My M altese puppy scratches a lot

My M altese puppy scratches a lot
My M altese puppy scratches a lot
My M altese dog scratches a lot
My M altese dog scratches a lot

The M altese is a very old breed. Its exact origin is not clear, as it seems that it may come from the Sicilian city of Melita or from the island of Meleda, in the Adriatic Sea. Originally it was the typical buzzard dog, which lived in the ports of the Mediterranean Sea area and on ships. Today it is a popular companion dog, happy and strong.

However, at the same time, the M altese is a dog that has a somewhat delicate coat, for this reason in any problem it is common to see him scratching his body and ears. In this article on our site we will give you some tips to find out what is happening with your dog's coat and we will find out why your M altese puppy scratches a lot:

What are the most frequent diseases in the M altese Bichon?

You can say that they are affected by the same diseases as any dog, but due to their long hair, the skin is usually one of the most affected organs of the body.

This long-haired coat, if not cared for and maintained properly, can lead to multiple hair and skin problems, as would be the knots, with the consequent lack of oxygenation of the skin and the increase in the probability of generating other pathologies, such as dermatitis, external parasite problems, etc. Other diseases that are becoming more frequent in this breed (and in others) are atopic dermatitis, whose origin is allergic.

My M altese Bichon scratches a lot - What are the most frequent diseases in the M altese Bichon?
My M altese Bichon scratches a lot - What are the most frequent diseases in the M altese Bichon?

My bichon scratches a lot….. Why?

Scratching is a very typical manifestation of canine behavior, observing how the dog scratches or licks certain areas of its body. It is usually associated with itching, but it can have other causes, both physical, specific to the skin, such as general pathology, as well as associatedbehavior problems Any strange sensation in the skin (inflammation, wound, garment, new necklace, etc.) generates scratching and licking as a response.

A very common cause of itching and the scratch or lick response is allergies. These can be caused by food (known as atopic dermatitis) or by contact. The former usually generate a more generalized inflammation and itching, while the contact ones usually generate a more localized itching, coinciding with the area where the skin has been in contact with the material that generates the allergy.

And other causes?

Another cause could be the presence of infectious-type dermatitis (by bacteria and fungi), caused by lack of oxygenation in the skin (hair knots, due to lack of brushing or poor brushing), by contact with sick animals or also by the presence of foreign bodies that cause wounds (such as spikes).

My M altese puppy scratches a lot - and other causes?
My M altese puppy scratches a lot - and other causes?

And the parasites?

Parasites, such as fleas, tend to cause great itching in the dog, increasing the time he spends scratching. There are also other parasitic diseases, such as scabies and massive tick infestations.

What behavior problems lead to excessive licking or scratching?

Excessive licking in some areas of the dog's body is usually caused by psychological problems of the animal, such as stereotypy and compulsive behavior The most common is acral lick dermatitis.

Consists of the dog constantly licking the carpus area, in many cases causing injuries. It is usually frequent in dogs that are confined and alone for many hours or due to lack of physical activity.
