Gastroenteritis in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Duration

Gastroenteritis in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Duration
Gastroenteritis in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Duration
Gastroenteritis in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Duration
Gastroenteritis in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Duration

The term "gastroenteritis in dogs" is used to describe an inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract of the dog. It is relatively common and it is very important to learn to recognize the symptoms of gastroenteritis in order to act quickly.

In this article on our site we will explain what is gastroenteritis in dogs, the most frequent symptoms, the causes of its appearance, the duration of the pathology and the treatment to be applied. Remember that it is not uncommon for your dog to occasionally vomit or show liquid stools, however, if you consider your case to be very serious, it is best to go to the emergency vet as soon as possible.

What is gastroenteritis in dogs?

When we talk about canine gastroenteritis, also known as a gastrointestinal infection, we refer to an inflammation of the inner membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, such as it can be from small intestine or stomach

Mainly the gastric mucosa and the intestinal mucosa are affected. Likewise, the inflammation can be acute, persistent or chronic, something fundamental to take into account when determining the treatment and making a prognosis in the veterinary clinic.

Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - What is gastroenteritis in dogs?
Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - What is gastroenteritis in dogs?

Causes of gastroenteritis in dogs

Mucous membranes can be altered for different reasons, including the appearance of a virus, parasite or bacteria, for example, but there are other causes of gastroenteritis in dogs that should be highlighted:

  • Viral infection
  • Fungal infection
  • Bacterial infection
  • Parasitic infection
  • Ingestion of spoiled food
  • Ingestion of toxic plants
  • Ingestion of contaminated water
  • Contact with sick dogs
  • Prolonged stress situation
  • Reaction to an active ingredient or adjuvant

It may happen that we do not know exactly what caused the appearance of gastroenteritis in our dog. For this reason, we recommend controlling the dog's diet in detail, preventing it from eating food from the garbage, leftovers from our food or from the street.

Gastroenteritis in puppies

In puppies, the causes of gastroenteritis are the same, so it will be important to pay attention to all the symptoms to try to find the reason that causes it. Puppies are much more sensitive than adults because their immune system is not fully developed, so it is necessary to act quickly, especially if the cause is viral.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis in dogs

Any dog is susceptible to gastroenteritis, however, puppies, elderly dogs or those with a suppressed immune system are more likely to suffer from it. Next, we explain the most frequent symptoms of gastroenteritis in dogs:

  • Vomiting Constant foamy or bilious.
  • Diarrhea of loose or completely liquid stools.
  • Struggling to vomit, especially after eating and drinking.
  • Loss of appetite and thirst with obvious physical discomfort.
  • Dehydration, evidenced by dry mucous membranes and skin that does not return to its place.
  • Apathy and reluctance, the dog does not want to carry out its normal activities.
  • Abdominal cramps, evidenced by shrieks of pain or discomfort.
  • Rejection of manipulation of the abdominal area and hindquarters.
  • Fever onset.

In general, gastroenteritis in dogs is not fatal, however, since there are several causes that can cause it, it is possible for the animal to die from severe dehydration or from not treating the underlying cause. For example, canine parvovirus causes gastroenteritis and its mortality rate if left untreated is very high.

Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - Symptoms of gastroenteritis in dogs
Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - Symptoms of gastroenteritis in dogs

Symptoms of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs

If we observe the appearance of blood in the stool or vomitingof the dog we may be facing one of the symptoms of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis , in which case it will be essential to go to the vet urgently.

Is hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs curable?

A hemorrhage is severe internal blood loss that can lead to death and even cardiac arrest if not treated quickly. Even so, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs is usually cured if detected and treated early

How long does gastroenteritis last in dogs?

The duration of gastroenteritis in dogs is around 2-3 days Remember that gastroenteritis in dogsIt is not fatal and in some cases it is contagious, so it is advisable to follow a strict hygiene routine when handling your stools and personal objects.

We recommend using enzymatic products for floor hygiene, since bleach or ammonia make you want to urinate more on the floor. dog and the vapors they emit can cause dizziness and discomfort.

Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - How long does gastroenteritis in dogs last?
Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - How long does gastroenteritis in dogs last?

Does gastroenteritis spread from dogs to humans?

