Scottish fold cat: characteristics and photos

Scottish fold cat: characteristics and photos
Scottish fold cat: characteristics and photos

Famous throughout the world, the scottish fold is known for its adorable floppy ears and cute gaze. Well-known personalities such as Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift have decided to incorporate felines of this breed into their families. This is, without a doubt, due to the fact that in addition to its magnificent appearance, it is a calm, sociable and really affectionate animal. On our site we will discover more information about this precious and particular breed with this article, so read on, discover the characteristics of the Scottish Fold and let yourself fall in love with its sweetness.

Origin of the scottish fold

Dated in 1966, the first scottish fold catof the story was called Susie, being she, raised by Scottish farmers, the forerunner of the current breed. A shepherd from the area decided to cross her with British shorthair cats in 1961, giving birth to specimens with the same peculiarity as their mother, folded ears, hence the name of the race: "scottish" for their nationality and "fold", which in English means "fold".

However, it was not all that easy, since Susie's direct descendants had serious problems with arthritis and deformities, which is why the breed was banned and its records withdrawn in 1971. With the passage of time and thanks to the intervention and hard work of geneticists and breeders, these he alth problems were eliminated and the Scottish Fold breed was restored and officially recognizedby the CFA (Cat Fancy Association) in 1974

Currently, it is a world-renowned breed, but the prohibition of crossing two Scottish Fold specimens is maintained due to the he alth problems that inbreeding would cause for the offspring.

Physical Characteristics of the Scottish Fold

Of compact and robust body, exotic Scottish fold cats are muscularand medium-sized, weighing between 2 and 6 kilograms , and measuring from 15 to 20 centimeters in height for females, and from 20 to 25 centimeters for males. males. Longevity revolves around 10-15 years of age.

Its head is undoubtedly the most distinctive feature of the Scottish Fold, starting with its small ears that fold down, which constitute the distinctive feature of the breed. The face is wide and rounded, with big eyes and also round, which give them a tender and childlike look. His cheekbones are slightly pronounced and his nose is flat and short.

On the other hand, the fur of the Scottish fold cat is dense and soft, which insulates it from the cold. It is traditionally short-haired, although there is a variety with semi-long hair called highland fold. All colors and colourpoint varieties are supported except the one containing white.

Scottish fold character

The character of the Scottish Fold is tender and friendly, honoring its sweet appearance. The breed is characterized by being sociable and calm, ideal for living with children as well as with other animals, as it adapts perfectly to them and is also quite a cat patient and attentive.

Continuing along this line, our Scottish fold will really enjoy the playtime and pampering that we provide him, his main problem being loneliness, since they are animals that need our love to stay he althy and happy. For this reason, it is not a recommended cat breed for those who spend a lot of time away from home, since they cannot stand being alone for long periods of time. In case we need to be absent, we can review the most effective "10 games to entertain a cat".

The Scottish cat loves to play, but he is calm by nature, a fact that combined with his attentive and affectionate character makes him ideal for accompany elderly people or people with limited mobility, providing them with affection and company without requiring too much effort in their education, since it is extremely rare for a Scottish fold to mischief or cause damage at home.

Scottish fold care

In general, Scottish fold cats do not need special attention beyond brushing their coat 2 to 3 times a week, since its mantle is dense. If we combine brushing with products such as m alt, we will more effectively prevent the formation of hairballs in the digestive tract of our feline.

As for feeding, another of the cares of the Scottish fold to which we must pay more attention, there is a factor to take into account into account and it is about the contribution of calcium. We have to look for a food with a low contribution of this mineral, since its excess can make the cartilage of their ears strengthen and lose the fold that characterizes them. In any case, the veterinarian will be the one who will recommend us on this subject and will indicate the best food for the Scottish fold.

Another factor to take into account regarding their ears is that the fold they present can favor the appearance of mites and ear infections such as otitis. To avoid this, we must ask the veterinarian for advice and apply the appropriate products for cleaning and maintenance of their ears It is recommended to clean them at least once a week.

Removing these specific cares for the Scottish Fold cat, as in all other breeds, it is recommended to pay attention to the state of the mouth, eyes, nails, fur and general physical condition, as well as cleaning and maintaining the the same with the opportune frequency. If we pay attention to all this, follow the vaccination guidelines and carry out the pertinent deworming, we will enjoy a cat with an enviable he alth and character.

Scottish Fold He alth

Scottish folds are animals that, despite not being in poor he alth, need special attention due to their genetics We shouldn't be scared by that, because that currently the breed does not present the serious anomalies that could occur in its beginnings, even so we must be vigilant and carry out frequent veterinary check-ups to detect problems as soon as possible or even avoid them if possible.

One of the most frequent pathologies of the Scottish Fold breed is otitis, therefore we must strictly follow the instructions of our veterinarian trusted to keep your ears he althy and prevent this and other related diseases. Surely we are recommended to monitor the state of the ears and carry out weekly cleanings with the appropriate products, which keep our feline he althy and free of discomfort, avoiding complications.

Due to the high consanguinity that exists in felines of the Scottish Fold breed, they can present genetic anomalies such as tail deformities and extremities. In addition, the particular morphology of their ears favors the appearance of infections and auditory tract problems, which can lead to early deafness and problems associated with hearing.

However, if our Scottish Fold cat has been bred appropriately, that is, by crossing a Scottish Fold with a breed with pricked ears, such as the British Shorthair or Scottish Straight, it should not present genetic conditions as painful as shortening of the coccyx vertebrae or severe arthritis in the extremities. These pathologies are characteristic in crosses with high inbreeding, that is, when two pure Scottish folds are crossed.

In addition to the aforementioned care for the Scottish Fold, we must follow the vaccination schedule and perform both external and internal deworming to keep our pet free of parasites such as worms, fleas or ticks. With age it may be necessary to carry out procedures such as oral cleanings, which will keep the teeth in good condition, ensuring that our feline has good oral he alth.


The Scottish Fold breed is not recognized by the FIFE but is recognized by the WCD

Scottish fold cat photos
