Can dogs eat tomato? - WITH CONDITIONS

Can dogs eat tomato? - WITH CONDITIONS
Can dogs eat tomato? - WITH CONDITIONS
Can dogs eat tomato?
Can dogs eat tomato?

Tomatoes are a classic of traditional Spanish cuisine and are used for all kinds of dishes, such as salads or stir-fries, among others. This fruit (which is generally confused with a vegetable) offers us many he alth benefits, as it has a high content of natural antioxidants and vitamins, however, Can dogs eat tomato or is it harmful? for your he alth? Many tutors ask themselves this same question and, due to the many contradictions that exist on the net, it is important to know what the science really says about it.

Discover in this article on our site if dogs can really eat tomato or not, how to offer it and many other tips for guardians who do not know if this ingredient is part of theprohibited foods for dogs , keep reading:

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

It is vital that, when we inquire about the feeding of dogs, we use verified sources that guarantee the veracity of its content, since either through professional figures or contrasted studies. The tomato is one of the foods that most suffers from misinformation errors, being usually on the lists of toxic and harmful foods, but is that true?

Are tomatoes toxic to dogs?

We should know that ripe tomato without seeds is NOT harmful for dogs, on the contrary, it is a nutritious and he althy food, that provides vitamins, minerals, fruits, antioxidants and a high water content. As a result of all this, it helps strengthen the immune system, helps prevent certain he alth problems and keeps the dog's body well hydrated.

However, it is important to note that green tomatoes have a chemical compound called a glycoalkaloid that can be harmful to dogs, so, if you are wondering if dogs can eat green tomatoes, the answer is NO, as it can cause diarrhoea, gas and even vomiting In the most serious cases, when the dog ingests a large amount, various symptoms of poisoning may appear.

The same compound that we have mentioned is also present in most of the green parts of the plant (Lycopersicon spp), such as the leaves or stems. Therefore, the dog should never eat green tomatoes or the green parts of the tomato plant, only ripe, seedless tomatoes. That way, if you have a garden at home, be sure to limit their access to the plant.

Can dogs eat tomato? - Can dogs eat tomatoes?
Can dogs eat tomato? - Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Benefits of tomato for dogs

Ripe tomatoes contain natural antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which fight free radicals in the dog's body. This is especially beneficial for older dogs, as it helps delay the onset of aging symptoms and helps build a stable metabolism. They also contain vitamin A and B complexes, which act on the immune system and can help prevent certain common diseases in dogs. Thus, the tomato becomes an excellent ally for the dog's eye he alth and skin problems.

On the other hand, due to its high fiber content, it has a beneficial impact on the dog's digestive process, favoring intestinal transit and helping to prevent constipation in dogs. To finish, note that it also offers an excellent supply of water, avoiding dehydration and preventing the appearance of problems with the urinary system. The consumption of this type of food, rich in liquids, has a diuretic and depurative effect on the dog's body, helping to eliminate toxins and favoring good renal activity.

How to give a dog a tomato?

Dogs can eat raw tomato, natural and red, always without seeds, whether we are talking about a cherry tomato or another variety, such as beef heart or kumato. In addition, we remember the importance of washing the fruits and vegetables well before offering them to our dog. Let us not forget either that this type of food cannot in any case become the basis of the dog's diet, as these animals need a high intake of high-quality proteins and fats that prevent the development of nutritional deficiencies in the dog.

In any case, we will offer a moderate amount accompanying your homemade recipes, always remembering that the approximate percentage of fruits and vegetables should not exceed 10% or 15% of the total food in each intake. We can cut the tomato into small pieces and mix them with the complete recipe.

Can dogs eat tomato sauce?

In this case, it will depend on the type of fried tomato. If we talk about a natural homemade tomato sauce, without s alt, garlic or onion, we won't have any problem. However, commercial fried tomato sauces contain a high percentage of preservatives and artificial additives that are not recommended for our best friends and can even cause digestive problems. In this case, we can prepare the sauce by crushing the tomatoes, straining them to remove the seeds and making a tasty sauce together with some kind of chicken or beef, for example.
