NAMES for SPHYNX CATS - More than 40 ideas and meanings

NAMES for SPHYNX CATS - More than 40 ideas and meanings
NAMES for SPHYNX CATS - More than 40 ideas and meanings
Names for sphynx cats
Names for sphynx cats

The sphynx cat or sphynx cat is notable for the absence of hair on its body. Even so, the peculiarities of this feline go much further. It is an animal that, unlike its serious expression and wrinkled appearance, is very funny and is always in constant movement. For this reason, many specialists consider that it is a dog cat, since its attitude is quite similar to being very cuddly and familiar. In addition, they have a peaceful temperament, so they get along perfectly with other animals and small children.

If you are thinking of adopting, or a sphynx cat has just arrived in your family, keep reading this article where we present some ideas of names for sphynx catswith some of its meanings.

Origin of the sphynx cat

The origin of the sphynx breed dates back to the 1960s, in Toronto, Canada. Previously there had already been appearances of hairless cats, such as in the Aztec world, where there is evidence of pre-Columbian engravings of hairless cats. Another example of this is the work of the German biologist Rudolph Renger in 1830, who described hairless cats in Natural History of the Mammals of Paraguay.

Still, it wasn't until 1966, in Toronto, that a shorthair cat had a hairless cat. This was due to a natural genetic mutation of a recessive nature and, although cats had already been known to have no hair, it was from then on that the breed was born as such. From then on, the breed began to be bred.

If you want to know more about sphynx cats, don't hesitate to read these other articles that we recommend about Why does my sphynx cat have fur? o Care of a sphynx cat.

Names for male sphynx cats

Although most names for dogs are usually unisex, we can make a distinction between names for male cats and female cats. Although it is an Egyptian cat, this does not mean that they can only bear the names of gods or pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Below we present the ideas of names for male sphynx cats and some of their meanings, among which there are names of lesser-known Egyptian gods:

  • Anubis:In charge of mummifications, Anubis was the god of the Egyptian pantheon linked to death and resurrection. He was also responsible for guiding souls through the afterlife and protecting and guarding the Necropolis.
  • Apis: he was conceived as the solar and fertility god, although over time he was also associated with death and funerary acts.
  • Atum: The first god of all gods. The Egyptian civilization considered that he was the first deity of all and that before him there was nothing. His name means "self-existent"
  • Draco: comes from Latin and means dragon, although it also refers to a constellation with a shape similar to that of this animal.
  • Cmun: the creator of all men and animals. He was the God of the Sources of the Nile and was considered the author of sunlight and the concept of time.
  • Hapi: Linked to the Nile River, his name means the father of the gods and he was in charge of fertility.
  • Jonsu: He was in charge of driving away evil spirits, as well as being responsible for medicine and the sick.
  • Torus: of Japanese origin, it means bird.
  • Ptah: is one of the most common names of the city of Memphis and was the god who guided the artisans. In addition, from him was born the morality of humanity.
  • Seth:He was the god of sandstorms and the desert, so he represented envy and loneliness.
  • Osiris: Brother of Isis, he is the god of resurrection, agriculture and regeneration. According to Egyptian mythology, it is the first mummification in history.
  • Geb: He was one of the first gods to exist and represents the embodiment of the earth and fertility.
  • Bes: This is the god responsible for art and musical births, but was also associated with war and cruelty.
  • Félix: refers to someone who is considered happy or lucky.
  • Khepri: He differs from other Egyptian deities because he created himself.
  • Montu: he was one of the gods of war who was forgotten with the rise of Amon.
  • Shu: he was responsible for the air and his mission was to keep the gods Geb and Nut apart
  • Shiro: of Japanese origin, it means samurai warrior.
  • Eros: This is the Greek god who represented love, sex, and passion.
  • Kronos: was the Greek god who represented the passage of time. According to mythology, he devoured some of his own children since, "time takes all."
  • Ramses: his name means "son of the god Ra" or, if not, "he who can nullify evil"
  • Zeus: He was the supreme god of Olympus and one of the sons of Cronus that he could not devour.

Female sphynx cat names

As we have mentioned, sphynx cats have a great personality, since in addition to being playful and affectionate like dogs, they are also very clever and they are enthusiastic about intelligence games so as not to get bored and to be entertained.

In case you have a female sphinx, here we bring you a series of original names that can be a good option:

  • Alma: Of Latin origin, alma means "she who has a warm heart."
  • Ámbar: of Arabic origin, it means sky and in Arabic culture it is even understood as if it were an amulet.
  • Anuket: can be translated as the "hugger", in addition to also referring to lust.
  • Hathor: Her name means "the abode of Horus" and she is one of the most revered Egyptian goddesses. She refers to joy, dance and music
  • Brumi: means everyone who comes from the mist.
  • Cora: comes from the Greek and means "maiden".
  • Isis: She is the most popular goddess of the entire Egyptian civilization and is in charge of motherhood and births. She was the queen of the gods.
  • Fuki: Refers to good fortune.
  • Maat: represents truth, justice and harmony within the universe. It means the outside of good.
  • Sacmis: in Ancient Egypt she represented feminine power, fire and destructive force
  • Ichiro: means "firstborn".
  • Hatmehit: her name means chief or leader of the fish
  • Haru: of Japanese origin, it refers to spring.
  • Hemsut: she was the Egyptian goddess who was in charge of the destiny of men, in addition to the protection according to what beliefs.
  • Heket: This is the Egyptian deity represented as a toad and refers to fertility.
  • Misha: can be translated as "who is like God?".
  • Makki: Of Korean origin, this word has a cute connotation as it means "very small".
  • Mafdet: means "she who keeps protection", since it is the Egyptian goddess who solved legal problems or avoided death sentences. death.
  • Lula: means "famous warrior", a perfect name for energetic cats.
  • Runa: means "the mighty force" in Norwegian.
  • Rufa: perfect for orange cats, since it means "redhead".
  • Vito: comes from Latin and its literary translation is "life".
Names for sphynx cats - Names for female sphynx cats
Names for sphynx cats - Names for female sphynx cats

Other names for sphynx cats

Remember that when choosing a name for your new feline friend it is recommended that it be short and easy to pronounce, as this way the cat can better associate the sound of its name. Therefore, below we are going to list a series of names for short sphynx cats that you may also be interested in.

  • Roro
  • Punch
  • Rocco
  • Ukos
  • Uleo
  • Vice
  • Yoke
  • Zozo
  • Spectrum
  • Besi
  • Ash
  • Sand
  • Iris
  • Halo
  • Hena
  • Nara
  • Nunú
  • Romi
  • Sira
  • Taz
  • Tena
  • Ula
  • Xany
  • Zinna
  • Zira

You can take a look at this other article on our site to Teach my cat his name step by step.
