind the most when adopting a cockatoo is attention, since they are very sociable birds and love contact with humans or other birds of their kind. This is not a minor detail, since if they spend too much time alone they get depressed

If they feel comfortable, they will seek to interact with you, be it biting you with their beak affectionately, imitating your voice and even perching on your shoulder. In addition, they are very funny, because they love to whistle, hum songs, and even dance! They just need a little rhythm and you will see their movements. As for their diet, they require fruits, especially peaches, pears, apples, among others.

The cockatoo is a bird recommended for people experienced in keeping large birds and for this reason it is not one of the most appropriate birds as a "pet" for children. Nor is it a bird that should spend all day in the cage, as it requires socializing and flying freely around the home for most of the day.

The best birds to have at home - 6. Cockatoo
The best birds to have at home - 6. Cockatoo

General recommendations

Before adopting a bird at home, we must be aware that l small cages are not at all recommended and that, currently, Many associations and organizations point out that these types of residences cause stress and anxiety in these sensitive animals. Although the cages are necessary to protect them at night or at times when we open the windows, inside the home it is best to let them fly freely In this way form, they will fully develop and be much happier. Of course, if there are other pets or children in the home, it is essential to be careful and ensure the safety of the bird.

At home, it is best to allocate a space to build a nest, place water, drinkers and a box for the needs, as well as elements where the bird can climb with its legs, fly and swing. Exercise is very important, in addition to the relaxation that fun provides, and the natural exploration of spaces. All these elements will make your bird a happy bird

In addition, it is important to point out that when adopting a bird it is advisable to verify that it is not a endangered species to not contribute to their traffic. The most advisable thing is to look directly for bird adoption centers.
