Cold in dogs - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

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Cold in dogs - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Cold in dogs - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Cold in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Cold in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Dogs, just like us, get colds. Exposure to cold or certain viruses can cause your dog to catch a cold. It is not usually a dangerous disease. In fact, a mild cold in dogs can be overcome in a week with proper care. Like us, dogs with colds need to be warm, not wet, and fed properly.

However, if they don't receive this care, a minor cold can become serious and lead to complications. If your dog has been sneezing or coughing, he may have a cold. Read this article on our site and discover the symptoms of cold in dogs and how to act to cure it.

Cold symptoms in dogs

A cold is caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. In general, the symptoms are not serious, but we must pay attention to them, since we can confuse a simple cold with a serious respiratory problem or vice versa. If you are wondering how to know if my dog has a cold, these are the most common clinical signs, which can appear for 1-2 weeks, since the recovery time depends on each dog and the care it receives:

  • Cough.
  • Sneezing.
  • Congestion.
  • Runny nose.
  • Crying eyes.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • General discomfort.

In severe cases difficulty breathing or wheezing may be observed. It is also common for the dog to have a few tenths of fever The recommendation is to go to the vet as soon as possible. To discover how to take care of your dog when he has a few tenths of a fever, read also the article "Fever in dogs"

Cold in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Cold symptoms in dogs
Cold in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Cold symptoms in dogs

Causes of cold in dogs

As in humans, canine colds can be caused by various causes, for example, continuous exposure to cold or contact with sick dogs. That is why cold in dogs in summer is also possible.

The canine cold is related to viruses such as parainfluenza, very common and contagious, or to adenovirus type 2 Both viruses cause coughing, sneezing and other cold symptoms in dogs and can be detected in dogs with the so-called kennel cough.

Some cold symptoms can be confused with distemper, a highly contagious disease that also affects the respiratory system. That is why it is important to always observe our dog as soon as he begins to show some discomfort in order to rule out serious diseases. If you want to know more about this disease, we recommend our article on distemper in dogs.

Dog cold treatment

Once diagnosed, how is a dog cold cured? The truth is that there is no treatment, although some medications can be administered to alleviate the clinical signsIn any case, if you wonder what to give a dog with a cold, the answer is always to go to the vet.

At home we can implement a series of basic careto make the process more bearable for the dog, from which he should recover in a few days. Here are tips for treating a dog with a cold:

  • Keep him warm and dry Like us, during a cold the dog will be very susceptible to changes in temperature. It is recommended to place it next to the radiator and provide a warm bed. After outings, you have to dry their legs well.
  • Reduce walk time. Do not subject it to intense exercise. When dogs catch a cold they are more apathetic and do not want to play. Also avoid going out with him in the coldest hours of the day.
  • Encourage him to drink He may not drink or eat much during these days, but he must always have water and you should encourage him to drink, even in small amounts, since, due to the mucus, you will lose fluids and it is convenient to replace them. You can also offer chicken broth without s alt or fat.
  • Ensuring his rest Let him rest. Due to the character of some dogs we should not excite them or encourage them to play during these days. If they try they will run out quickly. After a period of rest they will begin to feel better and become more active.
  • Avoid contagion. If you have several dogs at home, it is very easy for them to get infected if one of them catches a cold. Try to keep them apart during these days.
  • Move away from smoke or dust. Tobacco smoke or any other smoke should always be avoided in the presence of our dog, but especially in these cases of respiratory problems.
  • Give him an extra vitamin C. You can help improve their defenses with vitamin C supplements. Consult the vet for it.
  • Offer him honey. If your dog coughs a lot you can give him a teaspoon of honey to relieve him. It is one of the most popular home remedies.

In a week or two you should fully recover. To avoid relapses, protect it from the cold and provide it with a good diet throughout the year. So your immune system will be strong to overcome any cold.

In serious cases your vet will treat your dog with drugs, for example antibiotics for bacterial infections. Do not self-medicate your dog ever. If you have doubts about the validity of syrups or any other medicine for dogs with colds, always consult your veterinarian.

Cold in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Dog cold treatment
Cold in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Dog cold treatment

When to go to the vet?

Usually, a normal cold is overcome in one or two weeks, but there may be cases in which we must go to the vet to rule out more serious illnesses or to request some treatment. If your case is any of the following, we recommend you go to your veterinarian:

  • Two weeks have passed and you see no improvement in your dog.
  • Expels blood in nasal discharge.
  • Not eating or drinking.
  • You hear a whistling sound in the chest of the dog breathing.
  • Finally, if your dog is elderly or a puppy you should always go to the vet. The defenses of these dogs are not like those of an adult and he althy specimen.
Cold in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - When to go to the vet?
Cold in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - When to go to the vet?

Can a dog infect a person with a cold?

The answer is negative. The cold can be contagious between dogs, but the viruses that are involved in its appearance will only affect other dogs, so they cannot infect their handlersOn the contrary, the same thing happens, that is, the common cold that people suffer from is caused by viruses, such as rhinoviruses, which are not going to infect our dogs.
