What can a cat with urinary problems eat? - Recommended foods

What can a cat with urinary problems eat? - Recommended foods
What can a cat with urinary problems eat? - Recommended foods
What can a cat with urinary problems eat?
What can a cat with urinary problems eat?

Unfortunately, urinary problems are quite common in cats. It is known that food plays a very important role in many of these cases, so it is essential that we monitor our feline's diet both to prevent and treat these problems once they have appeared.

Next, in this article on our site, we talk about what can a cat with urinary problems eat, so read on if yours suffers from any pathology related to the urinary system.

How does diet influence a cat with urinary problems?

We are increasingly aware of the importance of food for he alth. This makes us more demanding with the food we choose for our cats. But it is not only important that we choose a quality food, but when we talk about disorders in the urinary tract, the menu has to meet a series of requirements to favor both the cure of these pathologies and the prevention of their appearance.

In fact, feeding is so important in this type of pathology that will be part of the treatment, together with the measures, drugs or interventions that the veterinarian considers. But, why should we adapt our feline's diet in these cases? To understand it, we have to know that many of these problems are due to the formation of stones in the urinary tract. The calculations are nothing more than stones that are formed due to the precipitation of crystals of different minerals present in the cat's body. For these minerals to precipitate, certain conditions are needed in the urine, such as a more or less acidic pH. In addition, there are minerals, such as phosphorus or magnesium, which can be found in high levels because they are provided in the diet.

You also have to take hydration into account Cats are animals that come from an ancestor that lives in desert areas. The water it consumed came mainly from its prey and little was ingested directly. Currently, domestic cats continue to drink little and if they are also fed feed with reduced moisture we may find ourselves with insufficient fluid consumption. This leads to the elimination of less urine, which is more concentrated and spends more time inside the bladder. In this urine it is easier for the right conditions to occur for minerals to precipitate.

Therefore, if we offer a quality food, with the right amounts of minerals and the right pH, and ensure good hydration we are preventing this problem or helping the cat to recover, if it has already manifested itself. For example, if our dog is diagnosed with struvite crystals, which are very common in cats, offering a specific food against them will be essential to solve the problem, as it will hinder the formation of these crystals and help reduce those that have formed. Hence the importance of changing our cat's usual diet to the one recommended by the vet.

Food for cats with urinary problems

As we move forward, it will be the veterinarian who prescribes a specific food suitable for helping to resolve the problem affecting our cat. An example is the feed from Lenda VET Nature Urinary & Struvite, which helps to dissolve and reduce struvite stones. To achieve this, its properties of undersaturation and urine acidification stand out, relying for this on phosphoric acid and potassium sorbate, and a magnesium content of less than 0.18%(struvite is a magnesium ammonium phosphate). The probiotics included in the recipe also help balance the beneficial bacterial flora that can be affected in these cases, especially when antibiotics are prescribed. Other ingredients, such as glucosamine, help control inflammation. Protein intake is also controlled by the binding of proteins to ammonium. In addition, the entire Lenda veterinary range stands out for making its products with natural ingredients Remember that it is also very important to encourage the cat to drink, as water is essential so that the urine is not so concentrated.

On the contrary, we should avoid offering our cat food that increases its problem, that is, that includes considerable amounts of the minerals responsible of their stones or maintain an adequate urinary pH for them to form. In any case, to select the best food for cats with urinary problems, regardless of whether we choose feed, wet or homemade food, the first thing is to have a correct diagnosis. If we suspect that our cat suffers from a urinary disease, which can manifest itself with difficulties urinating, pain, blood in the urine, etc., we must go to the veterinarian before modifying the diet on our own.

What can a cat with urinary problems eat? - Food for cats with urinary problems
What can a cat with urinary problems eat? - Food for cats with urinary problems

Homemade food for cats with urinary problems

Cats with urinary problems, in addition to eating commercial options such as the one we have mentioned, can also be fed homemade food as long as it is prepared according to their needs based on their pathology, for which there is to have a diagnosis, because the diet to combat struvite crystals is not the same as those of calcium oxalate. It is not an easy task, which is why it is much more comfortable to go to the purchased food such as the one mentioned from the Lenda veterinary line.

But, if we are interested in this alternative, the first thing is to contact a veterinary expert in feline nutrition to prepare a menu for us suitable and adequate to the disease of our specimen. Otherwise, we run the risk of making your problem worse. Look for foods that acidify the urine and provide the right amount of oxalates, magnesium or phosphorusIt is not an easy task, since it is not about eliminating them completely, since they are essential nutrients, that is, it is mandatory to provide them in the diet.

Thus, for example, we should reduce the intake of spinach, soy, potatoes, carrots and foods rich in vitamin C if our cat suffers from oxalate crystals. Against struvite crystals, it is advisable to avoid canned sardines, brown rice, eggs, cheese in general, although there are some exceptions, meat and fish such as salmon or tuna. Whatever food option we choose, we must always take into account the fundamental role of water. For this reason, if your cat does not drink enough water, we recommend you consult this other article: “How to make a cat drink water?”.
