How to clean a rabbit's ears?

How to clean a rabbit's ears?
How to clean a rabbit's ears?
How to clean a rabbit's ears?
How to clean a rabbit's ears?

Have you ever wondered how to clean your rabbit's ears? In this article on our site we are going to pay attention to an aspect that is sometimes forgotten, such as cleaning the rabbit's ears. We must know that the ears are a delicate part of the anatomy of these lagomorphs, therefore, we must not forget them when it comes to hygiene.

Also, we must pay attention to their appearance, since, on occasion, they may suffer from diseases such as scabies, which will require veterinary treatment. As always, prevention is essential, which is why we dedicate this article to explaining how to clean a rabbit's ears Take note!

How to handle our rabbit?

It is a good idea that from the first moment our rabbit arrives home, once the adaptation period has passed, we get him used to handlingthat will be necessary to maintain your he alth and hygiene. Allowing the ears to be touched and checked is included in these basic manipulations that are recommended to be done periodically.

We will ask our veterinarian for advice, who must be a specialist in these small animals, about the frequency of cleaning as well as the best products to do it. We need to make sure that whatever we use is suitable for use in rabbits

As we have said, the first step in explaining how to clean a rabbit's ears will have its origin in the manipulations to which we accustom it. At first we must handle it with great care and we must never force it into contact or take it abruptly or by surprise. Little by little, if he is reluctant to be touched, we can earn his trust by offering him small prizes, so that he associates us with pleasant moments.

In the lap, it is convenient that we hold it with both hands, gently and release it if it shakes. Thus, when the time comes to clean a rabbit's ears, the first thing is to have everything we are going to need at hand. The best thing is to enlist the help of another person and lean on a table.

We can wrap the rabbit in a towel if it feels calmer that way. While one person holds it, the other will grab the ear between the thumb and forefinger in its middle area and proceed to clean it, as we will see below. If our rabbit is very nervous or shows obvious signs of stress, we should stop and try again at another time, since, if we struggle, we could hurt it.

How to clean a rabbit's ears? - How to manipulate our rabbit?
How to clean a rabbit's ears? - How to manipulate our rabbit?

Cleaning the ears

If we want to know how to clean a rabbit's ears, we must choose the most suitable product to do it. For this we have to consult with our veterinarian. Once selected, we must also get gauze and even a small towel As we said in the previous section, when we start cleaning everything must be within our reach so as not to having to let go of the rabbit at any time, especially if we are doing the operation alone.

Ear cleaners are used by spraying one squirt into each ear, making sure it goes in properly. We must give a light massage at the base of the ear to ensure that the liquid is completely diffused inside the ear canal. At this stage the rabbit is likely to notice the cleaner inside and shake its head. We must try not to do it because, otherwise, the liquid could come out of the ear. It is recommended that the cleaning be in an easy to clean place. With the small towel we can clean our rabbit if it gets splashed. To conclude, we must clean the inside of the ear from the inside out with the gauze pads and, of course, reward our rabbitfor your patience.

Signs to watch out for

Once we have seen how to clean a rabbit's ears, we must know what elements we must pay attention to in order to determine the good or bad he alth of our rabbit's ears. These should appear smooth, fine, regular, with a pinkish tone and without wounds or secretions.

On the contrary, the following situations will be reason for veterinary consultation:

  • Head tilted to the side or with frequent shaking, which may be an indication of a problem inside the ear. The rabbit may rub against objects and try to scratch itself.
  • Discharge from inside the ear, even with a bad smell. It may be a sign of infection.
  • Wounds, scabs, thickened skin or alopecia (lack of hair), also require a veterinary check, since we could be facing a dermatological problem such as the one caused by scabies.
  • Parasites, such as ticks, are also found in the ears and must be eliminated.

Because of all this, caring for the ears will be an important part of our rabbit's well-being. Also, do not forget to visit the veterinarian regularly, every 6 or 12 months, to promptly detect any pathology, follow the vaccination schedule and regular deworming.
