5 symptoms that a cat is going to die

5 symptoms that a cat is going to die
5 symptoms that a cat is going to die
5 signs that a cat is going to die
5 signs that a cat is going to die

Death is a natural process experienced by all living things. Sometimes it can be difficult to perceive, especially in cats. As you may know, felines hardly show any signs of pain or illness.

If you suspect that your cat may be dying, we recommend you read these 5 symptoms that a cat is going to die, but also it will be very important to go to the vet as soon as possible, to offer him a decent ending as much as possible. Keep reading this article on our site to learn more about this process.

1. His personality begins to change

Access to he althcare, complete nutrition and good care has notably increased the longevity of our cats. Currently we can find many felines that reach 17 and even 20 years of age. Therefore, it is not surprising that diseases appear that were previously not perceived by the owners, as is the case of senile dementia in cats.

An obvious symptom that our partner is getting older is the onset of behavioral disorders, generally related to he alth status. It is common then to observe that he is irritable, that he carries out unusual urination behaviors or that he is especially depressed. Although these signs do not exclusively indicate that a cat is going to die, they do indicate that something is wrong.

5 signs that a cat is going to die- 1. his personality begins to change
5 signs that a cat is going to die- 1. his personality begins to change

two. Doesn't preen

The loss of hygienic habits in a cat is a clear sign that something is wrong with our feline. While it's true that some cats spend more time than others on self-grooming, the complete loss of this behavior indicates some kind of problem.

We will also include in this section the neglect of other practices, such as marking scratching posts or rubbing furniture and objects with your body odor.

3. Your vital signs are altered

The Symptoms of a dying cat also include changes in his vital signs. Abnormal heart rhythm, excessively high or low body temperature, and breathing disturbances are common.

Next, we explain what the vital signs of a he althy cat are [1]:

  • Respiratory rate in cats: between 20 and 42 breaths per minute (BPM).
  • Heart rate in cats: between 140 and 200 beats per minute (BPM).
  • Body temperature: between 38ºC and 39ºC.
  • Capillary refill time: pressure should be applied to the mucous membranes to see how long it takes them to recover their normal color, for example the mucous membranes of the mouth. A cat's capillary refill time should be less than two seconds.

In the event of any change in the feline's vital signs, we must immediately go to a veterinary center, since it implies that the life of the animal she is engaged.

5 symptoms that a cat is going to die - 3. Its vital signs are altered
5 symptoms that a cat is going to die - 3. Its vital signs are altered

4. Stop eating and he alth problems appear

As we mentioned before, it is not always easy to identify the symptoms of a sick cat, however, the appearance of diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, blood in the urine or observing that our companionstops feeding or drinking fluids may indicate that the cat is sick and nearing death. If your feline won't accept food, even if it'shis favorite food , you're in an emergency

5. Hides

This behavior is also common in felines that are sick or very afraid. However, an animal near death is vulnerable, so it's not surprising that many dying cats seek a secluded place to dieIf you notice that your feline takes refuge somewhere and does not want to leave there, perhaps it is close to death.

5 symptoms that a cat is going to die - 5. It hides
5 symptoms that a cat is going to die - 5. It hides

What to do if a cat is dying?

In the event of any of these signs, it is best to contact the vet immediately, since it is the only figure capable of diagnosing really what happens to your best friend, be it the proximity of death or an illness.

The specialist will guide you on what decision to make. It is important to understand that if the animal is suffering a lot and is in pain, it may be convenient to evaluate euthanasia, in order to stop suffering.

The vet can also help and guide you to offer the best care in this last stageYou may need to help him eat, drink, or have a bowel movement. Obviously it will also be essential that you offer him all the affection and love possible.

5 symptoms that a cat is going to die - What to do if a cat is dying?
5 symptoms that a cat is going to die - What to do if a cat is dying?

What to do when a cat dies?

The death of an animal is always a very painful process. In the midst of this whirlwind of feelings, one must assess what to do with the body, a difficult decision for some people to make.

If your cat has died at the vet, the specialist will probably suggest to cremate the body in the same center, either together with other animals or in private. On the other hand, if your cat has died at home, you can go to the vet or contact an animal funeral home directly, a generally cheaper option. You can also choose to bury the body in a special place for you.

Don't forget that if your cat was registered in the pet registry of your country, you must notify him of his removal, to ensure that the census is up to date.

The death of a loved one is always painful, even if it is an animal, something that many people do not understand. Therefore, you should not feel guilty if you need to grieve or contact a specialist.

Don't forget that if at any time you are ready to have a cat again you can go to an animal shelter and offer a home to an abandoned animal.
