RABBIT CARE - All About Rabbits

RABBIT CARE - All About Rabbits
RABBIT CARE - All About Rabbits
Rabbit care
Rabbit care

Many people have rabbits as one more domestic pet, but although their ownership is common, it is true that it requires more specific care than other type of animal. You must know the rabbit as a wild animal in order to provide it with everything it deserves and needs. For this reason, you must inform yourself correctly about what are rabbit care

In order to help you and have a happy rabbit at home, in this article on our site we will talk about how to take care of a rabbit and everything what that entails: food, he alth, vaccinations, education, etc.

The pet rabbit

In many cases, and due to ignorance, many owners believe that the rabbit is a rodent and that, like any other, it requires a cage, food and little else. But it's not like that. In fact, the taxonomy of the rabbit is quite another. The rabbit is a lagomorph, that is, an order belonging to placental mammals that is distinguished from rodents by having 2 pairs of continuously growing incisors, in addition to have other physical and behavioral differences that require special care unlike hamsters or guinea pigs.

In addition to some obvious differences, we must bear in mind that the rabbit is an animal that, when in a free state, runs all day long, digs and enjoys the smell of plants and flowers. The rabbit is also a social animal that needs attention and affection from its owners. If you take care of him and spend enough time with him, you'll have an amazing friend with long ears and soft fur at your side.

To start with rabbit care, we just need to add that they are all equally important and that spending time with our pet will increase its longevity, quality of life and happiness. Thinking of adopting a rabbit as a pet? So, read on. But first, in the following video we show you some of the main care of rabbits.

How many years do rabbits last?

On average, rabbits have a life expectancy of between 6 and 8 years, although some can live toup to 10 or 12 years Everything will depend on how we care for our pet, as well as its genetic conditions, since there are breeds of rabbits that last longer than others.

Wild rabbits, on the other hand, have a shorter life expectancy of about 3-4 years due to predators and untreated diseases.

For more information, you can read this other article on How long does a rabbit live?

The rabbit cage

The cage will be your rabbit's nest, where it will sleep and spend most of its time. Therefore, we recommend that you provide him with a cage as spacious as possible so that he can move as much as possible. The size will be directly related to their quality of life and, for this reason, we advise you to have one of 80 cm2 as minimum, always located in an environment without currents or direct sun. It is true that you will find even smaller cages on the market, but we do not recommend that you have such a small space because it can generate anxiety. There are people who even dedicate whole rooms to them due to their genetic needs for space.

Rabbits are social animals and if you plan to have a couple of friends you will need a space of at least 4 m2 (as recommended by animal associations).

Types of rabbit cages

On the other hand, keep in mind that there are different types of rabbit cages, so it is important that you choose the most suitable one for you and your pet:

  • Indoor cages: most of the cages that we can find in pet stores are indoor, that is, cages to keep inside From home. In addition, you will find some with wider doors than others. In this sense, the bigger the cage and its corresponding door, the better for our rabbit. This will allow you to get in and out of the cage more easily.
  • Outdoor cages: on the other hand, if you are considering having your rabbit in a garden or outside area of the home, you will be interested know that there are some cages suitable for the exterior of the home. Most of these do not have soil, that is, the animal will step directly on the grass or the land of your garden. This type of floorless cage is not recommended if you have dirt instead of grass, as your pet could eat dirt or stones by mistake.
  • Rabbits: If you have adopted a pregnant rabbit, you need to get a rabbit-type cage, as it will have everything essential for the mother-to-be to give birth comfortably, as well as for her kits to be safe.
  • Cages with bars: You will also find some cages whose surface is made of iron bars or meshes. These types of cages are not very suitable for rabbits, since not only are they not comfortable at all for our pet, but they are also very unhygienic.
  • Transport cages or carriers: more than cages, they are temporary transports to take our rabbit to another place, such as the veterinary. There are several types and materials, with a plastic one being preferable to a fabric one, since the fabric can be easily bitten.
  • Wooden cages: although they are very nice, they are not always big enough for our pet to be comfortable. Generally, these types of cages are usually outside homes, so it is advisable to put, for example, a fence around the wooden cage to be able to keep it open and thus offer it a larger space to move around.

