How to cure a bird's broken wing?

Table of contents:

How to cure a bird's broken wing?
How to cure a bird's broken wing?
How to cure the broken wing of a bird?
How to cure the broken wing of a bird?

Birds are fascinating to humans, especially because of their bright colors and their ability to fly wherever they want. Being free, they use themselves to survive, like any other animal, but there may be times when they require a human hand to help them, such as when they hurt a wing.

Keep reading this article on our site to discover how to heal a broken wing on a bird and what to do if you find yourself a wound.

Make sure she's hurt

When a bird is injured it will be unable to fly and, in some cases, even walk or stand for long weather. The first thing is to make sure that, indeed, the wing has suffered an injury. When one of the wings is broken or injured, its fall is different from that of the he althy limb, lower than normal.

There are different types of injuries, the steps to follow to heal the broken wing of the bird will depend on the severity. Check for blood or fracture. Observe the wing trying to manipulate it as little as possible, looking for cracks in the skin, fracture or dislocation. If these are the signs you see, the wing is broken and needs your help to heal.

Carry the bird home

Unlike many dogs and cats, birds distrust humans very easily. If they haven't been tamed, they consider us predators, so this is the first thing the bird you've discovered with a broken wing will think of you. Because of this, you need to catch it and transport it home safely in order to perform the cure.

Ideally you should be able to pick up the specimen with gloves on, but we know you won't always have a pair within reach when you're out on the streets. In principle, place a towel, t-shirt or any other cloth item that you have within your reach on the bird, to prevent it from hurting you with its beak or wings. paws. Wrap it however you can, leaving the head free and carefully positioning the broken wing. As soon as you can, get a box, open several holes in it and put the bird in there to take it home more comfortably.

Already at home, you can assign a cage for your new guest if you have one. Otherwise, and as it is temporary, a large enough box with some warm fabric on the bottom will serve as a warm shelter for the bird. Keep other animals and small children away from that nest.

How to cure the broken wing of a bird? - Transport the bird home
How to cure the broken wing of a bird? - Transport the bird home

Heal the bird's broken wing

The cure will depend on the type of injury seen. If blood spurts out, the first thing to do is to disinfect and stop the bleeding. Clean the wound using a cotton swab or cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Dab gently on the wound.

Then apply styptic powder to stop the bleeding. You can get it in veterinary stores, and it not only stops the bleeding but is also an analgesic. Its effect is a little painful at first, but it will work for large wounds. If you don't have styptic powder on hand, sprinkle the area with cornstarch, because being small birds bleed easily.

If it is just a small cut on the wing, with little blood, applying iodine to the wound with a cotton swab will be more than enough to disinfect and heal the cut.

After this it will be necessary to apply a bandage, whether it is an external injury or a fracture. You will need a bandage and scissors. The broken wing must be immobilized, so carefully roll the bandage through what would be the armpit and then widthwise, and then cross over the body of the bird, making a couple of turns on the chest. This way it will stay securely in place. Place firmly but not too tightly, to avoid suffocating the small animal.

There are other techniques to bandage a broken wing, but this one is simple to perform and comfortable for the bird to wear. Likewise, we recommend going to the vet to examine the wing in case of an infection, as well as to perform a professional bandage.

Care During Recovery

While the wing is he althy, you will need to be very careful when drinking water, as the restrictions of the bandage can cause it to lose its balance when leaning, causing it to drown in the container.

The wing will take a maximum of 4 weeks to heal It is recommended change the bandage weekly, or sooner if you notice it is dirty, following the vet's instructions. In each change you will observe the progress of the healing and if the bird is gaining ease in the use of its wings. If, on the other hand, it seems to be getting worse, you should go back to the vet.

A good diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, will help the bird to recover faster. It is best to find out what species it is to provide the appropriate supplements, since the diet of the goldfinch is not the same as that of the hummingbird, for example.

When the bird is injured, it will be a vulnerable target for predators, so under no circumstances should it be left near other pets or free in the yard or garden of the house.

How to cure the broken wing of a bird? - Care during recovery
How to cure the broken wing of a bird? - Care during recovery

Get your freedom back

Once the treatment time has elapsed, it is time to release the bird into its natural habitat. It is recommended Release it in the same place where you found it To do this, place the cage or box on the ground and let the bird come out by itself. It stays in place while it explores the surroundings, until it decides to take flight again. See that it does not return to the cage and that's it, you will have managed to heal the broken wing of the bird and, therefore, your work will be finished.

And if you enjoy the company of a bird that you usually let loose around the house to fly and, unfortunately, it has suffered an accident, you can apply the same tips to heal the wing, as well as go to the veterinarian to examine the animal and check if it has suffered any internal trauma.
