When to change the food from puppy to adult? - Expert tips

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When to change the food from puppy to adult? - Expert tips
When to change the food from puppy to adult? - Expert tips
When to change the feed from puppy to adult?
When to change the feed from puppy to adult?

The nutritional needs of dogs change throughout their development, that is, a puppy does not need the same amounts of nutrients as an adult dog or an elderly dog. For this reason, we must change our best friend's diet as he turns years. But when to switch from puppy to adult?

The best time to modify a puppy's food depends on its breed, its size and the individual itself. If you want to know at what age to change the dog food from puppy to adult in dogs, don't miss this article on our site in which we tell you in detail why, how and when to carry out this process.

Puppy feeding

A puppy should not eat the same as an adult or an elderly person, since their nutritional requirements are different. So Is it bad to give a puppy adult dry food? The answer is yes A puppy is in full growth. He grows very quickly and steadily, so he needs to consume more calories and protein than an adult.

In addition, a puppy requires a greater amount of certain nutrients, especially minerals such as calcium or phosphorus, which ensure optimal bone growth. In this way, if a puppy does not take all the nutrients that he needs, he can suffer defects in his physical and / or cognitive development. The same happens if you take an excess of certain nutrients, something that can predispose you to certain diseases.

If you have just adopted a puppy and you don't know what I intend to choose or you have noticed that the current food does not suit him at all, in the Lenda brand you will find products that will help you ensure that your puppy develop properly. Thus, you have Lenda Puppy for small and medium-sized puppies and Lenda Puppy Maxi for large puppies. It is a complete and balanced diet, designed to reinforce the growth and cognitive development of this stage of life. Thanks to natural and high-quality ingredients, your puppy will get all the nutrients he needs, becoming a strong and he althy adult.

Why switch from puppy to adult?

Dogs' diets must not only be appropriate for their species, but every dog is different and we must adapt their diet to your nutritional needs. These depend on your race, your gender, your he alth status, your lifestyle, your reproductive status and, of course, your age.

It is very important to offer our best friend a suitable feed for the stage of development in which he is, whether he is a puppy, adult or senior. At each stage, the dog's body undergoes a series of changes that cause modifications in its nutritional requirements.

When a puppy reaches maturity, he stops growing and as a result requires different nutrient ratios. Therefore, we must replace the feed for puppies with another for adults. A puppy food is too high in calories and the nutrient ratios are not suitable for adults, which can lead to obesity and other he alth problems.

Therefore, it is also It is bad to give puppy food to an adult. Therefore, below, we will tell you how and when to change the puppy to adult feed.

At what age to switch from puppy to adult food?

When our puppy becomes an adult dog, it is very important to make the change of diet at the most appropriate time, in this way we will avoid growth problems or malnutrition. But when to switch from puppy to adult food? We should do it only when the dog has completed itsphysical and sexual development.

On average, a dog reaches maturity when he is approximately 1 year old. However, the exact age can range from 9 months to 2 years, depending on the breed and the individual. Small-sized or small-breed dogs tend to mature earlier, while large- and giant-sized dogs complete their development later.

Therefore, it is best to consult a veterinarian before making such an important decision. This professional will assess the state of development of your dog and will tell you the best time to change his puppy food for an adult one. In addition, the veterinarian can advise you on what is the most suitable food for your dog according to its individual characteristics.

If you have doubts when choosing the best food for your dog in this new stage, take a look at this other article on How to choose a good dog food.

How to change the feed from puppy to adult?

Changing a dog's food abruptly can cause it to reject the new food, as well as allergies or even gastrointestinal problems (vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, etc.). Both dogs and their intestines need to gradually adapt to the new food, so it is very important to introduce it little by little into their diet. In this way, we can also better control the appearance of allergic reactions and/or food intolerances. Some dogs may be allergic to certain components of common feed. This is another reason why we should never give them new foods abruptly.

To change the puppy food to adult, mix some of the adult food with the puppy food. We start by adding about 1/4 adult feed mixed with about 3/4 puppy feed. If there is no allergic reaction or vomiting or changes in their stool, each day we increase the percentage of feed for adult dogs a little until it reaches 100%.

If during the feed change your dog suffers from prolonged constipation, diarrhea or vomiting, he could have some type of food allergy or intolerance. In this case, it is very important that you stop giving the new feed and go to a veterinary clinic so that they can check if your dog has suffered an allergic reaction to any component of the feed. If so, they will recommend a hypoallergenic food.