What should the rabbit cage have?

Inside the cage we will have:

  • Tray or corner shelf so they can relieve themselves and maintain a clean and hygienic environment. We will never use cat litter or similar (it can cause infections) so we can buy pressed shavings that are available at any pet store. Cleaning will be daily with a neutral soap.
  • Bottle of at least 1/2 litre. We can also use a drinker that is a small bowl with water, although it is less recommended because it will get dirty often and we will have to clean it more frequently. You will always have plenty of water.
  • Dispenser or bowl to place their feed, hay and daily rations of fruit and vegetables.
  • Bed, cotton towel or cloth are some of the elements where the rabbit will rest at night, although it is true that many they do not understand the function of "burrow" that we want to provide them and they end up relieving themselves there.
  • Gnawwood They should never be treated, as they could splinter and create a serious problem in the rabbit's intestines. We can opt for wood from fruit trees such as apple, orange, etc., or buy untreated pine wood.

Choosing a suitable cage and providing everything it needs is crucial for our furry friend. When rabbits are in a confined space for a long time, they can become stressed. If you think your rabbit is stressed, you can read this other article on our site about 5 signs of stress in rabbits.

Rabbit care - The rabbit cage
Rabbit care - The rabbit cage

Feeding the rabbit

Rabbit feeding is specific to each stage of its life, as it does not always have the same need for nutrients, but in general we will always find these elements:

  • Hay: our rabbit should always have hay available, so it is recommended to give it plenty. Since our rabbit's teeth never stop growing, they need to eat frequently to wear them down. In addition to that, hay is also very beneficial for our pet's gastrointestinal he alth, as it helps expel hairballs in the stomach and keeps the digestive system active.
  • I think: the feed must be in granules or pellets and must not contain seeds or added cereals. In addition, its composition must contain a minimum of 20% fiber or cellulose and a maximum of 16% protein. From 6 months of age, the rabbit does not grow any more, so from that moment it will be necessary to give it only one tablespoon of feed for each kilo that our pet weighs to avoid problems such as obesity.
  • Vegetable: By vegetables we mean fresh grass and leafy greens, such as carrot tops, spinach, celery, endive, lamb's lettuce, dandelion, etc.

In the case of young rabbits (between 2 months and 7 months) they will have at their disposalunlimited and abundant all of the above elements, except vegetables, which will be rationed in small daily portions. It is a fundamental growth stage for their development and, in addition, it is when they will begin to experiment with new flavors.

What do rabbits eat?

Some of the foods that the rabbit can eat are:

  • Fruits (always without seeds): such as apple, pear, peach, melon, grape, orange… Give it small pieces, to begin to investigate which are the ones that most attract your attention.
  • Vegetables: such as tomato (only the meat, as the leaves are poisonous to rabbits), escarole, cabbage, cucumber, spinach, carrot, beans, broccoli or alfalfa. Try which ones you like the most, each rabbit is a world!

Although some fruits are suitable for rabbits, it is advisable to give them only occasionally, since they have a lot of carbohydrates (that is,, sugars), which could lead to significant weight gain.

Prohibited foods for rabbits

Some foods, in addition to being unsuitable, are poisonous for rabbits. Among the foods that the rabbit should never eat, the following stand out:

  • Seeds: Avoid all types, including nuts, legumes and cereals.
  • Vegetables: Avoid iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, and curly parsley.
  • Food from other animals: such as cat or dog food.
  • Other foods: cooked, meat, cheese, dairy, fruit canned or in syrup, including s alt, sugar or barley
  • Poisonous foods: potato, onion, garlic, avocado, chocolate, tomato leaves, legumes, tea leaves, bamboo.
  • Poisonous Plants: Poinsettia, Asparagus, Belladonna, Mushrooms, Orchids, Ivy, Ferns, Cacti, Carnations, Geraniums, Mistletoe, daffodil, oak, cannabis, aloe vera, bulbs, violet, juniper and yew.

