Vitamin B for cats - Dosage, what it is for and recommended foods

Vitamin B for cats - Dosage, what it is for and recommended foods
Vitamin B for cats - Dosage, what it is for and recommended foods
Vitamin B for cats - Dosage and what it is used for
Vitamin B for cats - Dosage and what it is used for

The B complex vitamins are involved in numerous bodily functions, being essential micronutrients in the diet of any cat for maintaining its he alth and normal physiological state. Generally, if the cat is fed a complete food for the feline species, either in solid or wet format or in a combination, and gets the minimum amount needed per day, that is, it is not sick or showing a loss of appetite or You do not have digestive problems associated with nutrient malabsorption, you will obtain all the vitamins in this complex through your diet, not requiring extra supplementation. However, on other occasions it is worth offering a nutritional supplement containing B vitamins to cats, as well as knowing which foods with B vitamins are suitable for cats.

If you want to know the Benefits of vitamin B for cats and when it should be giventhese animals, continue reading this article on our site.

What is vitamin B?

B-complex vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins, that is, they dissolve in water, eliminating excess same by urine, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which can lead to poisoning by accumulating in the body because they do not have the ability to dissolve in liquids. In general, the B complex vitamins involved in the immune system, the brain, the metabolism of fats and proteins, vision, hair appearance, growth and development, pregnancy and lactation and to improve stress.

The vitamin B complex contains the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 or thiamin: intervenes in functions of the nervous system and increases appetite.
  • Vitamin B2 or riboflavin: it is essential for good vision function and for the he althy appearance of the cat's coat
  • Vitamin B3 or niacin: also improves appetite and aids digestion.
  • Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid: helps in fat metabolism.
  • Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine: is an important vitamin in protein metabolism.
  • Vitamin B8 or biotin: intervenes in the good appearance of the hair and facilitates the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Vitamin B9 folic acid: prevents fetal malformations, being important in pregnancy, as well as in the formation of new cells.
  • Vitamin B12 or cobalamin: is involved in the formation of blood cells, such as red blood cells or erythrocytes.

What is vitamin B used for in cats?

The vitamins of the B complex, as we have just commented, are involved in numerous vital functions and maintenance of the body structures of our little cats. In addition, specifically the vitamins thiamin (B1), pyridoxine (B6),Folic acid (B9) and Cobalamin (B12) are essential for good cognitive function and neurological development in cats since they are involved in the transformation of the amino acid homocysteine into other substances that can be used by the feline body. If by chance the cat is deficient in these vitamins, homocysteine would accumulate in the blood, which could lead to cardiovascular problems or cognitive impairment.

In addition, B-complex vitamins are important for the following:

  • Involved in cell differentiation.
  • Stimulate metabolism.
  • They are important for skin and hair.
  • They stimulate the immune system.
  • Involved in the biochemistry of the nervous system.
  • Help fight stress.

Vitamin B deficiency in cats

A vitamin B complex deficiency is rare in cats fed cat diet in the correct proportions and daily amount, but can occur in cats with digestive malabsorptionor in the elderly. When a cat presents digestive malabsorption, it stops absorbing essential nutrients such as these vitamins, especially vitamin B12, on whose absorption depends the good function of the pancreas and the mucosa of the small intestine, reducing the half-life of this vitamin from 13 to 5 days, for what digestive or intestinal diseases (inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, cholangitis, cholangiohepatitis or intestinal lymphoma) cause cats to develop a deficiency of this vitamin.

On the other hand, it has been studied that levels of this vitamin are reduced in older cats (especially in females), regardless of the diet that the cat takes. For this reason, vitamin B12 supplementation is recommended for all cats with gastrointestinal disease or in which vitamin B12 levels are less than 300 ng/L.

Dose of vitamin B for cats

If we talk about supplements, the dose of these vitamins will depend on the manufacturer and the presentation, being able to find them in pill format or tablets, although there are also in paste or injectable format. The dosage will depend on the individual needs of each cat and all the B complex vitamins can be supplemented or just some of them, with single supplementation being especially common of vitamin B12 or cobalamin in cats with digestive diseases or in the elderly. Never offer your cat supplements of these vitamins designed for people and always seek veterinary advice before giving any type of supplement to your little feline.

As for foods with vitamin B, the amount will depend on the diet you follow, since it is not the same to include natural food as a diet based mainly on dry feed, wet food or a 100% homemade diet. Again, consult with a veterinarian specialized in nutrition.

How to give a cat vitamin B?

How to give B vitamins to a cat will depend on the presentation of the product and the needs of the cat, requiring one or two tablets, the indicated amount of pasta or injections Of course, since they are water-soluble vitamins, the vitamin complex dissolves in water, so it should be administered every day as it does not accumulate in the cat's body.

In cats with cognitive impairments, you can opt for a B vitamin supplement that also includes L-carnitine and L-tryptophan, which support the communication and metabolism of brain cells and nerve cells.

Vitamin B foods for cats

In addition, we can offer our cats on certain occasions and always as a complement to their usual diet a series of natural foods that contain high levels of vitamin B. These foods are the following:

  • Guts of animals such as liver and kidney
  • Pork Meat
  • Chicken or Turkey
  • Rabbit meat
  • Sardines
  • Bass
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Eggs

If our feline follows a homemade diet, then there will be no problem in including these foods as part of it, since animal protein should occupy 80-90% of the daily diet as the cat is a strict carnivorous animal. Of course, again, we recommend consulting a veterinarian specialized in feline nutrition in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies. We talk about it in this article: "What do cats eat?".

Other foods such as nuts, vegetables, brewer's yeast, cereals and dairy products are also important sources of these vitamins, but since cats are carnivores and to prevent poisoning, these foods should never be consumed. they must be offered to small felines or, at least, not on a regular basis or in large quantities. Vegetables, for example, should not exceed 5-10% of the total daily diet, as we explain in this video:

Vitamin B side effects for cats

B vitamins are generally safe as they do not accumulate in the body, making it difficult for them to become toxic. However, a high or prolonged dose of pyridoxine or vitamin B6 can cause muscle weakness and incoordination.

Another situation that can cause side effects is the rapid intravenous administration of these vitamins, which may appear vomiting, general malaise, or nausea. Allergic reactions may also occur, although they are not frequent.
