How do hyenas hunt?
How do hyenas hunt?

Hyenas are found within the Carnivora order and belong to the Hyaenidae family and, although they are a slightly diverse group, they have unique characteristics, among which we can name their characteristic way of communicating, since they They do this by barking and shrill howling that remind us of ghoulish laughter. On the other hand, they have a physical resemblance to the canids, but the truth is that they are within the same suborder as the felines, the Feliformia, so they share biological and anatomical characteristics with cats, lions, leopards and the rest of felines. In addition, they are well known for their appearance and their scavenging habits, but we must also point out that these animals play a very important role in the environments where they live in Africa and Asia, so they are vital for the ecosystem.

Don't miss this article on our site and learn more about how hyenas hunt, their eating habits and customs.

Feeding the hyenas

We all know these peculiar animals and immediately associate them with scavenging habits, which is true. But in addition, within this striking group, there is also a species that is almost exclusively insectivorous, the aardwolf or proteles, a hyena that derives from an ancient lineage of hyaenids that were more linked to dogs, genetically speaking. The rest, the hyenas that have scavenging habits and that, in addition, are kleptoparasites, that is, they "steal" the remains of dead animals that other animals have hunted, are within the lineage of the so-called bone-crushing hyenas.

Primarily, hyenas are scavengers, so they consume remains of dead animalsBut depending on the situation, they can also attack and hunt animals, be they giraffes, snakes, zebras, among others. In addition, they can supplement their diet by consuming different fruits A behavior similar to canids is that hyenas can hunt in groups and they do so by chasing their prey until they are tired and then dismember her With their strong teeth and jaws, they are capable of crushing bones and swallowing them to digest them, while their nails, hoofs, horns or antlers push them aside and do not consume them.

As we mentioned, the aardwolf (Proteles cristata) is a species of solitary hyena and insectivorous that lives in southern Africa and, compared to other species, is very peaceful. It feeds mainly on different species of termites, which it catches thanks to its very sticky and viscous tongue. May also consume larvae of other insects and may very rarely supplement its diet by hunting small vertebrates and birds. This type of diet, in addition to requiring less physical effort, also provides you with less competition and greater energy availability.

Do hyenas attack humans?

Like any wild animal, hyenas can attack humans if they feel threatened In addition, in some nearby places where they live, It is known that they approach the populations in search of food scraps that they throw in the rubbish. There are cases where they can be feeding a few meters from people's houses, something that happens in some cities in Ethiopia. These animals can be very dangerous for humans, since their jaws are so strong that they can even break the bones of an elephant.

Despite the above, the truth is that hyenas have come to provide an ecological service in cities, as they feed on the remains of dead animals and have even come to control overpopulations of stray cats and dogs that have caused a lot of trouble. In any case, this situation has had its price, because, as we mentioned, they are dangerous for humans, especially for people who live on the streets. Because their populations have been increasing and taking over the cities, some cities have had to apply lethal control.

When and how do hyenas hunt?

As we said, hyenas are primarily scavengers and opportunistic animals, since they can consume food from different sources. However, they are also known for being one of the fiercest predators of the African savannah, since their anatomy is adapted to be a predatory and hunter animal, being able to catch animals much larger than them, such as wildebeest, giraffes and antelopes. So how do hyenas hunt and when? They are nocturnal animals that have excellent vision and hearing, and become very good hunters thanks to their strong legs and claws that allow them to chase and catch their dams.

In general, hyenas hunt in packs, but in small groups. In this way, they chase their prey and isolate it from each other. The size of the prey can increase if the hunting group is more numerous, so they are capable of hunting prey as large as elephants. In addition, they are very fast animals, and it is that chasing their prey until exhausting it is part of their hunting strategy. If an animal is resting, they are able to besiege it and annoy it so that it begins to flee and thus be able to chase it while it moves away from its companions, since if its prey is in a pack, it is very likely that the hyenas will be attacked by the other members. of the group. Once they catch her, they are able to finish her off in half an hour, consuming all of her bones. In addition, the fact that they eat so quickly is due to the fact that all the members of the herd fight over the prey, which leads to them consuming the prey even when it is alive and which causes fierce fights between the members of the group.

Like other scavengers, it is worth noting the importance of hyenas, which help keep the environments where they live he althy and clean, fulfilling a vital ecological role.
