It is becoming more and more common for us to opt for rabbits as pets at home. The problem is that not all keepers are sufficiently informed about the characteristics and basic care that this species requires.
This causes driving problems that end up in more or less serious he alth disorders. Among the ailments that occur, those that affect the urinary tract stand out. In this article on our site, we are going to focus on explaining why my rabbit urinates white
The color of rabbit urine
To explain why a rabbit urinates white, we must first take into account some characteristics of its renal system and its urine. Thus, rabbits absorb in the intestine the calcium provided in their diet, not what they need, but everything they eat. The kidneys are in charge of excreting or conserving calcium depending on the needs of the moment. In this way, they will excrete more or less calcium in the urine depending on the amount that they are given in their diet.
For this reason, the urine of these animals, normally, appears cloudy, since precipitation of the Calcium in the form of calcium carbonate. The clearer the urine, the less calcium is being eliminated. This happens more in rabbits that are given a diet with deficiencies, those that are still growing, those that for some reason have stopped eating or pregnant or lactating females.
On the other hand, rabbit urine can take on dark and reddish tones without causing any pathology, since it is due to pigments in the food they eat. Of course, it will be the veterinarian who must confirm that it is only a coloration and not hematuria, that is, the presence of blood in the urine in rabbits.

Rabbits' white urine
Therefore, it is easy to answer the question "why does my rabbit urinate white?", since, as we have seen, it is associated with the amount of calcium present in his body. A high level of calcium or hypercalciuria will be eliminated through the urine, which makes it very dense, muddy in appearance and a shade that varies between whitish, cream and brownish.
Furthermore, this large amount of calcium poses more problems than just changing color, as it can form insoluble crystals, cause of urolithiasis. It is essential that the rabbit receives prompt veterinary care, otherwise the kidneys could be affected.
Urolithiasis or kidney stones in rabbits
Urolithiasis is the name of the presence of calculi in the urinary tract We have seen that they are related to food, but Other factors such as anatomy or the appearance of infections are also involved. The specimens affected by this problem that can explain why the rabbit urinates white, are usually fed feed on demand, which contains a lot of calcium, and, in addition, supplements minerals. They are usually obese. If this is the case for your pet, we encourage you to read this other article on Rabbits with obesity.
Symptoms of urolithiasis in rabbits
In addition to whitish urine, other symptoms of urinary tract stones in rabbits are:
- Trouble urinating.
- Loss of appetite.
- Depression.
- Weight loss.
- Hunched posture.
- Infection.
- Blood in the urine.
- Dermatitis in the perineal area.
If your rabbit shows any of these symptoms, it's time to go to a veterinarian with knowledge of this species. The mildest cases can be solved only with fluid therapy or massages in the bladder area. Exercise also stimulates urination. It may be necessary to prescribe painkillers and antibiotics Females manage to expel small kidney stones, but, due to their anatomy, the same does not happen with males, who will need surgical intervention.

Proper nutrition for rabbits
To avoid problems such as those described, which explain the reason for white pee in rabbits, as part of treatment and prevention, food plays a fundamental role. We highlight the following recommendations:
- I think: the feed must always be rationed. Here we explain what is the amount of daily food for rabbits.
- Supplements: do not offer supplements or vitamin and mineral supplements if they have not been prescribed by the veterinarian.
- Vegetables: The consumption of hay, fresh herbs and green vegetables is essential. Alfalfa must be controlled because it contains a large amount of calcium.
- Hydration: hydration is essential and is not only enhanced by drinking. For example, offering fruits or plants with high water content is another option.
- Calcium: The adequate concentration of calcium in the diet is around 0.5-1%. An excess of calcium that lasts over time also causes disorders such as heart problems and kidney failure.
- Fiber and protein: you should also pay attention to the intake of fiber and protein.
So that your diet is he althy and balanced, here we leave you this other article on Fruits and vegetables recommended for rabbits.