Homemade Dog Repellents
Homemade Dog Repellents

On some occasions, dogs can have accidents and defecate or urinate inside the house. It may also happen that other people's dogs get used to relieve themselves at your door or garden, causing stenches and even causing nervousness in your animals.

In these situations, it is necessary to know different dog repellents that are effective but, above all, do not harm the animal. For this reason, in this article on our site we suggest you opt for repellents for homemade dogs that act as dog repellents without the need to harm their he alth. Read on and find out!

What do you use to scrub the floor so the dog doesn't pee?

Before applying a dog repeller, it is important to clean the area where they have defecated or urinated To do this, always wear gloves and a mask. Likewise, avoid the use of bleach or ammonia, since these products encourage the animal to urinate again in the same areas. Instead, opt for enzymatic products, much more environmentally sustainable.

Once you have obtained the appropriate cleaning products, in the case of urine, dry with absorbent towels until most of the liquid is removed. Avoid rubbing the towels if the dog has urinated on curtains or carpets, as you will only impregnate the smell in the fabric more deeply. When you have dried the urine, disinfect the area with enzymatic products or with a towel soaked in water and neutral soap.

If the dog has defecated, remove the waste using absorbent paper or towels and dispose of it in a properly closed bag. After that, clean the area with towels soaked in soapy water or the enzymatic product, until the stool is completely removed.

When the affected areas are well cleaned, it is time to apply the repellents so that the dogs do not defecate or urinate in the house.

Natural repellents for dogs

When thinking about natural repellents for dogs, it is important to take into account those ingredients or odors that are unpleasant for them You must remember, however, scaring away the dog so that it does not urinate or defecate in an area of your home does not mean making coexistence unbearable or dangerous, so avoid those methods that are annoying, cause allergic reactions or whose consumption is life-threatening. These are the natural repellents for dogs that we recommend:

  • Lemon.
  • White vinegar.
  • Antiseptic alcohol.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Cayenne pepper.
  • Aromatic herbs.

Below, we explain in more detail the different repellents for homemade dogs that act as dog repellents without damaging their he alth and their method of use. In this way you will prevent your dog from urinating and defecating at home.

Dog repellent with lemon

Lemon is a common ingredient in the kitchen, but dogs are uncomfortable around citrus. What is this about? Dogs' noses have around 300 million olfactory cells, so they are able to perceive odors 40 times better than humans. Because of this, the strong aroma of lemon that we perceive is much more penetrating for them.

Natural lemon is a good option as a repellent for dogs that tend to defecate or urinate indoors. The method of using the dog repellent with lemon is as follows:

  • After cleaning the area, squeeze enough lemons to collect 100 milliliters of lemon juice.
  • Mix them with 50 milliliters of water and a tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Spray the solution on the area and leave for at least 30 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

Other citrus fruits

If you don't have a lemon at home, the rest of the citrus fruits, such as orange, tangerine, lime or grapefruit, they will also serve as a repellent for dogs.

The procedure is the same as for the lemon: squeeze the fruit to extract 100 milliliters of juice, mix with 50 milliliters of water and a tablespoon of baking soda. Spray on the clean area and leave to act.

Homemade Dog Repellents - Lemon Dog Repellent
Homemade Dog Repellents - Lemon Dog Repellent

Dog repellent with white vinegar

White vinegar has disinfectant properties accompanied by a strong odor, which is why it is commonly used as a household cleaner. Among its functions, is that of being an excellent repellent for dogs that urinate at home. The method of using the repellent for dogs with white vinegar is simple:

  • Mix one part hot water to one part vinegar in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the affected area after cleaning.
  • Leave for 30 minutes and repeat the process if necessary.
Homemade Dog Repellents - White Vinegar Dog Repellent
Homemade Dog Repellents - White Vinegar Dog Repellent

Dog repellent with antiseptic alcohol

Antiseptic alcohol is used to disinfect wounds, since it has powerful antibacterial properties. In addition to this, it has a penetrating odour which is unpleasant for both humans and dogs. Of course, it is very important to check that the animal does not try to lick it because it could cause digestive problems.

