How to make TOOTHPASTE for CATS?

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How to make TOOTHPASTE for CATS?
How to make TOOTHPASTE for CATS?
How to make toothpaste for cats?
How to make toothpaste for cats?

As in our case, the hygiene of cats' teeth is fundamental and allows us to prevent really annoying disorders. Currently, it is possible to find toothpastes for cats of various brands for sale. But it is also possible to resort to home recipes

Thus, in this article on our site, in addition to talking about the importance of dental hygiene, we are going to give you several recipes. If you're wondering how to make cat toothpaste, read on.

Feline dental hygiene

Logically, cats' mouths get dirty after every meal. In addition, there are different oral pathologies in cats, such as gingivitis, which are very common in cats and lead, over time, to the deterioration and loss of teeth. The result is a mouth that will give off a bad smell, gums that will bleed easily and may ooze pus, and bad teeth that will fall out. This type of problem also causes a lot of pain The cat stops eating and can barely groom its coat. Their well-being, and even their lives, are compromised and it is necessary to go to the vet.

Oral hygiene helps prevent and control these types of problems, which is why caregivers are interested in knowing how to make toothpaste for cats. Feline teeth should be brushed daily, but the difficulty that this can entail means that it is considered valid to leave it several times a week. At a minimum, and depending on each cat, between 2-3 times, although the ideal is to consult the veterinarian, especially if the cat has suffered and a dental problem.

How to brush a cat's teeth?

It is not easy to clean a cat's teeth, so it is important that we start hygiene as soon as possible, always with patience, delicate movements, soft voice and, of course, without forcing, looking for a quiet moment and rewarding the cat afterwards

Ideally would be start from kittens, since they are in a time when it is easier for them to accept this manipulation. But if we adopt our adult cat, we can still get used to it, once it has adapted to the home and we are able to handle it. If it is completely impossible, we can assess other forms of hygiene, such as:

  • Food with a cleaning effect.
  • Snacks for dental hygiene.
  • Professional oral cleaning at the veterinary clinic.

And don't forget that choosing a toothbrush suitable for cats is just as important as the toothpaste There are similar to ours, but also in the form of thimbles. These may be more comfortable for us, since we will only have to insert our finger and gently pass it through the teeth, but we must watch out for a possible bite. At home and quickly, it is possible to use a simple gauze.

For more information, see this other article on our site on How to clean my cat's teeth?

How to make toothpaste for cats? - Feline dental hygiene
How to make toothpaste for cats? - Feline dental hygiene

Cat Toothpaste - Ingredients

With the aim of keeping cats' teeth clean, different products have been developed that are as effective as they are safe for them. Cat-specific toothpastes are available for sale in different flavors to choose from, such as chicken, fish, m alt, shellfish or herbs. Of course, the paste you use is not good You could poison your cat. In addition, our pastes make a foam that can be very unpleasant, with the aggravating circumstance that it will not be able to be rinsed or spit out. In the next section, we explain how to make toothpaste for cats, but if your cat suffers from a specific problem, only use the paste or cleansers recommended by the veterinarian. In commercial toothpastes for cats you can find ingredients such as the following, which provide different effects:

  • Abrasives: such as calcium and silicates, which are responsible for cleaning.
  • Oxygenants: that limit the growth of anaerobic bacteria.
  • Chlorhexidine: with antibacterial and antiviral action. Chlorhexidine is a disinfectant that can be used alone for dental hygiene, at least at specific times, according to the veterinarian's prescription. Prolonged use could be counterproductive and damage the enamel.
  • Zinc ascorbate: which improves the healing of gum diseases.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: to reduce and prevent plaque and tartar.
  • Enzymes: to promote deep cleaning.

On the other hand, these pastes must not contain foaming agents, so that they can be swallowed without problems, no fluoride or xylitol, which can be toxic.

On the other hand, also keep in mind that if the teeth are already badly damaged or symptoms like the ones we have described are visible, simply cleaning the teeth will not solve the problem. You will need a veterinary exam and a specific treatment of which dental hygiene will be only one part.

And if your cat's breath smells, despite brushing its teeth, we advise you to read this other article on Why does my cat's mouth smell bad?

How to make toothpaste for cats? - Toothpaste for cats - Ingredients
How to make toothpaste for cats? - Toothpaste for cats - Ingredients

Cat toothpaste recipes

If you're wondering how to make cat toothpaste at home, here are some of the simplest recipes for routine cleaning for he althy cats, since for specific problems it's best to follow the indications of the veterinarian, since certain active principles will be needed according to each case:

  • Baking soda paste: to make it, you just have to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of water.
  • Sodium chloride paste: it is based on mixing a tablespoon of this chloride with a teaspoon of water.
  • Potassium chloride paste: the same proportion of one tablespoon of chloride per one teaspoon of water is followed.

In any case, use a very of the paste, but be aware that the taste can be very strong and unpleasant, complicating cleaning. That is why commercial toothpastes are usually made with different flavors, which increase their tolerance.
