Why is my cat staring at me? - Discover various meanings

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Why is my cat staring at me? - Discover various meanings
Why is my cat staring at me? - Discover various meanings
Why is my cat staring at me?
Why is my cat staring at me?

The cat's gaze is one of its many attractions. Not only because of the variety of color tones that the iris can present, but also because of how expressive they can be thanks to their large size. All these features make them eye-catching for anyone.

Perhaps this is the reason why so many myths and superstitions have been created around the feline gaze. There are those who believe that they are capable of perceiving supernatural presences, or that they have the power to see the soul or aura of people. Thinking about this, you might get nervous when your cat stares at you. Do you want to know what is the reason for this? Why is your cat staring at you?Then he keeps reading!

The cat's gaze

Cats' large eyes not only help them see everything that is going on around them, they are also extremely fascinating to human eyes. It is impossible not to be almost mesmerized by staring at them, and even appreciate the noticeable way in which the pupils widen or become just a small slit depending on the amount of light.

If you know a little about your cat's behavior, his eyes will help you to "read" part of his reactions The expressiveness they reveal, along with other signals, will clearly tell you if he is angry, thoughtful, comfortable, scared, threatening, etc. This whole set of signals is called body language.

Why is my cat staring at me? - The feline look
Why is my cat staring at me? - The feline look

Feline body language

Contrary to what many believe, the body language of cats is transparent, you just need to read the signs. The ears, the tail and also the eyes will help you know how it feels. A cat with hair on end is upset and ready to attack, or feels threatened. If, on the other hand, his ears and tail are up, he feels happy and lively.

Eyes wide open and ears perkedindicate amusement and curiosity, while if he narrows his eyes at you he means he he feels comfortable with you. All this in broad strokes, of course. Now that you know a few tricks to figure out how your cat is feeling, it's time to find out why he's staring at you in different situations.

My cat stares at me and meows

There are several reasons for your furry friend to meow while he looks you straight in the eye. One of them is that is hungryEach feline asks for food in its own way. Some stand silently next to their plate, others follow you around the house, some decide to go directly to the kitchen to look for what has been left on a table, while some simply approach where you are and stare at you, waiting that you understand the message. So if your cat is chasing you and won't stop looking, maybe it's time to check if his bowl needs to be filled.

Another reason is that he feels pain or discomfortand he wants your attention. Although some felines hide and avoid company when they get sick, as they hide from possible threats by being vulnerable, others prefer to communicate it to their human. Your cat trusts you and knows that you will do everything possible to care for and protect him.

Why is my cat staring at me? - My cat stares at me and meows
Why is my cat staring at me? - My cat stares at me and meows

My cat is staring at me

If a cat feels threatened, either by you or someone else, it will take two actions: it will move to one side and he will start licking himself, implying that he is not looking for a conflict, or he will prepare himself for a possible attack, staring at his supposed attacker and emitting grunts and snorts

These sounds are very different from the ones he makes when he meows to ask for food or comfort, because the tone is much higher pitched, and denotes violence. If this happens, it is best to move away from the cat's field of vision, or blink several times, moving your head from side to side; this gesture will let him know that you are relaxed and have no intention of hurting him.

My cat watches me while I sleep

Cats are curious animals, so almost anything catches their attention. That's why your cat may follow you around the house and stare at what you're doing, because he's interested in knowing what his favorite human is doing. Cooking, doing your homework, working and even how you sleep are all a mystery to your feline, so looking at you is one of his favorite pastimes.

Also, if he joins you at nap time, he may give you a very particular look, which consists of blinking lazily. If this happens, congratulations! It means that he loves you and feels incredibly comfortable with you.

This gesture is usually common when he snuggles up to sleep with you, or when you are pampering him with caresses and lots of love. The feline wants you to know that he is relaxed, because he only gives that look to those with whom he feels most comfortable. He loves it when he is in your company, simply put, he is telling you that he loves you!