How to scare away dogs so they don't urinate in your garden or door? Spraying alcohol mixed with water is a good option, as it will discourage dogs from approaching your house. If you have plants, spray the alcohol outside the pots or on the fence, but never on them. In this way, do not miss this other article with more tips: "How to prevent dogs from defecating in your garden?".

Repellents for homemade dogs - Repellent for dogs with antiseptic alcohol
Repellents for homemade dogs - Repellent for dogs with antiseptic alcohol

Dog repellents with hydrogen peroxide

Cleaning the floor where your dog has relieved himself by accident can be hard work, but the problem is complicated if it has happened on surfaces covered with fabric, such as the sofa or bed. However, hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate the odor in these cases and also works as a dog repellant.

Surely you know hydrogen peroxide as hydrogen peroxide Although it does not have an unpleasant aroma for humans, it is very pungent for dogs and can irritate your nasal passages. For the latter reason, hydrogen peroxide must be used mixed with waterThe method of using hydrogen peroxide dog repellent is as follows:

  • Pour one part into a spray container and mix with another part of water.
  • Spray the homemade solution on the bed or sofa and wash it off with water after 30 minutes.
  • On dark fabrics, it is recommended to test on an inconspicuous area to prevent discoloration.
Homemade Dog Repellents - Hydrogen Peroxide Dog Repellents
Homemade Dog Repellents - Hydrogen Peroxide Dog Repellents

Dog repellents with cayenne pepper

Another home remedy to stop your dog from peeing everywhere is cayenne pepper. Not only will it work for those who urinate and defecate on the furniture or in the bed, but it is also a repellent for dogs that bite furniture.

This ingredient can irritate the dog's mucous membranes, so it should be used sparingly and after thoroughly cleaning the area to remove any remaining odour. You have two options: rub ground pepper on the affected area or mix a tablespoon of pepper with water and sprinkle the solution on the furniture or bed. From our site we recommend the second option for being less aggressive.

Homemade Dog Repellents - Cayenne Pepper Dog Repellents
Homemade Dog Repellents - Cayenne Pepper Dog Repellents

Repellents for dogs not recommended

Regardless of whether you are looking for repellents for dogs that urinate or defecate inside the house or to repel other dogs, it is essential to avoid methods that are harmful to them. In this sense, you should never use as a repellent for dogs that defecate or urinate:

  • Naphthalene.
  • Chili pepper or chili.
  • Products with ammonia.
  • Chlorine.

Naphthalene is toxic for dogs, its accidental consumption means certain death. Chili peppers, for their part, are highly irritating to the mucous membranes because they contain capsaicinoids, components that give them their particular spicy flavor. Because of this, using chili will only create a hostile environment for your dog. Products with ammonia and chlorine are toxic and could have the opposite effect to what you are looking for: the smell of ammonia is similar to that of urine. So, instead of scaring the dog away, it will make him believe that there is another dog invading his territory, thus reinforcing his marking attitude

Tips to prevent your dog from urinating or defecating at home

Before you start using repellents for dogs, it is important that you investigate the reason that leads your animal to urinate or defecate in a different place than usual. Stress, urinary tract diseases, tumors, dominance problems, among others, are some of the main reasons. A Veterinarian visit is crucial to determine the cause and undertake the indicated solution.

If the problem is that your dog has not been properly trained and has always urinated or defecated at home, you must train him to prevent this from happeningTo do this, don't miss this article: "Teaching an adult dog to relieve himself on the street". Likewise, neutering tends to reduce this type of behavior in around 40% of male dogs.

If, on the other hand, you face this inconvenience due to a strange dog, try to locate the owner to find a solution and remember that there are effective natural methods that will not harm the animal.
