How to make my cat's hair grow?

How to make my cat's hair grow?
How to make my cat's hair grow?
How to grow my cat's hair?
How to grow my cat's hair?

A shiny coat is the goal of any cat keeper, as it is a guarantee of the well-being and he alth of our feline. A coat in excellent condition protects our cat and is the reflection of good he alth.

But sometimes this coat can have a bad appearance, lack of hair generalized or in certain areas or slow growth. In this article on our site we are going to deal with this last situation, when the hair does not grow, to explain the reasons for this lack. In addition, we will provide information on c how to grow my cat's hair

The importance of an optimal coat

Although hair may seem like a minor issue in and for our cat's he alth, the truth is that the coat fulfills a series of important functions, which is why it is essential to keep it in good condition. These functions are as follows:

  • Thermal insulation: the fur protects our cat from high and low temperatures, as well as from the sun's rays that they could cause burns.
  • Mechanical insulation: hair is the first barrier to prevent damage such as wounds, scratches, stings or bites.
  • Communication: cats' hair is part of their body language. For example, a cat about to attack will raise the hairs on its back to make it look bigger and thus impress its enemy.
  • Sense of touch: hair is also involved in this sense, being a very valuable source of information about the environment for the cat.

As we can see, the importance of hair is indisputable, hence the need for good care and the concern that the coat is damaged or does not grow. In the following sections we will see how to make a cat's hair grow.

The hair cycle

Hair goes through several phases during its growth, which are as follows:

  • Anagen phase: this is the phase in which the hair grows rapidly.
  • Catagen phase: it is a transition phase in which the hair stops growing.
  • Telogen phase: this is a phase in which the hair falls out (muda). When the new hair pushes the old, the cycle begins again.

Cats usually experience a couple of hair falls a year, which we know as " muda", although at living indoors these may not be as intense or that we only identify it once a year. Spring and fall are usually the critical times for hair. Its renewal occurs in a mosaic, that is, gradually, so that no areas are left without hair.

Sometimes, in cats under high stress (whatever the cause), what is called " telogen effluvium ", which is a disorder in which the anagen phase does not start, leaving the hair cycle interrupted in the telogen phase. When the cause of the stress disappears, new hair forms again and all of the hair that was in the telogen phase is suddenly eliminated. The result is a generalized alopecia that does not require treatment, just wait for the hair to grow back.

How long does it take for a cat to grow hair?

The answer is not exact, as different factors are involved in growth, but the mantle can be expected to return to its usual length in several weeks and even monthsSometimes the absence of hair is caused by shaving to practice veterinary interventions such as surgery, the placement of a line in a vein or a blood draw. We will see in the next section how to make a cat's hair grow.

How to grow my cat's hair? - The hair cycle
How to grow my cat's hair? - The hair cycle

Hair growth

The information that we are going to share below is not a magic formula for growth, but rather recommendations to encourage this growth to occur and, in addition, that the hair looks he althy. If, even so, the hair still does not grow, we should consult our veterinarian, since we could be facing a systemic disease. The basis for growing our cat's hair will be in the cat's diet, so we will have to pay special attention to the following nutrients:

  • Proteins: participate in the growth and structure of the hair. Very slow growth can be explained by an insufficient supply of protein. For this reason, the quantity that we offer our cat is very important, but much more important is its quality, since its bioavailability will depend on it, that is, the ease with which the body can take advantage of them. In addition, the proteins we supply must have essential amino acids for hair growth, such as lysine.
  • Minerales: highlights zinc, which is involved in hair growth and its deficiency, among other symptoms, causes a delay in this growth and even its loss in some areas.

In addition, other nutrients are necessary to avoid hair and skin problems, such as:

  • Vitamins: many are necessary for a good appearance of both skin and hair and their deficiency is the cause of alopecia, bald spots, infections, etc.
  • Essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6 stand out, which the cat will not be able to synthesize on its own.

A deficiency of these nutrients can be caused by a diet that is not adequate to the needs of the cat or, with a correct diet, by a problem in the use of these nutrients.

The basics for hair 10

Recapitulating, how to make a cat's hair grow and keep it in optimal conditions is based on the following aspects, which will serve as prevention:

  • Stress control, which can prevent telogen effluvium as well as other skin problems. Stress affects the immune system, lowers defenses and this can cause illnesses.
  • Brushing your cat helps remove dead hair, making it easier to renew, especially during shedding.
  • A quality diet that meets the needs of the cat, to guarantee the correct nutrition of the skin and hair.
  • Deworming is fundamental, since the attack of parasites can cause lesions and alopecia that can be prevented by using the best deworming products.
  • We must go to the vet in case of any suspicious sign that concerns the skin or hair. Regular veterinary check-ups will help detect diseases in the early stages, making it easier to stop them and thus avoid, as far as possible, the loss of large areas of hair.
