Cat SPHYNX or SPHINX - Characteristics, Character and Care (With Photos)

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Cat SPHYNX or SPHINX - Characteristics, Character and Care (With Photos)
Cat SPHYNX or SPHINX - Characteristics, Character and Care (With Photos)
Sphynx cat
Sphynx cat

The sphynx cat or sphynx cat is a truly unique cat in the world. It was the first to be accepted as a race without hair or without apparent fur and what is certain is that they create pleasure and displeasure at the same time on the part of human society. Many professionals suggest that it comes from the devon rex breed, with which it shares very similar characteristics.

They appeared naturally throughout history since their lack of fur is the cause of a mutation, a common process in the evolution of any species. It was in Canada, when in the 60's they decided to fix and maintain the characteristics of cats that did not seem to have hair.

Keep reading and discover everything about the shpynx cat or sphynx cat on our site:

Origin of the cat shpynx

Regarding its origins, the sphynx cat or sphinx cat owes its essential characteristic of not having a coat of hair to a dominant gene. In 1987, specifically in Russia, it would be Elena Kovalena who adopted the first specimen named Varvana and thanks to Mitu the breed began to spread and received a warm welcome.

Characteristics of the sphynx cat

It is a cat medium, elongated and muscular We can look at the huge ears that stand out on the naked body, which forms folds in various areas. Although the Sphynx cat is considered hairless, the reality is that the fur is very fine and short, so much so that it is not appreciated. There are many color combinations that result in unique specimens.

If there is something that should be highlighted about this feline, it is its absence of a coat that makes it precisely so characteristic, although it should be noted that there are four varieties of this breed and some of them have a light coat of hair It barely reaches a few millimeters. The varieties of this race are the following:

  • Goma: what are completely hairless Don Sphynx cats.
  • Flock: those covered by a millimetric mantle that gives them a velvety appearance.
  • Velour: Don Sphynx with hair no longer than 3 mm.
  • Brush: with curly fur.

So, as we can see, we have a choice between these splendid and special kittens.

Sphynx cat character

The Don Sphynx cat, despite his serious, delicate appearance and rigid pose in the Egyptian way, has a sweet, delicate character and who feels comfortable in contact with people, will be sociable and will speak in a soft and wheedling voice.

Although like good felines they will enjoy their independence, humane treatment gives them the warmth these hairless cats need to live a he althy life. happy and undisturbed. The character of these cats, so tender, is greatly admired by their owners and that is why people who know them want to have them and only want to choose between the varieties of hair, their welcoming personality being perfect for them.

Sphynx cat care

You should keep your Sphynx cat in a warm place Remember that hair is a protection against temperature changes and this breed in particular finds it hard to stay stable. Especially in winter pay attention to the temperature of your sphynx cat.

hygiene is also important in this breed as it tends to get dirty easily. It needs the owner's help to keep itself clean and neat, and it will need a bath every 20 to 30 days. Likewise, it also lacks eyelashes, which makes it tear excessively. Clean him with physiological serums and remove the legañas daily. The ears are very large and are very open, so they accumulate wax in abundance that we must clean frequently and despite lacking hair, we must brush them gently from time to time, but we cannot abuse the baths so as not to remove their oil. natural. See your vet for advice and to show you how to do it.

Finally and to put an end to hygiene, we will highlight the importance of cleaning their nails as well as the environment in which they are found. Due to its lack of hair, it tends to sweat excessively and to shed some fat from its natural protective layer, for this reason, if we are not on top of cleaning we can end up with a sad and dirty cat.

In addition, the sphynx cat needs adequate food. In the market you will find specific feed for this unusual breed, always focused on their needs. It is also very important to leave fresh, clean water within easy reach.

Obviously these cats are more unprotected and exposed than other kittens that have their great fur, so it is very important to take care of the details. Discover in detail all the care of the sphynx cat in the article on our site.

Cat he alth shpynx

Although it may seem delicate or fragile at first glance, the Sphynx cat is a robust and strong cat. To keep it in optimal condition, you should take it regularly to the veterinary to check that it is perfectly fine and deworm it when necessary. It will also be essential to go to follow up on the vaccination schedule for cats.

Some of the diseases that can affect your sphynx cat:

  • Feline leukemia: It is infectious and contagious through blood or saliva. Hygiene and preventive vaccination will prevent you from suffering from this disease.
  • Infectious peritonitis: Very contagious, present in the feces of the infected animal.
  • Herpesvirus: Affects the respiratory tract.
  • Panleukopenia: A serious, contagious infection that is also spread through feces.
  • Rage
  • Chlamydia: Disease of the upper respiratory tract. It creates conjunctivitis and rhinitis.
  • Bordetelsosis: Also affects the upper respiratory tract. Very undesirable in young specimens.

Photos of sphynx or sphinx cats
