Cold tail syndrome in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment

Cold tail syndrome in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Cold tail syndrome in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Cold Tail Syndrome in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Cold Tail Syndrome in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

We associate dogs with different images and perhaps the most typical of all of them is the movement of their tail, which, moreover, we mistakenly interpret as a sign of happiness. But sometimes, especially in certain dogs, this characteristic movement stops. This is what happens in cold tail syndrome in dogs

In this article on our site we will explain what this syndrome is due to, what it consists of and, more importantly, what is its treatment and how we can avoid it.

What is cold tail syndrome in dogs?

Cold tail syndrome is also known by the more technical name of acute coccygeal myopathy or Limber tail . It is a pathology, specifically a myopathy, that affects the muscle fibers of the tail. These fibers will appear damaged and atrophied after hyperextension followed by reduced blood flow to the area. The temperature of the tail drops by about 2-3 ºC with respect to that of the rest of the body.

This syndrome is considered to arise when there are certain causes combined with a genetic basis. This means that any dog can suffer from cold tail syndrome, but it is much more common in certain breeds due to its distinctive characteristics.

Causes of cold tail syndrome in dogs

The cold tail is mainly associated with working or hunting dogs. They are breeds such as the pointer, the Labrador, the beagle or the setter. The explanation is that the causes that are related to the appearance of this syndrome are more common to find in this type of dog. They are as follows:

  • Baths in very hot or, above all, very cold water.
  • Performance of very intense physical activity, especially if the dog is not in its best condition or has not been adequately prepared.
  • Staying in a closed space without leaving for a long time, especially in small enclosures such as cages or carriers where the dog is not able to stretch out comfortably.
  • Environments with a high degree of cold and humidity.
  • Places high above sea level.
  • Repeated tail shaking with excessive force.

In any case, swimming in cold water is considered the most common cause.

Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Causes Of Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs
Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Causes Of Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs

Symptoms of cold tail syndrome in dogs

The characteristic sign of the cold tail is clearly visible, since it is the flaccidity of the tail, which appears colgate. The dog is not able to lift it or move it, so it is common to see that the dog does not lift its tail and it hurts or has its tail down. The base is usually rigid in the first centimeters and it is common for the dog to show pain if we try to manipulate it. In addition, the dog may be lethargic and lick or bite the tail abnormally This may cause some injuries. All these symptoms have a variable duration that goes from a few hours to 10 days, being more normal that they last about three days on average.

Based on these symptoms and the history of the dog, the veterinarian can reach a diagnosis of this syndrome. In addition, blood tests, x-rays or much more specific tests such as magnetic resonance imaging, electromyography or computerized tomography can be done. These tests are aimed at ruling out other pathologies in doubtful cases.

Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs
Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs - Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Cold Tail Syndrome In Dogs

Treatment for cold tail syndrome in dogs

After diagnosis, treatment is simple and is based on only two pillars, which are rest and analgesia to prevent the maximum the pain of the dog and the consequent stress that this supposes. The veterinarian is the only professional trained to prescribe the appropriate drugs, as well as their dosage and administration schedule.

In dogs where pain is not appreciated, analgesia can be dispensed with, but it is recommended Applying heat or cold to the tail, as indicated by the veterinarian, and, of course, rest to help the recovery of the muscles that have been overloaded. Resting includes leaving the dog quiet so that it does not get excited to the point of needing to wag its tail to express it.

It is true that cold tail syndrome in dogs is a self-limiting pathology, that is, it will resolve itself in a matter of hours or days, but we help your improvement with rest and, if needed, painkillers. In any case, it is advisable that we always consult the veterinarian, since the diagnosis must be confirmed, since we could be facing other pathologies that present similar signs, such as trauma or fractures in the tail, prostatitis, impaction of the anal glands, problems in intervertebral discs, etc. Therefore, if you observe other symptoms or notice that your dog has a swollen tail, do not hesitate to go to the vet.

It is a curable pathology, but it is common for it to recur. To prevent it, the best option is to review its causes and avoid them as much as possible. For example, do not allow your dog to plunge into icy water or let him engage in strenuous physical activity without proper preparation and breaks. Don't keep it in cages or carriers on a regular basis either.
