Golden Retriever FAQ

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Golden Retriever FAQ
Golden Retriever FAQ
Golden Retriever FAQ
Golden Retriever FAQ

When it comes to adopting a dog there are many doubts that arise in our minds, and we are talking about a very important decision It should not be taken without prior investigation. Before we go into solving the most common ones, ask yourself the following question: do you have the resources to offer your new partner the best quality of life? By this we mean time, money and dedication. If the answer is yes and you are already clear that the dog that best suits you is a golden retriever, congratulations! You have opted for an affectionate, balanced and very sociable breed of dog.

Keep reading and discover in this article on our site the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the golden retriever, you have probably asked yourself more than one.

Does the golden retriever shed a lot?

The Golden Retriever loses a lot of hair all the time and she loses even more during the shedding season. In this way, if you dislike dog hair or have an allergy to it, it is better to look for a breed of dog that does not lose as much hair, such as the poodle. Hypoallergenic dogs that do not shed are more appropriate for you. And if, on the other hand, you don't mind adopting a dog with a tendency to frequent hair loss, don't miss the article in which we tell you what the golden retriever's hair care is.

Golden Retriever FAQ - Does the Golden Retriever shed a lot of hair?
Golden Retriever FAQ - Does the Golden Retriever shed a lot of hair?

I have small children, is it a good idea to have a golden?

Golden Retrievers can be excellent pets for families with children as long as proper precautions are taken. Although Goldens have a reputation for being excellent with children, it should never be forgotten that they are still big dogs and if they get angry they can do a lot of damage to a child. Also, because of their size and active behavior, they can unintentionally cause falls and injure small children.

Therefore, if you want to have a golden, you must make sure to socialize the dog correctly with children, adults and everyone around them, and to educate your children so that they interact with the dog without mistreating it. Many dogs are abandoned or euthanized because they bite children who mistreat them. The dog is left without a family, or dies, and the child may be left with physical and emotional scars from adults who didn't bother to educate the children and the dog. Of course, the responsibility for the dog will be completely yours. Never expect a child, or even a teenager, to be able to take full responsibility for an animal if you haven't trained them to do so.

On the other hand, if you are thinking of adopting a golden retriever as a gift for your children, to satisfy a whim of theirs or simply to give them a playmate, then don't do it. It is very important that you also want to enjoy the company of an animal to dedicate the time it needs and offer it the care it deserves. Remember, in the end the person responsible for the golden will end up being you.

Golden Retriever FAQ - I have small children, is it a good idea to have a golden?
Golden Retriever FAQ - I have small children, is it a good idea to have a golden?

How do golden retrievers get along with other pets?

Depends on genetics and the experiences lived by each individual. It also depends on how the other pet reacts to the dog.

If you want a golden and you already have another pet, you can find a puppy and educate him so that he is not aggressive with the other animal. You will also have to educate the other pet so that it does not react aggressively to the newly arrived golden. Another option is to adopt an adult dog that you know gets along well with your other pet's species. If you adopt the dog, it is possible that the shelter has evaluated her reaction to other animals

In short, golden retrievers can get along with other pets, but you have to educate them for it.

Golden Retriever FAQ - How do Golden Retrievers get along with other pets?
Golden Retriever FAQ - How do Golden Retrievers get along with other pets?

How much exercise does a golden retriever need?

Being hunting dogs, Golden Retrievers need plenty of exercise They need games, walks and, if possible, the opportunity to swim. Intense exercises, such as agility, are good for he althy adult dogs because they help release pent-up energy. However, they are not recommended for puppies and young dogs (under 18 months) because they can cause joint damage.

Elderly Golden Retrievers should also go for walks, but always without forcing them to perform intense exercises.

Golden Retriever FAQ - How Much Exercise Does a Golden Retriever Need?
Golden Retriever FAQ - How Much Exercise Does a Golden Retriever Need?

Are they barking dogs?

Generally no, but they can become barkers and destroyers if left alone too long, or if they get bored. If this change in behavior occurs, do not forget to consult our article in which we tell you how to prevent your dog from barking and what are the main causes that can lead to it.

Do they tolerate hot climates well?

In answer to this frequently asked question about the golden retriever we can say that yes, as long as it's not extreme weather Anyway, It is not recommended to give them intense exercises during the hottest hours of the day (around noon) if you live in a warm place, because they can suffer thermal shock. In this case it is better to leave intense exercises for times when it is cooler, such as early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Do they tolerate cold climates well?

Yes, their protective fur allows them to withstand cold climates very well. However, you should also not leave your golden outdoors thinking that his fur is enough for him. The golden retriever must have a temperate place where he can take refuge from the extremes of the weather. The best thing is that he lives inside the house, with you and your family.

Frequently asked questions about the golden retriever - Do they tolerate cold climates well?
Frequently asked questions about the golden retriever - Do they tolerate cold climates well?

Are golden retrievers easy to train and naturally obedient?

It is true that Golden Retrievers are easy dogs to train when the proper methods are used. We recommend clicker training for best results.

It is not true that golden retrievers are obedient dogs by nature. No dog is obedient by nature, and the behavior of each individual depends on the training received by the owner.

Keep in mind that while Goldens are easy dogs to train, training takes time and dedication. If you want to train your golden on your own, visit our guide to discover the keys to keep in mind when educating a puppy.

How long do golden retrievers take to grow? And how long can they live?

These are two of the most frequently asked questions about the golden retriever and other dogs, since basic care varies depending on the age of the dog. As an answer to the first question, golden retrievers reach physical maturity around two years of age, but their definitive character does not usually appear before three years.

Regarding the second question, the life expectancy of this breed is around 10-12 years, but some golden retrievers live much more, reaching 15 years or more.

Golden Retriever FAQ - How long do golden retrievers take to grow? And how long can they live?
Golden Retriever FAQ - How long do golden retrievers take to grow? And how long can they live?

My golden retriever frequently gets ear infections, how can I prevent it?

Golden Retrievers, like some other breeds of dogs with floppy ears, get ear infections on a regular basis. To prevent this, you should clean your dog's ears frequently, as directed by your veterinarian. If you think your dog has an infection at this time, you should take it to the vet for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Can I have two or more golden retrievers?

Since Golden Retrievers tend to be social, it is possible to have two or more of these dogs. However, before you form a team of goldens, you need to make sure you have enough time and space. Two dogs give more than twice the work than one alone, they require greater economy and they need to have more space. If you want two dogs, go ahead, but make sure you can offer them a quality life

Which is better, the Labrador Retriever or the Golden Retriever?

This is a frequently asked question among those who are thinking of adopting a puppy and like both breeds. The only correct answer is: none.

Both the Golden and the Labrador Retriever can make excellent hunting dogs, pets, or service dogs. In addition, they have similar behavioral characteristics. Therefore, if you like both breeds and don't know whether to opt for the Labrador or the Golden, choose the one you like best and that's it.

My vet disagrees with the information on the internet, who should I believe?

Without a doubt, this is one of the most frequently asked questions about golden retrievers, and sometimes the information found on the Internet may not please our veterinarian. Well, if this happens, you should know that in everything that has to do with the he alth and care of your golden retriever, you have to listen to your veterinarian It is he who knows your dog and who has personally evaluated him.

Golden Retriever FAQ - My vet disagrees with information on the internet, who should I believe?
Golden Retriever FAQ - My vet disagrees with information on the internet, who should I believe?

Do you have any more questions about the golden retriever?

If you have any doubt that we have not reflected in this article on our site and you would like to expose it to resolve it as soon as possible, leave your comment and we will be happy to contact you to answer you.
