Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) - Characteristics, habitat, customs, feeding and reproduction

Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) - Characteristics, habitat, customs, feeding and reproduction
Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) - Characteristics, habitat, customs, feeding and reproduction
Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard

Within the felines, specifically in the Pantherinae subfamily, we find the snow leopard (Panthera uncia), also sometimes called like the ounce or snow panther. Previously, it had been classified as the genus Uncia, but genetic studies have shown its relationship with Panthera, where it has been placed, since, in fact, it has a close relationship with the tiger (Panthera tigris). Two subspecies have been proposed, based on certain morphological traits, but genetic studies have not confirmed them, so that until now it is formally a monotypic species, that is, without subdivisions. We invite you to continue reading this file on our site so you can learn more about the snow leopard

Snow Leopard Characteristics

As you have read in the introduction, the snow leopard has no subdivisions, so it is a monotypic species. Therefore, the characteristics of the snow leopard are:

  • He is of medium height: between 50 and 60 cm approximately.
  • Average body length range varies: head to tail is between 1 to 1.3 meters, however, can reach 1.5 meters.
  • It has a very long tail: it is distinctive of this feline, which reaches almost the same length as the body, with a equivalent between 75% and 90% of this.
  • Body mass range varies: it goes from 25 to 75 kg.
  • Male and female are very similar: only the former can be slightly larger than the latter, so we are not before a species with marked sexual dimorphism.
  • The head is small: even so, it is wide and the nostrils are large.
  • It has small, round ears: an adaptation that helps reduce heat loss.
  • It has big paws: in fact, they are the biggest of all cats.
  • Legs differ in thickness: For example, the front legs are slightly thicker than the rear ones. Both the long tail and the large legs are adaptations that facilitate movement in the snowy and steep areas it inhabits.
  • The tail is also used for thermoregulation.
  • The coat is long and thick: having two changes a year, which results in having longer hairs towards the winter time.
  • Coloration varies: it ranges from light gray, smoky gray to creamy yellow, moreover, generally towards the lower part of the body it is whitish.
  • It has rosettes and spots: well-defined black ringed rosettes can be distinguished on the body and tail fur, which usually enclose spots of smaller size. While solid spots are visible on the head, neck and legs.
  • In juvenile individuals there are black stripes: which later change the shape of the pattern.

Now that you know how tall and how much the snow leopard weighs, among other characteristics, let's see where it lives.

Snow Leopard Habitat

It is difficult to define where the snow leopard is located since, although it is native to Asia, it has developed in various regions, being some of them: the Himalayas, Bhutan, Nepal, the Siberian zone of Russia, Mongolia and China. The latter is where it is found to a greater extent.

It has a wide distribution in terms of height, being present from 500 meters to 3,000 and even over 5,000 meters above sea level. It has a preference for steep and mainly rocky spaces, which are close to areas with plant cover. In this way it travels through cliffs, alpine and subalpine ecosystems, coniferous forests, thickets, grasslands and arid habitats. It usually avoids areas with dense vegetation and also fields with crops.

Don't miss this other article on our site about Where do leopards live? For more information on the subject.

Snow Leopard Customs

The main activity is carried out by this felid during sunrise and sunsetIt is a fairly active animal that tends to move around, although in its distribution area it stays for a few weeks in a specific area and then changes to another. It is common for you to use different spaces to sleep every day.

It is a fairly territorial animal, specifically among males, for which marks with urine, feces and their claws, which indicates the delimitation of a territory. Only in the reproductive season do the territories between males and females usually overlap. The snow leopard, thanks to its long well-developed hind legs, is quite agile both for jumping and climbing, so it tends to look for high places to rest. It is very elusive and rarely seen in areas close to human populations.

Communication through sounds in this species differs from other felines since one of the curiosities of the snow leopard is thatdoes not roar , but emits a kind of high-pitched howl, which is mainly used by females during the mating season. They can also make certain snorts when they meet if the contact will be friendly, but if, on the contrary, it is confrontational, they show their canines by opening their mouths.

Snow leopard feeding

The snow leopard is a carnivorous animal, which usually stalks and hunts its prey by swooping down from a high place hide. His diet is varied, he can eat animals from small to even larger than him. Among the prey that it consumes we can mention:

  • Sheep
  • Mountain Goats
  • Deer
  • Boars
  • Tibetan Antelopes
  • Gazelles
  • Wild Asses
  • Wild Yaks
  • Marmots
  • Hares
  • Pikas
  • Mice
  • Birds

What do leopards eat? Don't miss the answer in the next article on our site.

Snow leopard breeding

The male and female only form pairs during the breeding season and they are polygamous animals. Females only reproduce every two years or so, because they spend a lot of time caring for their young.

Reproduction is very marked between the months of January and March, which coincides with the end of winter. When a female is in heat, she lets the male know through the sounds she makes. Also, when they meet, she engages in a type of courtshipin which she walks close to the male, tail raised

The period of gestation lasts between 90 and 105 days, so the puppies are born between April and June. Usually between 2 and 3 pups are born, rarely less or more than this number. The female locates a rocky space, which she conditions with remains of her fur to have the baby leopards

At birth, the little ones have a weight that ranges from 300 to 600 grams and totally depend on maternal care, from whom they breastfeed until they are five months old. However, from the age of two months they already start consuming solid foods that their mother shares with them. The cubs will remain dependent on the mother until they are about a year old.

Snow Leopard Conservation Status

How many snow leopards are left in the world? In 2021 there were around 953 copies left. In fact, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has categorized the snow leopard as vulnerable Among the main threats are:

  • The decrease in areas for its development.
  • The direct hunt for its competition with cattle.
  • Illegal trafficking Both their skin to make rugs, as well as bones and other body parts.

Primary conservation actions include expansion of protected areas where snow leopards live and regional hunting controls. Several programs are being developed for the protection of the species, including support for domestic animal breeders to protect breeding spaces, programs with rangers who help in the application of regulations, among others.

Why is the snow leopard endangered? Feel free to find out the answer in the next post.

Snow Leopard Photos