It all depends on what caused the gastroenteritis, but generally it doesn't spread from dogs to humansThe most common reasons for this inflammation are the ingestion of unsuitable or spoiled food, so that in these cases gastroenteritis could not be transmitted to another dog. On the other hand, in cases where it is caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites, we also find ourselves in most cases with diseases that are only transmitted between dogs. Therefore, in these cases gastroenteritis in dogs is spread from one to another but not to humans or other animals.

Especially if your dog has blood in the stool or vomits, we recommend asking the vet to carry out the necessary tests to find the cause. If it is viral, you must take the necessary measures to prevent other dogs from becoming infected.

How to cure gastroenteritis in dogs? - Treatment

Generally, when the clinical picture is mild, the cause that has caused the canine gastroenteritis is not known, so a symptomatic treatment is offered that helps alleviate the symptoms suffered by the dog, thus accelerating recovery.

1. Fast

Whether or not we know the cause of the vomiting, we must Withdraw food for 24 hours This way your stomach will rest after episodes of vomiting. Surely your dog during these first hours does not feel like eating, but even if he accepts food, as long as vomiting continues, it is better to keep fasting.

During these 24 hours never remove the water. After this fasting period, reintroduce the food in small amounts so that it does not strain your stomach. You will notice that after 2 or 3 days he begins to recover and eat normally.

two. Hydration

During illness our dog loses a lot of fluids and mineral s alts that is why it is important to combat dehydration. He must always have fresh and clean water and you must encourage him to drink so that he does not forget, bringing the bowl closer if necessary.

You can also offer him some Aquarius or a similar isotonic drink diluted with a little water. It will help you replenish lost mineral s alts. Remember that during fasting you should not remove the water. It is important that you drink as much as possible.

3. Bland diet

Before reintroducing his usual feed, it is highly advisable to offer him a bland diet for one or two days based on boiled rice and chicken that It will help settle your stomach. You can also get cans of gastrointestinal wet food sold at veterinary clinics or pet supply stores.

4. Antibiotics and medications for gastroenteritis in dogs

When we are faced with a more serious clinical picture, such as hemorrhagic or chronic gastroenteritis, the veterinarian will carry out the pertinent tests to find the cause Remember that it can be a viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infection, so depending on the origin of the gastroenteritis, the medications used will be one or the other. In this way, it is possible that the specialist opts for antibiotics, antiparasitics, antifungals, etc.

On the other hand, depending on the severity, it is possible that the animal needs to be admitted to the veterinary hospital to receive fluid therapy and be controlled at all times.

Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - How to cure gastroenteritis in dogs? - Treatment
Gastroenteritis in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and duration - How to cure gastroenteritis in dogs? - Treatment

Home treatment for gastroenteritis in dogs

There are some home remedies for gastroenteritis in dogs that we can use to promote a faster recovery, however, on our site we recommend always consulting a veterinarian:

  • Probiotics: are administered when the dog is fasting and contain beneficial bacteria that help balance the intestinal flora. There are some products that also help stop diarrhea.
  • Chamomile tea: we can administer small amounts of chamomile tea to our dog to help calm the digestive system and relieve inflammation suffering.
  • Pumpkin: helps improve intestinal transit and contains fiber, so it can be very beneficial in case of persistent diarrhoea. We can mix it with rice and chicken, although if our dog is especially sensitive it is best to include it once the vomiting and diarrhea stop.

When is it time to go to the vet?

Mild gastroenteritis can be treated at home, but sometimes complications can arise. If your case is one of the following, see your vet immediately to avoid complications:

  1. If your dog is a puppy, gastroenteritis can be dangerous. It is always advisable to go to the vet to immediately prevent dehydration.
  2. If you see blood in your vomit or stool, this is a sign of complications.
  3. If the vomiting continues for more than 2 days and there is no improvement, your veterinarian will administer antiemetics that will suppress vomiting, either orally or intravenously.
  4. If on the third or fourth day he is not eating normally, your vet can perform a blood test to confirm the cause and, if so, bacterial infection, you will be given antibiotics.
  5. If you notice abnormal symptoms that are not listed in this article.

Remember that you should never administer antibiotics or any type of medication to your dog without first consulting your veterinarian, you could put his life at risk with the wrong dose or an unsuitable drug.
