Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment

Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment
Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment
Pica Syndrome in Dogs - Behavior, Symptoms and Treatment
Pica Syndrome in Dogs - Behavior, Symptoms and Treatment

It is possible that you have observed in your dog a behavior that you are not able to understand and that causes you great discomfort: your pet eats everything within its reach, is this normal? The truth is that depending on each specific case, the situation can be normal or pathological, therefore it is important that as an owner you know more about this event.

If you want to know more about the behavior, symptoms and treatment of pica syndrome in dogs be sure to read this article on our site.

The pica syndrome

Pica syndrome is also known as pica behavior and is characterized by being a condition that manifests itself in the dog as an irremediable desire to ingest substances that are not are edible, such as feces, garbage, refuse, or other objects.

To determine if this behavior represents a real he alth problem, we must take into account the individual case of each dog as well as its age, because this behavior is normal in the puppies that begin to explore and learn about their surroundings.

On the other hand, in other cases it may be a behavior that must be treated, since otherwise, the life of our pet could be in danger if, for example, it ingests a poisonous substance.

Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment - Pica syndrome
Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment - Pica syndrome

Symptoms of pica syndrome in dogs

The behavior of a dog suffering from pica syndrome is very evident, since you will be able to observe that your pet ingests different objects that are not they are food, it is even possible that they have ingested clothes, coins, soil and even light bulbs. This behavior typical of this syndrome can trigger in the typical symptoms of the ingestion of strange bodies:

  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Bad breath
  • Lethargy or hyperactivity

Obviously if you observe these symptoms in your dog, it is recommended that you go to the vet as soon as possible, especially if you think that he may have ingested a dangerous substance.

Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of pica syndrome in dogs
Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of pica syndrome in dogs

When is treatment necessary?

Pica syndrome should only be understood as a physiological behavior in puppies and in mothers that have just given birth, in the following cases, the ingestion of non-edible objects is pathological and can have various causes:

  • Stress and boredom
  • Deficiency of some nutrient
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cushing's syndrome
  • Nutrient malabsorption disorders
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Stomach tumors

Due to the various causes that can hide behind this syndrome, if your dog is an adult and exhibits this behavior, you are undoubtedly facing a situation that requires professional treatment.

Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment - When is treatment necessary?
Pica syndrome in dogs - Behavior, symptoms and treatment - When is treatment necessary?

Treatment of pica syndrome in dogs

The treatment will depend on the cause that is causing the disorder, therefore, the first step to follow is to go to the veterinarian to rule out any organic situation that is responsible for this behavior.

If the cause is organic or physiological the veterinarian must carry out a treatment aimed at correcting these alterations, on the other hand, when the cause is psychological and this behavior has become an obsessive-compulsive habit, it is essential to have the help of an ethologist, that is, a specialist in the instinctive behavior of dogs.

You should think that the sooner the treatment of pica syndrome is started, the better the prognosis for its evolution. On the other hand, if we let time pass, this behavior can be noticed in the dog and have a more complex solution.
