BLACK Rat or Rattus rattus - Origin, characteristics, habitat, customs and diet

BLACK Rat or Rattus rattus - Origin, characteristics, habitat, customs and diet
BLACK Rat or Rattus rattus - Origin, characteristics, habitat, customs and diet
Black Rat
Black Rat

Rodents are animals within which we find certain types that are closely associated with humans and, in some cases, although they have not been directly domesticated, they are widely developed in urban centers. An example of this is the black rat (Rattus rattus), also called the roof rat, house rat or domestic rat. This rodent of the Muridae family is widespread practically globally, in many cases causing not only he alth problems, but also damage to crops. Join us in this tab of our site so you can learn more about the black rat such as its characteristics, habitat or customs.

Origin of the black rat

When we talk about the black rat we can refer to it as an invasive species. It is a type of rat that comes from tropical Asia and colonized Europe during the 8th century From then on, its distribution expanded and extended around the world to this day, which is even considered a plague. In addition to being able to move through branches and climb trees, the Rattus rattus is capable of moving around and adapting to urban environments.

Characteristics of the black rat

Eventually the black rat can be confused with the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), since both are occasionally called the common rat and because they have certain similar traits. However, the former possesses distinctive physical characteristics. We are going to know below what these characteristics of the black rat are:

  • This is a medium-sized rodent: the black rat is approximately 16 to 22 cm in size. Additionally, the tail is around 19 cm, so may be as long as or longer than the bodyOn the other hand, the weight is about 300g or less.
  • Presentan sexual dimorphism: males are larger and weigh more than females.
  • Usually is black color: the belly area lighter in color, but can be other colors such as brown.
  • No are recognized subspecies: at some point they were named subspecies based on color differences, however, to date, taxonomically they are not recognized.
  • The fur is described as fine and messy: also, the youngest specimens have a very uniform dark coat.
  • It has a skull and nasal bones somewhat narrow: contrast with his big ears, which when folded can reach the edges of his eyes.
  • It has a upper first molar: this is the most distinctive feature of the black rat compared to the brown rat.

Black rat habitat

The black rat was originally native to India and Pakistan, but when human populations began boat travel, they left spreading through various countries, until having a practically global presence.

This is a very common species in coastal areas, precisely because of what was mentioned above. However, it is not an animal that swims easily. It has also been spread by:

  • Urban areas
  • Wooded areas
  • Bed sheets
  • Bush

On the other hand, it has a great climbing facility, so that it can be present on the heights of buildings.

The black rat has proliferated to a greater extent in tropical regions, since it was gradually expelled from the temperate zones by the brown rat, which in its undomesticated form is more aggressive than the black. It commonly grows from sea level to 250 meters above sea level.

Customs of the black rat

The black rat is primarily a nocturnal animal that forms social groups, where adult males are dominant over younger ones. Generally, females tend to be more aggressive than males, but less mobile than males. Depending on the space where they grow, they can have terrestrial or arboreal habits , since they are excellent climbers, for which they rely on their long tail for balance.

Nests for hatchlings can be on the ground, in trees, or on tall structures. They always stay within an area of about 100 m2, around their food sources, which they defend as they are territorial.

In addition, the Rattus rattus uses the different senses to perceive the environment However, it is somewhat vocal that it uses whenfeels threatened or to communicate with group members. You can also leave a certain trace on the boundaries of the territory you have defined.

The black rat is an animal that causes some damage to trees, plantations, it can also affect infrastructure and can cause serious he alth problems as a vector of certain diseases. One of the best known was bubonic plague, caused by a bacterium that lives on fleas carried by black rats.

A usual behavior of this animal is that uneaten food contaminates it with its feces and urine. Being carriers of various pathogens, they can cause serious he alth problems in people. That is why hygiene and the protection of food where the presence of black rats is known is very important.

Black rat feeding

The black rat is omnivorous, although it can consume a greater amount of food of vegetable origin. In this way, include in your diet:

  • Fruits
  • Seeds
  • Cereals
  • Barks
  • Invertebrate animals

A black rat can consume about 15 g of food a day, in addition to drinking 15 ml of water daily. When present in plantations and livestock areas, it can cause significant damage.

Black rat reproduction

Under favorable conditions, the black rat can breed year-round, although the highest peaks are in summer and fall. It is a polygamous animal and establishes a linear hierarchy for reproduction, so the leading male will have this privilege, as will the dominant females. This social position is established by confrontations within the group.

Females have a gestation that goes from 21 to 29 daysand, from 3 to 5 months, a black rat can reproduce. The young are born blind, deaf and with very little hair, so they are totally dependent on the mother. At 15 days they begin to open their eyes and both independence and weaning occur between 3 and 4 weeks. A female has an average of eight pups per calving.

Conservation status of the black rat

Due to its widespread global occurrence and abundance, the species is considered least concernIn fact, in certain regions it has been considered a plague, due to the damage mentioned above. In urban centers, cats are the main predators of the black rat, while in the wild they are commonly hunted by some types of birds and certain terrestrial carnivores.

Photos of Black Rat
