GORDON SETTER or Scottish setter - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)

GORDON SETTER or Scottish setter - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
GORDON SETTER or Scottish setter - Characteristics, character and care (with PHOTOS)
Gordon setter or Scottish setter
Gordon setter or Scottish setter

The Scottish setter, also known as the Gordon Setter in English or Gordon Setter in French, is characterized as a medium to large dog, with tan or light brown spots on the nose, chest, lower edge of the legs and above the eyes, long ears and a muscular and balanced body. It is a noble and affectionate dog, very attached to its handlers, tolerant with children, but not with strangers, with whom it is shy and can even be somewhat defensive. Because of the latter and because of the destructive behaviors and separation anxiety that it can manifest when left alone, it requires good socialization and education from when it is a puppy. With regard to he alth, it is a he althy dog, but predisposed to some hereditary diseases and related to large size, in addition to any of the most common diseases in dogs, so it requires good preventive medicine.

Continue reading this article on our site to find out all the characteristics of the Scottish setter, its origin, character, education, care, he alth and where to adopt it.

Origin of the Gordon Setter or Scottish Setter

The gordon setter, gordon setter or Scottish setter is a dog originally from Scotland, whose appearance dates back toyear 1620 when a dog was already named “black and fawn”. It is thought that it originated thanks to breeds such as the Burgos retriever, the collies, the San Huberto hound and other ancient breeds of the spaniel dog, being used for hunting capercaillies, pheasants, partridges and other birds.

This dog is named after the 4th Duke of Gordon because he decided that the breed would be officially established at his castle in Banffshire, Scotland in 1827.

If you want to learn more about Scottish breeds, don't miss this other article with Scottish dog breeds.

Characteristics of the Gordon Setter or Scottish Setter

The Gordon Setter is a medium to largedog, with a height of 58-68 cm and a weight of 22 and 34kg. It is a well-proportioned dog, with a robust and strong body, which has the following physical characteristics:

  • High head with well-developed skull.
  • Regular and strong jaw.
  • Almond-shaped eyes of a proportionate size and a shiny dark brown color.
  • Long snout and square in shape.
  • Black truffle.
  • Floppy ears, medium and fine.
  • Half-length body.
  • Broad chest with sprung ribs.
  • Strong and short back.
  • Very bushy tail and medium-sized, straight or slightly curved.

Scottish setter colors

The coat of Scottish setters is soft, abundant and shiny, straight or slightly wavy in areas such as the tail, ears and the belly. It is short in areas such as the top of the head and the front parts of the legs, and long on the top of the ears and the front parts of the legs.

Coat color is charcoal black with tan or chestnut red markings on legs and lower throat, legs and muzzle. Some Scottish Setters have a white chest patch or black spots under the jaw or toes. Oxide red, on the other hand, is not accepted.

Gordon setter or Scottish setter character

The Gordon Setter is a very affectionate and pleasant dogwith his keeper, as well as very energetic, especially as a puppy or youngster. He is a canine very tolerant with children, whom he will protect and with whom he will enjoy playing games and racing. Of course, being a large dog, they must always be supervised and be careful with babies and very young children.

By establishing a strong bond with their keepers, the Gordon may not tolerate being alone well and develop certain problems such as anxiety about separation, which can lead to destructive behaviors, stereotypies and excessive barking. It should be noted that it is a shy dog with strangers, who prefers to be surrounded by his family rather than by guests. For this reason, the Scottish setter can be a good home watchdog, although this does not mean that he should live abroad without attention or care from his caregivers, since, we repeat, he needs to receive that attention.

He is also likely to become stressed if he is not allowed enough exercise each day, as he is a very active dog that requires high levels of daily physical activity

Education of the Gordon Setter or Scottish Setter

Being a dog so distrustful of strangers, it can show somewhat aggressive behavior with them, which is why it requires good socialization from puppyhood in order to get him to accept all kinds of people and animals, as well as learn about different environments, sounds, etc. In this way, we will get a more sociable and tolerant dog.

Also, due to another of the Scottish setter's characteristics, intolerance to loneliness, it is essential Getting him used to being alone at hometo prevent her from developing separation anxiety. To do this, it is convenient to start with short outings and progressively increase the time we are out. Education must also control destructive behaviors and achieve an ideal dog for the home through the positive reinforcement technique, rewarding good behaviors without using punishment of any kind. In this way, the results are obtained earlier and more effectively.

Since it is a very active dog, it will enjoy training sessions and will show interest in continuing to learn as long as it is well motivated, which is also why positive training is so important.

Gordon setter or Scottish setter care

The beautiful coat of the Scottish setter requires good maintenance through brushing at least twice a week, increasing it in times of moulting, which are in spring and autumn, to remove dead hairs and prevent them from matting. The bath will be necessary when it is dirty, being important to eliminate bad odors and traces of sebum and dirt that brushing cannot remove, as well as when a shampoo-type treatment is required for a dermatological problem.

By having long and drooping ears, they are prone to the accumulation of wax, secretions, dust and dirt, which can cause infections and inflammations (otitis) that are very annoying and painful for the dog, so good ear hygiene and trimming their hair from time to time is key to preventing these processes. Nor should we forget dental and eye hygiene to prevent infections and inflammations that affect these structures.

Regarding physical activity, these dogs are very active and energetic, requiring high levels of daily exercise through long walks, runs, sports and games with their caregivers. It is also important to maintain mental stimulation at home through proper environmental enrichment with a variety of toys and intelligence games.

The Scottish setter's diet must be complete, balanced and intended for the canine species so that it obtains all the nutrients in their correct proportions, regardless of whether it is a commercial or homemade diet. The daily amount will depend on your individual characteristics, highlighting age, physiological state, climate and daily physical activity.

Gordon Setter or Scottish Setter He alth

Regarding the Gordon Setter's he alth, he is a strong dog with a life expectancy of around 11-14 years However, as a large breed, may be predisposed to conditions such as hip dysplasia and elbow, in which lameness, pain and osteoarthritis occur, or the gastric dilatation-torsion syndrome after copious ingestions after a lot of activity or agitation and which can end in shock and death of the dog.

Other common pathologies in the Scottish setter are progressive retinal atrophy, in which the photoreceptors (rods and cones) become degenerating until culminating in blindness; hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid hormones that control many cellular processes in the body are reduced, lowering the general metabolism and having consequences; and cerebellar cortical abiotrophy, an inherited neurological disease in which the cells of the cerebellum degenerate early.

In addition to these diseases, the Scottish setter can be affected by any other that affects the canine species, so good preventive medicine with vaccinations, deworming, sterilizations and routine check-ups is key to prevent these processes and maintain a good quality of life for the Gordon Setter.

Where to adopt a Gordon Setter or Scottish Setter?

The Gordon Setter is perhaps the least known of all the Setter, so it can be more difficult to adopt a specimen, especially in places outside Europe. However, it is always a good idea to approach the nearby protectors and shelters in search of a gordon setter or look on the internet for setter dog rescue associations, thus being able to have higher chances of success. However, before adopting this dog, we must stop to think if it is really a good option for us, if we can really offer it all the care it requires and if we are as active as it is, since, otherwise, it can be frustrated. and stressed and reduce their quality of life. There are many mongrel dogs or dogs of other breeds waiting for a responsible adoption that deserve the same opportunity as a purebred dog like the Scottish setter, the important thing is that the dog fits into our lifestyle and we into theirs.

Photos of Gordon setter or Scottish setter
