Clean a cat's ears step by step - 6 steps

Clean a cat's ears step by step - 6 steps
Clean a cat's ears step by step - 6 steps
Cleaning a cat's ears step by step
Cleaning a cat's ears step by step

The cat is an extremely clean animal that can spend many hours of its day grooming itself, it is also an exceptional domestic animal that retains its hunting instinct, and is also an explorer and independent… For all these reasons, sometimes we believe that they need less care than a dog, but this is a serious mistake, since there are many diseases that a cat can contract.

Adequate nutrition as well as good hygiene habits will help keep our pet in optimal he alth, among these habits he althy we must highlight the hygiene of the ears, since these can act as a gateway for multiple pathogens and keeping them clean is very important.

But how should we do it? Don't worry, in this AnimalWised article we show you how to clean a cat's ears step by step.

The first and most important thing is to avoid stress in our cat, otherwise it will associate this habit in a negative way and not we will make it easier and easier but we will find in the hygiene of the ears an increasingly difficult process both for us and for our pet.

How do we calm our cat?

We will start with caresses and a friendly tone of voice, we must make our feline interpret our gestures as a game so that it relaxes completely, finally our cat must be in the optimal position to start cleaning.

If it is a puppy we can place it on our legs, however, in the case of adult cats it is better to place it on a stool or table that is at our height.

Is it impossible for your cat to calm down?

If all of the above doesn't work, you can always choose to add one of the various natural cat tranquilizers to this strategy.

The second step is check our cat's ears because it is always very important that as owners we are attentive to any signs or symptom that may indicate the presence of a disease.

The presence of parasites, excessive wax, fetid odor, scabs or wounds may be indicating a pathology such as otitis or ear infection, therefore, when faced with these signs, it is best not to delays in going to the vet.

On the contrary, the absence of these signs together with a pale pink ear canal will indicate a good state of he alth.

Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 2
Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 2

To start cleaning the ears we will start from the outside, for this we will only need a moistened towel and the cleaning product that is generally we use for your bath, of course it must be a specific soap for cats.

Use the towel and soap to clean the outer and furry part of the ear, subsequently removing any residue of detergent that may have remained.

Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 3
Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 3

Cleaning the inside of the ear must be done with extreme caution so as not to compromise the structures found in the auditory pavilion, for this we only require a cotton gauze preferably sterile.

We will wrap this gauze around our finger and insert it very gently into the ear canal to make it easier for the wax to come off and the ear to be clear.

We don't need anything else, but we should know that we can count on another alternative, the specific ear cleaners for cats, which have a comfortable applicator and dissolve the wax.

Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 4
Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 4

To keep your cat's ears in perfect condition, you should know that this procedure must be performed once every 2 weeks, in addition, to To prevent any complication, when you go to bathe your cat you should plug its ears with two cotton balls, in this way you avoid the entry of water, which could cause damage to the auditory canal.

Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 5
Clean a cat's ears step by step - Step 5

If you observe any anomaly it will be essential go to the vet to that identifies if it is a disease or there is a problem that should be checked. Some indicators of he alth problems may be the presence of dark wax, a yeast-like odor, or the appearance of parasites.