Here we show you a more extensive list of Forbidden Foods for rabbits.

Rabbit hygiene

Rabbits are very clean mammals that groom themselves. It is not recommended to bathe them unless they excessively dirty, otherwise they may lose the natural protective layer of the skin. We will bathe the rabbit at most once or twice a year. We will try to remove the dirt that we can see with baby wipes.

How to bathe a rabbit?

If in an exceptional case our rabbit has gotten very dirty, follow the steps below:

  1. Find a quiet place to wash your rabbit, remember that they are very sensitive.
  2. Never turn it face up, it creates stress for them.
  3. Fill a pica or a container with warm water, make it nice for him.
  4. Simply use water to wash it, if the dirt does not come out you can use a shampoo with a neutral pH.
  5. Rinse and dry.

How to brush a rabbit?

Also, remember that you should brush your rabbit regularly to remove dead hair and prevent it from being swallowed. It is also important that you use the specific nail clipper if you see that they have grown excessively, always carefully.

To brush your rabbit, you must do it very gently and carefully. Usually the most difficult areas to brush are the belly of the tail, as the rabbit can move around a lot.

How to clean the rabbit cage?

Furthermore, it is very important to keep our rabbit's cage and play area clean. To clean in depth, you can use a little bleach or vinegar, always taking care to keep the animal away during cleaning.

Bleach and vinegar are perfect for removing bacteria and the smell of our pet's urine, so it becomes a perfect ally when we try to teach our rabbit to relieve himself in the corner.

Rabbit care - Rabbit hygiene
Rabbit care - Rabbit hygiene

Rabbit Physical Activity

As we have already mentioned, the rabbit is a mammal with a high physical activity when it is in the wild.

For this reason, it is very important to let our rabbit out of the cage at least a couple of times a day, always under supervision, since it can gnaw cables or dangerous objects for him. We can also assemble tours with elements that we buy in the store or that we design ourselves. Toys of all kinds are allowed. Here we leave you some ideas of homemade toys for rabbits. It is also important that you spend time with him and show him love and attention. Remember that the rabbit is an intelligent animal that will be able to learn tricks and commands if you spend time and patience.

Take a rabbit for a walk

In addition, we will find more and more pet stores harnesses to take him for a walk, for example, to a meadow, a forest and even the beach. All this is important so that you can smell and enjoy the wild environment without getting lost.

If you are going to take your rabbit outside for a walk, put the harness on it for a few days at home, so that it gradually gets used to wearing it. When taking him for a walk, look for quiet places and away from other types of pets, such as dogs.

To stimulate your furry friend, in the following video we give you some ideas for homemade toys for rabbits.

Rabbit He alth

On this topic, in addition to daily hygiene, you should know that your rabbit should visit the vet periodically when he tells you to. They also need vaccination, as we show you in this other article on Vaccines for rabbits.

Most common diseases in rabbits

Here we detail the six most common diseases of rabbits:

  • Colds: Just like people, rabbits also get colds and can spread them from one to another. The symptoms are the same as in the case of humans (they secrete liquid through the nose and sneeze). Although a cold is minor, since you will not need veterinary assistance, take special care of it during the time it is bad.
  • Fungus: Fungus is a serious problem that can be passed from rabbit to rabbit. Take him to the vet as soon as possible in the presence of a fungus. It usually appears in young specimens and is detected by hair loss.
  • Coccidiosis: appears when the rabbit licks dirty fur, drinks or feeds on bad water. To avoid the appearance of this disease, take seriously the hygiene of the cage and the utensils. It is a very serious case that can lead to the death of the rabbit. Symptoms are sudden hair loss and diarrhea. Take him to the vet urgently.
  • Heatstroke: It is very common, especially in hot weather. If you notice that the rabbit is constantly panting and lying on all fours, it is the symptom that will indicate heat stroke. Don't take him to the vet unless he doesn't get better. Take him to a cool and quiet space, apply a few drops of cold water to his head and armpits, little by little you will see that he improves.
  • Red Urine: If you notice reddish urine but it's not blood, don't be alarmed, it's because you're feeding it excessive green vegetables. You must give plenty of water and vary the type. If after 12 hours the problem does not improve, go to the vet. You should not confuse this problem with bloody urine, a more serious problem that requires urgent and immediate treatment.
  • Mange: These are small red insects that live in the ears of rabbits. It's about mites. It is also common for them to appear on the legs or skin. The most common is the one that appears in the ears and in advanced cases it already appears outside the ears. Go to the vet to recommend the most appropriate treatment to combat them (application of cranco lotion) and you should also sanitize the entire cage and utensils with boiling water or chlorine and leave it in the sun for at least one day.

