Within the rabbit breeds we find a wide variety of types, but in this case we will talk about theFlorida white rabbit These bunnies are one of the albino breeds of rabbits, their white color and red eyes being characteristic. Although they were not specially bred to be kept as pets, more and more people have decided to incorporate them into their family, being one of the most popular breeds. Do you want to learn more about its history and origins? Well, we tell you all about these white bunnies on our site!
Origin of the Florida White Rabbit
In 1967 the judge of the American Rabbit Association (ARBA) Orville Milen decided to cross albino Dutch rabbits with albino Polish rabbits and rabbits New Zealand whites. As a result of these crosses, the first specimens of the Florida white rabbit emerged. Originally, this breed was developed to be used as a laboratory animal and in the meat industryHowever, it was also highly appreciated by owners and lovers of rabbits, quickly becoming popular and this is the part that concerns us today.
Characteristics of the Florida White Rabbit
Florida white rabbits are a breed of medium-sized rabbits, ranging in weight from 0, 9 and 2.7 kilograms, being one of the smallest breeds within its category, some specimens could even be considered toy. Their life expectancy ranges between 5 and 8 years, being somewhat less than in other breeds of rabbits.
The body of these little ones is compact and with light and fragile bones, having a fairly short neck and a rounded figure. The head of these rabbits is rounded and small, highlighting rounded and very thick ears, in addition to their striking ruby-colored eyes, typical of the lack of pigment in albino breeds. The fur of Florida white rabbits is, as we can deduce, white, this color is snowwhite, not being possible to find them in another color, due to that albinism prevents them from displaying any other shade or color.
Florida White Rabbit Character
Rabbits in general are animals characterized by their great sensitivity and somewhat fearful, so they must always be treated with the utmost care and sweetie. This breed in particular stands out for its good character, as they are calm, docile and obedient bunnies, something that they combine with extreme goodness and kindness. This makes them one of the most suitable rabbit breeds to have as a pet, as they also get along very well with children, being a good breed for families with children. Of course, children should always be taught to treat the Florida white rabbit with the utmost care and respect, since they are fragile animals and can suffer injuries or fractures easily if treated roughly. They even get along with other pets if they get used to living with patience and care.
Florida White Rabbit Care
If we have a soft Florida rabbit at home, we have to take into account its needs. These fall fundamentally on providing them with an adequate and nutritious diet, based on the consumption of fresh vegetables, which provide them with all the vitamins and minerals necessary for good he alth. Likewise, we must ensure our rabbit access to fresh and drinkable water at all times, since one of the great risks that lurks them is dehydration, which can occur really dire consequences.
Its coat is extremely easy to maintain, as just one or two weekly brushings will be enough to keep it clean and well-groomed Bathrooms are not they are necessary, so it is considered best to avoid them except for extreme reasons. They are very adaptive to different environments and climatic conditions, however they suffer in environments that are too cold and humid, contracting respiratory diseases very easily in these conditions. We have to be careful about colds, as they can quickly become complicated and lead to illnesses such as pneumonia.
Florida White Rabbit He alth
Florida rabbits are generally in good he alththey are only somewhat more likely than other breeds of rabbits to suffer from diseases associated with their condition as albino rabbits. Some of these conditions are related to the he alth of your skin, as it is much more sensitive to solar radiation, and your eyes are equally sensitive.
In general, we must take care of our rabbit in terms of food, housing conditions and toilets, as well as nail trims and regular evaluation of its general he alth. We have to do this test taking into account the state of your eyes, ears, nails, teeth, eyes and state of mind, being alarming symptoms such as apathy, rejection towards food and drink, abnormal discharge, or sudden aggressiveness.
In case of worrying symptoms, the first thing to do is make a visit to the vet without delay. In addition, routine visits must be made, in which the necessary vaccinations are carried out, such as that for myxomatosis, and tests carried out by the veterinarian to confirm that everything is in order.this way we can enjoy our happy bunny in the best conditions.