DOXYCYCLINE for Cats - Dosage, What It Is For, Contraindications

DOXYCYCLINE for Cats - Dosage, What It Is For, Contraindications
DOXYCYCLINE for Cats - Dosage, What It Is For, Contraindications
Doxycycline for cats - Dosage, what it is used for and contraindications
Doxycycline for cats - Dosage, what it is used for and contraindications

Doxycycline is one of the antibiotics that our veterinarian can use to treat some of the bacterial conditions that can affect our cat. Like all antibiotics, doxycycline for cats can only be given with a veterinary prescription.

In this article on our site we are going to explain how this antibiotic works, in which cases it is prescribed and what its contraindications and adverse side effects are. In addition, we will see why it is important that we do not medicate our cat on our own. If the veterinarian has prescribed that you administer this drug to your cat and you want to know more about its effects, keep reading to discover all about doxycycline in cats

What is doxycycline for cats?

Doxycycline or doxycycline hyclate for cats is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can act against bacteria, whether they are gram positive or not. if they are gram negative. It belongs to the group of second generation tetracyclines. Specifically, it is a derivative of oxytetracycline. The effect of doxycycline for cats is bacteriostatic, that is, it does not kill the bacteria but prevents their reproduction. After oral administration, it is distributed throughout the body and is deposited in active bone tissue and teeth. It is mainly eliminated through bowel movements.

What is doxycycline used for in cats?

Doxycycline for cats has many applications, as it can be used against multiple diseases and problems such as the following:

  • Bartonellosis
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchopneumonia
  • Pharyngitis
  • Otitis
  • Tracheitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Infections of the genito-urinary system
  • Leptospirosis
  • Borreliosis
  • Intestinal infections
  • Skin infections
  • Abscesses
  • Infected wounds
  • Postoperative prevention
  • Joint Infections
  • Pododermatitis
  • Gingivitis

As we can see, there are numerous indications for doxycycline in cats, but its prescription must be made by the veterinarian, since choosing this antibiotic or another depends on the pathogen that is involved in the different clinical conditions. That is why it is essential that the professional decides it and in no case do we medicate the cat on our own.

Doxycycline for cats - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications - What is doxycycline for in cats?
Doxycycline for cats - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications - What is doxycycline for in cats?

Doxycycline dosage for cats

Doxycycline can be found in several presentations, the most used being the oral format, both in tablets and solution, and injectable doxycycline for cats. The most appropriate dose can only be given by the veterinarian, since the weight of the animal, the chosen presentation and the pathogen against which you want to act must be taken into account.

However, the most common dose is about 10 mg per kg of body weight once a day and is best given with food. But, for example, when it is used to combat chlamydia, the dose is divided into two doses a day for three weeks. And in diseases such as bartonellosis, doxycycline is administered for up to a month in daily doses of 5 to 10 mg per kg of weight. Taking into account these variations, it is important to always follow the dosage indicated by the veterinarian

How to give your cat doxycycline?

The easiest way to give a cat doxycycline is by hiding the tablet in its food Now, if the vet prescribes tablets and it is not easy to get the cat to swallow them, we can crush them and dissolve them in liquids so that they accept them better.

Doxycycline side effects in cats

The main problem with doxycycline, and tetracyclines in general, is that it can affect bone growth and development It is a reversible situation when stopping treatment. In addition, it permanently colors developing teeth when administered to pregnant cats during the last 2-3 weeks prior to delivery or to kittens in their first weeks of life. However, this effect is not as pronounced in doxycycline as in other tetracyclines.

photosensitivity reactions, which are abnormal reactions of the skin to sun exposure, may also be observed as an adverse effect. They are more common in kittens than in adult cats.

On the other hand, it is recommended to administer carefully in cats with swallowing or vomiting problems, since doxycycline is associated with injuries to the esophagus, which is why administration with food is recommended. Side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, or esophagitis.

Doxycycline contraindications for cats

It is not a suitable medication for pregnant cats, as it could cause damage to the pregnant kittens. Doxycycline is also contraindicated in lactating cats because a considerable amount of this drug passes into breast milk, so that it would reach the kittens, which could suffer adverse effects such as those mentioned.

Be careful with interactions with other medications such as cephalosporins, penicillin, phenytoin, barbiturates or antacids and adapt the dose in those cats with liver problemsbecause doxycycline can increase liver enzymes. Of course, it should not be given to cats with allergies to tetracyclines.

Doxycycline for cats - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications - Contraindications of doxycycline for cats
Doxycycline for cats - Dosage, what it is for and contraindications - Contraindications of doxycycline for cats

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Doxycycline for cats, as an antibiotic, should be used with special caution Misuse of antibiotics, when they are administered when they are not needed, in inadequate doses or for an insufficient period of time, it causes bacteria to become resistant to them. Currently, there is a serious problem of resistance of bacteria to different antibiotics, which leads to the need for stronger antibiotics and it can even lead us to run out of antibiotics against certain bacteria. That is why it is essential that as animal caretakers we become aware of this situation and only use antibiotics when so prescribed by the veterinarian and scrupulously following his instructions.
