Animals of America - TOP 15 with PHOTOS

Animals of America - TOP 15 with PHOTOS
Animals of America - TOP 15 with PHOTOS
Animals of America
Animals of America

The American continent is home to an important population distribution with a cultural variety throughout its extension. This continent also stands out because it contains several of the countries that have been called mega diverse, that is, regions that protect high rates of biological diversity, especially of animals endemic to America. In this sense, there is a wonderful we alth of species throughout this area, which are distributed in different ecosystems in the north, center and south of the continent.

We want to present you in this article on our site, information about animals of America,so that you can learn more about this fauna. Keep reading!

Animals of North America

Musk Ox

The musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), is a species that belongs to the group of goats, which includes goats and cows. It is native to Canada and Greenland, it has also been reintroduced to Alaska. It is a herbivore that lives in groups of various sexes and ages, found mainly in the tundras of the regions it inhabits. Not in danger, being its conservation status of least concern.

Hawaii Monk Seal

The Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi), is a species endemic to the Hawaiian archipelago in the United States. It is an animal that can weigh up to 240 kg, with solitary habits both in water and on land. Unfortunately, it has been declared in extinction danger due to disturbances in the ecosystem, mainly due to military activities in the area, which, although reported to be on the decline, have left their footprints significantly affecting the Hawaiian monk seal.

Island Fox

The island fox (Urocyon littoralis), is another species endemic to North America, specifically to the archipelago off the coast of California in the United States. This canine does not usually exceed 50 cm and weighs about 3 kg It develops in various habitats in the area, such as beaches, dunes, cliffs, various types of forests, and grasslands. The species is almost threatened,due to the terrible impact of predation by the golden eagle and the affectation of canine distemper caused by a contagion caused by the introduction of a sick raccoon.

American Beaver

The American beaver (Castor canadensis), is a fairly emblematic animal of North America, being native to Canada, the United States and Mexico. It lives in ponds, lakes, streams and despite its small size that does not exceed 80 cm and 30 kg, has an impressive ability to modify the space where it develops, due to the construction of dams in order to retain water and be able to swim in calm currents. Many times the transformations carried out in the environment end up generating floods in the adjacent areas.

Bald eagle

The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), also commonly known as the American eagle. It is a fairly recognized bird in North America, being the symbol of the United States national coat of arms. It is native to the latter region and Canada, as well as some areas of Mexico. It develops in various types of ecosystems such as swamps, forests and desert areas. Although once at high risk of extinction, it is currently considered Least Concern.

Animals of America - Animals of North America
Animals of America - Animals of North America

Animals of Central America

Central American Tapir

The Central American tapir (Tapirus bairdii) is the largest tapirid species that exists in America, being concentrated in the central area of the continent, reaching some 300 kg of weight. peso It lives mainly in humid tropical forests, they need to be close to watercourses in the ecosystems where it develops. Habitat destruction and mass hunting have made the species Danger of Extinction today.


The quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is a beautiful bird whose males have a long tail of about 60 cmIt presents a prominent green color, which is combined with gold, violet and blue reflections. It is native to Central American countries such as Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, although it can also be found in southern Mexico. It is mainly found in leafy forests, always green and as little disturbed as possible. It has a decreasing population trend, although it is considered in the category of least concern Deforestation and habitat fragmentation are its main causes of alert.

Central American Scarlet Macaw

The Central American scarlet macaw (Ara macao cyanoptera) is a subspecies of the scarlet macaw, but it is native to Central America and is found in countries such as Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador, it is also present in the southeastern Mexico. It is the national bird of Honduras, it has a close relationship with people due to its highly sociable nature, which has made its maintenance in captivity widespread because it is capable of repeating certain words. However, like all birds, it is a wild animal that must develop in its natural habitat.

Red and Blue Arrow Frog

The red and blue arrow frog (Oophaga pumilio) is a poisonous frog, native to Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Despite its name, it can present various colorful patterns, which warn about the high toxicity it has on your skin. It has diurnal habits, it develops in humid lowlands, pre-montane forests and plantations. Although its status is least concern, there are alerts for habitat alterations and illegal trade in the species.

White face monkey

The white-faced monkey (Cebus capucinus) is a cebid of the group of capuchins and squirrel monkeys. It is native to Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, inhabiting a wide range of forest spaces, from lowlands, deciduous, dry, humid forests and also has a presence in wetlands. It is capable of developing in spaces disturbed by plantations. It feeds on fruits, invertebrates and eggs, so they have a varied diet. It is in vulnerable status due to habitat loss.

Animals of America - Animals of Central America
Animals of America - Animals of Central America

Animals of South America

Cachicamo sabanero

The savanna cachicamo (Dasypus sabanicola) is a mammal of the armadillo group, which is characterized by having a body covered with plates that are organized transversely, with a long tail and short extremities. This species is native specifically to Venezuela and Colombia, inhabiting the plains of these countries, which are characterized by open grasslands or lowland scrub. Although it is listed as Least Concern, the population trend is declining due to intense hunting for its trade, in addition to habitat fragmentation.

Andean condor

The Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) is a large bird, in fact considered one of the largest on the planet. It reaches a wingspan that can exceed 3 m, with a height of 1 meter and up to 15 kg for males that are larger than females. This attractive bird is native to all of South America, specifically to the Andean mountain range, so that it extends from Colombia to Chile and Argentina. The current status is vulnerable,mainly due to direct attacks made by people towards this animal.

Venezuelan Turpial

The Venezuelan Oriole (Icterus icterus) is an endemic bird from the north of South America and due to its representativeness it is the national bird of Venezuela. In addition, it is located in Aruba, Bonaire, Colombia, Curaçao and Trinidad and Tobago. It is a small bird that combines the colors yellow-orange, black and white. It develops mainly in areas of the plains, with warm temperatures, little rain, but also in savannahs and gallery forests. Your current status is least concern

Spectacle Bear

The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) also known as the Andean bear, is an ursid and is the only species of its genus. It does not usually exceed 120 kg, so it is medium compared to other of its relatives. It lives in Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. It extends in the tropical Andes with a distribution range from 200 to 4750 meters above sea level. Its current conservation status is vulnerable,as its habitat is highly affected.

Huemul or southern Andean deer

The huemul or southern Andean deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) is a species that belongs to the group of cervids. Its body is robust but with short legs and reaches about 1.70 cm in height. It lives specifically in Argentina and Chile, in the Andean mountain range, with a distribution from sea level to 3,000 meters above sea level. Mass killing is the main cause for the species to be in danger of extinction.

Animals of America - Animals of South America
Animals of America - Animals of South America

Other animals of America

Next, we present other animals of America so that you can learn more about this fauna:

  • Grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
  • American manatee (Trichechus manatus)
  • Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)
  • Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)
  • Red corocoro (Eudocimus ruber)
  • Jaguar (Panthera onca)
  • American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)
  • Hoffmann's two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni)
  • Boa constrictor (Boa constrictor)
  • Common Opossum (Didelphis marsupialis)

Photos of Animals of America