In addition, we recommend castration of the rabbit to avoid tumors when it reaches adulthood, also avoiding suffering or an unwanted pregnancy. Here we leave you more information about the sterilization of rabbits.

When to go to the vet

After reading the most common diseases in rabbits, you now know how to prevent them and how to act against them. Go to the vet if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • You haven't eaten or had a bowel movement in at least 12 hours.
  • You haven't urinated in at least 24 hours.
  • He doesn't move and is very listless.
  • Your teeth have grown too much.
  • You may see mucus in his stool.
  • Great shortness of breath or runny nose.
  • He tilts his head uncontrollably.
  • It fell and won't move.
  • In the event of any type of seizure.
  • You notice significant crusting inside the ears.

In the following video, we explain more about the most common diseases of rabbits.

How to catch a rabbit?

Rabbits don't like to be picked up off the ground as it makes them feel insecure. We have to think that in nature, those who lift them from the ground are predatory animals to feed on them. In this way, if we need to pick up our pet, we will have to pass one hand over its chest and the other over its hind legs You don't have to grab them, just hold them a little so that he notices that they are not hanging in the air, that is, so that he understands that we are not a threat to him.

How not to catch a rabbit?

On the other hand, we should never catch a rabbit in the following ways:

  • By the ears.
  • By the skin.
  • By the legs.

Doing something like this could cause serious spinal trauma or fractures to our pet.

Handling the rabbit

On the other hand, it is important to note that, also due to its nature, we must not chase it or make sudden movements, not even when playing, since we could scare him and, if the situation is repeated a lot, he could even become afraid of us. On the contrary, if we want our pet to love and trust us, we must be very patient and gentle with it.

Rabbit care - How to catch a rabbit?
Rabbit care - How to catch a rabbit?

Do rabbits recognize their owners?

Rabbits are highly intelligent animals that, in addition to recognizing their owner, are capable of recognizing their name and learn to perform various exercises in exchange for small pieces of fruit or vegetables. On the other hand, rabbits are extremely sociable and like to play and be paid attention to, so if you give them a lot of love and give them time, the rabbits will not only recognize you, but they will look for you to play and to ask for caresses.

Also, rabbits miss their owners if they are away from home for a few days, it shows how much they can reach to love rabbits as pets.

Rabbit Curiosities

  • Your body temperature is usually between 38ºC and 40ºC.
  • They tend to get heatstroke in the summer if we're not careful.
  • The room temperature should be around 18ºC or 21ºC.
  • They love to live with other members of their species.
  • They can live between 6 and 10 years. There are cases of extremely long-lived rabbits in any case.
  • They like the night.
  • They reach sexual maturity between 3 and 6 months.
  • Rabbits' teeth never stop growing, so it's important that they can wear them down by chewing on untreated wood.
  • They need daily exercise.
  • Just like cats and dogs, you should take them to a specialist from time to time.
  • Check and weigh him weekly to make sure everything is correct.
  • They should not be bathed.
  • Rabbits make two types of poop, some similar to "conguitos" and others softer in the form of clusters. The latter are usually eaten by the rabbit itself. If we observe them in the cage it is usually an indicator of overfeeding.
  • We must brush them regularly, especially during the moulting season.
  • Pineapple and papaya prevent hairballs in the stomach.
Rabbit care - Curiosities of the rabbit
Rabbit care - Curiosities of the rabbit

Do you want to know more about rabbits?

Investigate the different breeds of rabbit and their characteristics as well as the development between the coexistence between cats and rabbits.
