My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do?

My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do?
My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do?

Do you feel your little pet attacking you? If you've noticed your cat bites and scratches you constantly or pounces on you unexpectedly, don't panic, because we have a lot on this topic on our site teach you.

Below you will find practical solutions to prevent the cat from biting and scratching and we will also explain the possible causes of the feline's behavior, remember that before judging your partner it is better to try to understand why of its aggressiveness, since sometimes the cause is in ourselves without knowing it.

Cats express their feelings in many ways and sometimes what we think may be an aggressive or inappropriate attitude may be the visible face of other problems. In almost everything, if your cat does not stop biting and scratching we will help you solve the problem.

Prevent before being sorry

Before explaining the possible reasons and some solutions so that your cat does not attack you, we believe it is important to address the issue of prevention. If your cat lunges at you to bite or scratch there are some things you can do to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • Nails: Keep an eye on your pet's nails and keep them short, so that if an attack occurs it cannot harm you. Remember that cats naturally file their nails but you can still cut them without problems. Learn tips and tricks with the article on how to cut my cat's nails.

  • Do Not Disturb: There are very specific things that we know cats don't like being done to them, so don't let them know! you do! We are talking about, for example, petting their hind legs and scaring them. If you know your pet well, avoid doing things to him that upset him or that you know will trigger an aggressive reaction.
  • Divert their attention: cats use body language constantly and there are very obvious signs that your pet is in a position of attack. If you notice that she has her ears back and her pupils dilated, she is definitely letting you know that she is ready for action, so the best thing you can do is divert her attention immediately. The idea is not to scold him but to avoid the attack. Other signs are vigorous tail wagging or specific meowing.
My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do? - Prevent before regret
My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do? - Prevent before regret

The causes

The causes of behavior that can be considered aggressive in our felines can be very varied. Each case addresses different situations but we will try to generalize to help you understand why what cats bite and scratch.

Playful cats:

If you have a small cat you should know that kittens do not know how to control their strength. Probably, the behavior that you consider aggressive is more likely that your pet does not yet know the limits when it comes to playing, so to help him remember to avoid teaching him that your hands are prey.

Likewise, if your cat is an adult but didn't spend time with his mother and siblings, he may not have learned the lesson of limits. In that case it is not an attack but rather your pet does not know how to measure and instead of showing you affection it ends up hurting you.

Stressed cats:

A stressed or anxious cat is an animal prone to attack. In these cases it is important that you identify the causes, it may be that the animal feels cornered or insecure due to a change of environment. Cats are delicate, methodical animals, they like routine, so any disturbance of their territory can generate a stress situation that can trigger aggressive behavior.

Sick cats:

Illness or bodily discomfort is also a typical cause for feline biting or scratching. When a cat is not feeling well or suffers from any discomfort, it is more prone to aggressiveness, remember that it is on the defensive and its instinct tells it that to protect itself it must attack.

If you perceive that your cat's aggressive behavior is related to visible symptoms of illness, such as loss of weight or appetite, there may be a more serious he alth problem.

What do I do now?

If your cat won't stop biting and scratching and you've already evaluated the possible causes of this potentially aggressive behavior, the next thing you need to do is decide what to do. Depending on the causes, there are several solutions to this problem, so give your feline friend a chance and try these actions:

  • Mark the limits: Teach your cat that you are not prey. Provide the animal with a good scratching post and have fun with it playing with different toys that capture its attention. If you want you can make your own scratching post for homemade cats or consult the best toys for cats.

  • Correct when necessary: If your cat bites or scratches you react calmly, remember that if you chase or yell at him what you will do is frighten and confuse him. The most appropriate reactions are to break the situation, not give him any treat or food after he has bitten you, not give him affection immediately afterward, or positively reinforce his biting and scratching of his toys.
  • Visit the vet: As we have already explained, aggressive behavior can be the symptom of a more complicated situation. If this is the case, it is always important that you visit the vet, who will be able to help your pet feel good and, without a doubt, will be able to give you advice so that your quality of life is always the most optimal.

  • Let Live: Sometimes the best solution to prevent a cat from biting and scratching is to leave the animal alone. Cats are solitary and quite independent creatures, their ways of showing affection are quite different from ours, so if your pet bites you very often it may be because you do something he doesn't like, like hugging him too much for example.
My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do? - What do I do now?
My cat bites and scratches me - what do I do? - What do I do now?

Latest Tips

Remember that cats are different pets from the rest, felines are solitary and express their affection towards you in a different way than would do a dog. Therefore, before considering that your cat has a behavioral problem or that it is an aggressive animal, study his behavior a little and you will find the reasons for this attitude.
