FALSE ORCA or BLACK ORCA - Characteristics, customs and curiosities

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FALSE ORCA or BLACK ORCA - Characteristics, customs and curiosities
FALSE ORCA or BLACK ORCA - Characteristics, customs and curiosities
False killer whale or black killer whale
False killer whale or black killer whale

The false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens), also called black killer whale, is a cetacean of the Delphinidae family, being the only species of its gender. Also, there are no subspecies. Its name is due to its strong resemblance to the common killer whale.

Unlike this one, the false killer whale is smaller in size and its coloration is different, as it is somewhat grayer and it does not have the white spotscharacteristics of the common killer whale. In addition, its smaller size makes it more agile than the true killer whale, after which it is one of the largest dolphins. Continue reading this page of our site and you will learn everything about the false killer whale or black killer whale , its characteristics, customs and much more.

Characteristics of the false killer whale or black killer whale

Although we can easily confuse it with the common killer whale, this species is smaller and a male can weigh more than 2,000 kg and be 6 meters long; the females, for their part, reach more than 1,000 kg and their length reaches approximately 5 meters. Its coloration is black-greyish, and may be lighter in the region of head, being this one of small aspect in relation to the body This is longer and thinner than that of the common killer whale, with the dorsal fin rounded and the tail much smaller than the body. Its teeth are curved and very similar to those of the common killer whale, being able to present more than 40 teeth in total.

Habitat of the false killer whale or black killer whale

This species is distributed in all tropical, subtropical and temperate seas of the world, although in the latter they are observed to a lesser extent, preferring waters of between 9 º and 30 ºC In general, they do not usually swim in great depths, since it is a pelagic species, being their preferred habitat the open waters There are observations in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans, in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

As we mentioned, there is not much information about this species, with most of the research taking place in Hawaii. Thanks to these studies, it is known that in some regions their population number ranges from more than 40,000 thousand individuals.

Customs of the false killer whale or black killer whale

Although this species is not very well known and there are not many studies on it, details about it were known through the strandings. It is known that, like the rest of the dolphins, false killer whales are gregarious animals, being able to form groups of more than 1,000 individuals, but the most common is to observe herds of 50 to 100 individuals

In addition, the groups are made up of individuals of different ages and have a fairly marked social hierarchy, communicating through different sounds, like the other species of dolphins, they help them to identify themselves, locate themselves and during the hunt.

Feeding of the false killer whale or black killer whale

The diet of the false killer whale is very varied. It can consume large fish, such as tuna and hake, although it also feeds on squid, octopus and jellyfishThey can feed both during the day and at night, and like the common killer whale, they hunt in groups and with very similar tactics, being able to also hunt seals and even dolphin calves and Whales Their strong, curved teeth allow them to effectively capture their prey, and they are also agile and fast predators.

Reproduction of the false killer whale or black killer whale

Female false killer whales reach sexual maturity earlier than males, between 2 and 11 years, while in the case of males can reach it between 8 to 14 years. This species does not have a marked or specific mating season, as they can do in any season of the year

The gestation time is about 15 months, giving birth to offspring of more than a meter in length and that can weigh around 80kg They have a high longevity, since females can live more than 60 years and males can reach ages of more than 50 years.

Conservation status of the false killer whale or black killer whale

Due to lack of studies, this species is not categorized by the IUCN, being insufficiently known (DD). However, it is known that there are several threats to the false killer whale, the main ones being caused by man, such as direct hunting for its meat, accidental capture and contamination of waters with toxins and plastics.
