What to do when your dog growls?

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What to do when your dog growls?
What to do when your dog growls?
What to do when your dog growls?
What to do when your dog growls?

Dogs have a limited verbal communication language compared to that of humans, however, growling is a very useful system that allows them to understand they don't like something.

In this article on our site we will help you identify the problem that affects your dog and we will give you some basic tips so that you can regain confidence with him. Remember that it is very important not to scold himbecause then we eliminate his natural communication system and he can bite without warning.

Discover what to do when the dog growls either during play, in the presence of children and babies, when petting him or when he has any toy in mouth:

Why do dogs growl?

Dogs growl at each other and growl at us to express something they don't like. A tail pull, aggressive behavior or excessive punishment can cause a dog to growl at us, it is its way of saying: Enough is enough!

When a dog growls it is very important not to touch him (since he could bite us) or punish him. Scolding him when he growls can cause him to bite directly instead of warning For this reason it will be essential to identify the causes that have caused him to growl and treat the problem on that basis.

You should know that it is very important to work on these types of problems in the hands of a professional such as a canine educator. If our dog has a behavior for a long time and gets used to repeating it, modifying acquired habits will be much more complicated: you must start as soon as possible.

Here are some tips and tricks so you know how to start working while you wait for the professional's visit, which is essential. Of course, remember the following:

  • Remove the punishment
  • Use only positive reinforcement
  • Don't touch him when he growls
  • Don't scold him if he growls
  • Observe his behavior
  • Identifies the context

The dog growls playfully

In this situation the dog growls as part of the game when struggling with a teether or trying to nibble our fingers. It is typical of a moment of recreation. To affirm that the animal is playing we must observe a positive and patient behaviour, never aggressive, trembling or reactive. If our dog emits slight growls without harming us and with a playful attitude, it means that our dog understands that he is playing with us.

This can also happen when your dog interacts with other dogs: they growl and pretend to nibble without hurting themselves. This behavior is appropriate and typical of the nature of dogs.

What to do when your dog growls? - The dog growls playing
What to do when your dog growls? - The dog growls playing

The dog growls when he eats

If your dog growls when there is food in the way when you approach, the animal undoubtedly has a resource protection problem Through the growl is alerting us not to get close to the food, otherwise it can bite. The dog guards its food as a basic survival instinct.

Resource guarding is when a dog attempts to guard and claim a certain object. We usually talk about food, toys or his bed. It will depend on each case. If your dog has resource protection with food, you will have to work with him and his food on a daily basis. To begin with, it is very important do not scold himYou should allow your dog to growl when he deems it necessary, it is his natural form of communication

Get yourself some tasty food (such as frankfurter, natural menu or any other delicacy you like) and we'll start offering it directly from our hand with an open palm. By carrying out this behavior, the dog understands that we are the ones who "provide the food." We will repeat this behavior on a regular basis, practicing obedience and offering him lots of treats whenever he does it right.

Another trick will be to use the searching or planting It consists of spreading treats on the ground (preferably in a clean or wooded place, not in the city) so that the dog looks for it and develops its sense of smell. It is another type of way of receiving food directly from us, this type of activity calms and benefits the dog. It is also indicated for dogs that nibble the hand when receiving treats.

The next step is going to be to get different food bowls (get cheap plastic ones) and place them all over the house. Every day you must offer him food in a different place, and very importantly: the dog must observe how we put food on him Before emptying the contents into the bowl you can give him some feed grains from your hand directly.

You will need to continue working on this problem with a professional.

What to do when your dog growls? -The dog growls when he eats
What to do when your dog growls? -The dog growls when he eats

The dog growls when he has something in his mouth

If your dog is one of those dogs that never let go of the toy and starts growling if we try to take it away, we are once again facing protection of resources. Do not try to take the toy from him, it is a clear warning not to get close, he may bite you.

