5 signs that a dog is going to die

5 signs that a dog is going to die
5 signs that a dog is going to die
5 signs that a dog is going to die
5 signs that a dog is going to die

Death is not something easy to accept, however, it is a process experienced by all living beings, even the more long-lived. If you have at your side an elderly dog, sick or with unusual symptoms and you suspect that it could be close to death, you may be interested in reading this article on our site, in which we will show you 5 symptoms that a dog is going to die

Don't forget that before the signs that we will show you below it will be essential to go to the vet, either to receive a diagnosis, advice on care or help from the professional, if the animal requires it.

1. He doesn't want to go outside

Over time, older dogs decrease their level of physical activity and may even sometimes stop wanting to go outside as often as before. However, if your dog has wanted to go for a walk up until now and is starting to reject this routine, you should start to suspect that something is up.

Of course, just because your dog doesn't want to go for a walk doesn't mean it's close to death, it could be a psychological pregnancy or a pathologythat makes you feel weak and not want to go for a walk.

5 symptoms that a dog is going to die - 1. It does not want to go outside
5 symptoms that a dog is going to die - 1. It does not want to go outside

two. Shows abnormal behavior

Sick animals or those that are close to death carry out abnormal behaviors that can help us identify a bad condition. We may begin to observe behavior problems related to his mood, such as fears, aggressive behaviors or abnormal movements.

It may also happen that we observe incontinence, vomiting, diarrhea or other disorders.

3. Vital signs are altered

Among the various signs that a dog will die we found an alteration in vital signs. Dehydration, excessive panting or an abnormal temperature can indicate that something is wrong.

We explain what the vital signs of a he althy dog are [1]:

  • Body temperature: between 38 ºC and 39 ºC.
  • Respiratory rate in dogs: between 10 and 30 breaths per minute (BPM).
  • Dog Heart Rate: 90-140 beats per minute for small dogs, 70-110 beats per minute for medium dogs and 60 to 90 beats per minute in large dogs. Values that refer to the constants of a dog at rest.
  • Capillary Refill Time: Capillary Refill Time can be identified by lightly pressing the mucous membranes of the dog. It should be analyzed how long it takes to recover normal color. Pressure is generally applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth (gums) and the time must be less than two seconds.

In any case, an alteration in the dog's vital signs indicates that go to the veterinarian immediately.

5 symptoms that a dog is going to die - 3. Vital signs are altered
5 symptoms that a dog is going to die - 3. Vital signs are altered

4. Doesn't want to eat or drink water

The appetiteis an unequivocal sign that a dog is he althy, therefore, if our best friend begins to reject it I think of him and even his favorite portions of wet food we should suspect. It may also happen that he stops drinking water and we have to force him to hydrate himself

As a consequence of the lack of water and food intake, we will begin to observe that the dog vomits bile and that his organs begin to fail, causing pain, rejection towards us and discomfort in the dog.

5. He barely wants to move

If you see your dog sleeping in a corner of the house and also showing all the symptoms we mentioned above, maybe your dog he is close to death This is a very delicate moment, therefore, we advise you to offer him a comfortable place to rest, a pleasant atmosphere and pay close attention to him at all times. It is important that he feels accompanied

5 signs that a dog is going to die - 5. He barely wants to move
5 signs that a dog is going to die - 5. He barely wants to move

What to do if a dog is dying?

If you suspect that your dog is dying and also shows all or some of the signs that we have mentioned throughout the article, do not hesitate and contact your veterinarian quickly confidence Although these symptoms may indicate that the dog is close to death, they are also symptoms of different pathologies and diseases, so only the veterinarian can determine what it is.

In addition, the specialist will help you make the best decision. You must remember that in some cases, such as when the animal is in a lot of pain, you should assess euthanasia, with the sole purpose of relieving pain.

If you consider that this is not an option in your case, it will also help you offer him the best care to end his life with dignity and with those he loves most. You may need to help him eat, drink, and even urinate somewhere in the house.

5 signs that a dog is going to die - What to do if a dog is dying?
5 signs that a dog is going to die - What to do if a dog is dying?

What to do if a dog has died?

The death of a dog is one of the saddest and most painful moments for any owner. You must decide what to do with the animal's body.

If the dog has died at the veterinary clinic, the specialist will probably suggest to cremate the dog's body, either privately or along with other bodies of deceased dogs. If the dog has died at home, you can call your vet to go through this same process, but you can also contact an animal funeral home, usually an option cheaper.

Later on, don't forget that you must remove the dog from the registry of animals in your country.

And then…

Is it possible to get over the death of a pet? It is a long process, which takes time, acceptance and a period of mourning. Although many people may not understand it, the truth is that dogs and humans create a very strong bond, even more than you can have with another human.

What we can recommend is that once you are ready to have an animal with you again, adopt a dog that really needs it. An animal abandoned from a shelter or kennel and even from the street.
