How do eagles hunt?
How do eagles hunt?

The word raptor is used, among other things, to refer to a group of animals also known as birds of prey, which they are considered as large predators within the ecosystems in which they inhabit, even reaching the same level of predation as certain hunting mammals.

These birds are endowed with various characteristics that allow them to have this aforementioned ecological role, so that they are very efficient in capturing their prey. In this group we have the eagles, which are quite striking and representative within the diurnal birds of prey, so much so that they have been used in various cultures and groups as a symbol of status or power. This article on our site is about them, specifically how eagles hunt, so we invite you to continue reading it and to learn about their hunting techniques.

Characteristics of eagles as predators

These birds belong to the Aquilas genus and the Accipitridae family, they have a wide range of distribution in various countries, with the exception of the poles. They are quite agile animals, fast, without a doubt majestic and are extremely ste althy Among the main characteristics of the group that make them excellent predators we can mention:

  • Some eagle species are among the world's largest raptors, such as the bold eagle (Aquila audax), native to Australia or the real (Aquila chrysaetos) and distributed in Europe, North America and Asia.
  • In general, the weight of the different species can vary from 1.5 to 6.5 kilograms. As for their dimensions, they range from about 65 to almost 100 cm in height. Females are generally larger than males.
  • The coloration of their wings varies from one species to another, but in general they tend towards dark brown and black colors,with the presence white, gold or yellow, depending on the case.
  • The wingspan of these animals can reach almost 3 meters in length.
  • They have robust, strong and pointed beaks ideal for tearing their prey. As for its claws, they are also powerful and long, like the tarsi, which are covered with feathers. Some have bare legs, while others do (booted eagles).
  • Eagles have excellent visionIn fact, they have a vision far superior even to that of humans thanks to their large pupils that considerably limit the dispersion of light that enters the eye. In this sense, an eagle can identify its potential prey at great distances.
  • Its habitats are diverse and vary according to the species, being able to be found in leafy forests or not, dry areas, alluvial plains, marshes, mountainous regions, semi-deserts, wooded savannahs and even urban areas.

For more information, we encourage you to read this other article on our site about Characteristics of eagles.

What animals do eagles hunt?

Eagles are carnivorous animals with a very varied diet, which depends on the ecosystem in which they are found and the animals that live there. Among the various prey of the eagles, we find:

  • Rabbits
  • Hares
  • Doves
  • Ravens
  • Partridges
  • Foxes
  • Rodents
  • Lizards
  • Snakes
  • Squirrels
  • Weasels
  • Damanes
  • Monkeys
  • Young goats
  • Young deer
  • Young Boars
  • Carrion (occasionally)

In this other article, we explain in greater depth What do eagles eat?

How do eagles hunt? - What animals do eagles hunt?
How do eagles hunt? - What animals do eagles hunt?

How do eagles hunt their prey?

Eagles can implement various strategies to hunt their prey, which will depend mainly on where they are located and their size of the animal they have identified to attack. In general, they are stocky birds that can lift individuals with a weight slightly higher than their own, which is a rather striking feature of these birds of prey.

Flying Hunt

One of the ways they have to capture other animals, specifically other birds, is what is known as flight hunting. Once the eagle detects its prey, it follows it ste althily to avoid detection, and when close, extends its powerful talons and captures it, usually dying of immediately due to the pressure exerted by the predator's legs.

This technique is developed by adult animals, young people lack experience to be able to execute it since it requires a lot of agility and strength for them to be done effectively.

Hunt down or close to the ground

Another way they catch birds is to fly upwards and then quickly swoop down, knocking them down the victim and capture it.

On the other hand, to catch a larger individual, they are able to fly close to the ground, chasing the prey and, when they sense the right moment, they attack, steadily grabbing the victim with their powerful claws.

Hunting from a tree or high place

Eagles can also hover over an area to track potential food. Once they identify it, they perch on a tree or a high place that offers them visibility, thus monitoring the possible prey. Then, when it comes under the spot where the bird is perched, swoops down to capture it

Other eagle hunting techniques

It has also been identified that some of these large species are capable of knocking down and attacking prey such as caribou or deer.

On the other hand, when food is scarce (a fact that is happening more regularly in some intervened areas), eagle prey decreases, leading these species to carrion consumption.

In general, the eagles can consume the hunted food in the same place of the fact, transfer it completely to the nest or in parts if necessary.

When do eagles hunt?

Eagles are considered diurnal birds of prey, which means they hunt during the day. In addition, they generally do so alone, except for some species, which at specific times can cooperate to hunt certain prey.

Next, we leave you a video of an eagle hunting so you can see some of the hunting methods of these animals.

Falconry and conservation status of eagles

Eagles, as well as other birds of prey, were identified as excellent hunters for centuries, which is why falconry was developed, which It consists of training these animals to capture other species of birds or mammals of interest to humans. However, at present, their use for this activity is not as developed.

These birds have not escaped attack by people, since for a long time they were considered harmful as they fed on animals that were raised for human use, which resulted in themass hunting of eagles Among the various species of eagles, some are currently in a vulnerable state and others in danger of extinction, mainly due to the destruction of their habitats, which has a drastic influence on them, given the decrease in food availability.