We must start to work with him the command " drop or leave " so that he leaves the toy and allows us to retrieve it. Follow this simple step by step to achieve it:

  1. Get his favorite toy: a ball or a teether.
  2. Allows him to play with it for a while without trying to take it off.
  3. Get tasty treats (frankfurt, snacks, prizes…) must be something really delicious so that it can be compared with his favorite toy.
  4. Approach him and say "let go" while allowing him to sniff the food with a clenched fist.
  5. Once he releases the toy, congratulate him and give him the prize you were hiding in your hand.

At this point in the step by step a problem arises: the dog may not allow us to retrieve the toy and pick it up. It doesn't matter, you shouldn't force him. You will congratulate him every time he drops the toy and you will allow him to retrieve it without any problem, this way he will understand that you are not trying to take it away.

After working the "release" command for a while (as long as the dog needs) your dog will allow you to take the toy since he knows you are not trying to take it away. At that point you should give it to him again so that he continues to trust you and that you will always return his toy. The congratulations and words of praise can't be missing.

Trust, consistency and positive reinforcement are the keys to solving resource protection. Properly interpreting the dog's communication and being patient in its education will be basic. Of course, it is highly recommended that you go to a professional to help you in this process, especially if it seems complicated.

What to do when your dog growls? -The dog growls when he has something in his mouth
What to do when your dog growls? -The dog growls when he has something in his mouth

Dog growls when petted

Before claiming grunting as a behavior problem, it is important that you rule out any disease, which is usually the most likely cause of the grunting at physical contact. Hip dysplasia or a skin problem can be the cause of a dog's growling.

If the vet assures you that he has no physical problem, you should ask yourself what you have done to make your dog growl at you: Is he afraid of you? Do you use physical punishment on him?

Don't try to touch him if he doesn't want to You must gain the dog's trust by practicing obedience, using positive reinforcement, offering treats and verbal rewards your pet whenever you have the opportunity. It is preferable that you do not approach him and that little by little you gain confidence to force him, you will not get anything with pressure.

What to do when your dog growls? - Dog growls when petted
What to do when your dog growls? - Dog growls when petted

Dog growls at other dogs

We must differentiate very well the types of growls that occur between dogs:


During pipi-can play for example, two dogs may growl at each other as a natural form of communication to warn each other about the limits: "don't go overboard", "calm down" or "you hurt me" can be some of the meanings of the growl. They're totally normal and appropriate: dogs communicate like this.


However, if during the walk your dog growls and barks at other dogs in an aggressive and defiant way you are probably facinga reactivity problem either due to fear or other causes. It is important to avoid situations that cause serious stress and we must start educating him in calm situations so that he stops doing it.

How can we work on growling towards other dogs?

It is important to understand that This type of guidelines should be set by a professional A dog that is afraid of other dogs will need therapy, while those who have not been socialized will need another type of work. On the Internet you will find many different tips and techniques, what they do not explain to you is that not all of them are valid for all cases.

Only the professional can guide you and give you useful advice for your case. Don't trust those who haven't seen your dog in the first person. However, there are factors that can help you improve this problem:

  • Avoid the mistakes of the ride
  • Stroll during the quieter hours
  • Don't put pressure on him
  • Don't punish him
  • Use positive reinforcement
  • Practice obedience
What to do when your dog growls? - Dog growls at other dogs
What to do when your dog growls? - Dog growls at other dogs

Dog growls at children or babies

Believe it or not, many dogs tend to growl at children and babies as a result of a negative experience in the past (tail pulling, ear pulling…) it is very important that we adopt therelevant safety measures to avoid a possible accident: muzzle and leash always in the presence of children.

That's right, learn properly to know how you should get your dog used to the muzzle step by step. Otherwise, the dog would understand it as a punishment and the reactions could be worse.

Usually we are talking about fear. These types of cases should be de alt with by an experienced professional such as ethologists. Find a professional in your area to help you treat this problem before it gets worse.
