Feline Chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment

Feline Chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment
Feline Chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment
Feline Chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment
Feline Chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment

Feline chlamydiosis is a highly contagious bacterial disease, It primarily affects the eyes and upper respiratory tract, although the causative bacteria can also lodge in the genitals of cats. The pathology is more frequent among young street felines or those who live in groups, but it can affect cats of all ages, whether they are mestizos or of a defined race.

If you have just adopted a beautiful pussycat, it is very important that you go to your trusted veterinarian to check his he alth status and rule out possible diseases that threaten his well-being. And in this article on our site, you will be able to learn about the main forms of contagion, the causes and the symptoms of feline chlamydiosis

Causes and spread of feline chlamydiosis

Feline chlamydiosis, also called feline chlamydiosis, is caused by a type of gram-negative bacteria called Chlamydophila felis. Currently, it is estimated that about 30% of feline conjunctivitis diagnoses are related to chlamydia. In addition, it was recognized that Chlamydophila felis bacteria usually act in association with feline calicivirus and rhinotracheitis virus.

Chlamydophila bacteria can remain dormant in the environment, but they need a host to reproduce. That is why they enter the body of felines, where they find high availability of food and a safe environment. When they enter the cat's body, Their incubation period is from 3 to 10 days

On the other hand, the form of contagion occurs from direct contact with secretionsnose and eye spots of infected cats. For this reason, cats that live in groups are especially vulnerable to this pathology.

Formerly, chlamydiosis was known as “feline pneumonitis”, but the nomenclature was not very exact, since these bacteria hardly reach the lungs. In general, they are concentrated in the eyes and upper respiratory tract, causing constant conjunctivitis and possible rhinitis.

Does Chlamydia spread from cats to humans?

Chlamydia cannot be spread to humans from infected cats, but transmission is very easy between felines. That is why we insist on caution and go to the vet at the first symptom, especially if we have just rescued a stray cat, our feline has escaped or has been in contact with sick cats.

Feline Chlamydiosis Symptoms

The first visible sign of feline chlamydiosis is a frequent watery discharge that can appear in one or both eyes. Affected cats usually have excessive moisture in their eyeballs, causing them to tear constantly In many cases, are also seen redness and swelling of the third eyelid.

If the disease is not treated quickly, the watery discharge becomes more and more viscous and becomes purulent (green color typical of pus). At this stage, the cat becomes vulnerable to the formation of ulcers around the eyes and on the corneas, in addition to edema conjunctiveFever, tiredness, loss of appetite, and weight loss are also common.

In more advanced cases, the respiratory system may be compromised. The affected feline may present runny nose and constant sneezing, which are generally caused by rhinitis. However, the infection rarely reaches the lungs, and chlamydial lung lesions are very rare.

Feline chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of feline chlamydiosis
Feline chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of feline chlamydiosis

Feline chlamydiosis treatment

When observing any of the above symptoms in your feline, it is essential to go quickly to the veterinarian so that he can tell you how to treat feline chlamydia. In the clinic, the professional will carry out the clinical analyzes and complementary studies necessary to analyze the he alth of your cat and recognize possible pathologies. If the diagnosis of feline chlamydiosis is confirmed, the treatment will depend on the state of he alth and the evolution of the pathology in each feline.

In general, antibiotics are essential to contain reproduction and combat Chlamydophila felis bacteria. They can be prescribed orally (medicines), intravenously or through eye drops (eye drops). Remember that antibiotics should always be prescribed by a medical professional. Self-medication is very dangerous and increases the resistance of bacteria, making it difficult to treat Clamydophila felis.

Even on antibiotics, affected cats may have a sticky or dark discharge for days or even weeks. For this reason, it will be important that you clean your kitty's eyes and nosedaily until the secretion disappears completely. The vet may indicate some specific wipes or simply a clean gauze slightly moistened with saline solution or warm water.

During treatment, it is essential that the affected cat be separated from other felines to prevent further infections. It will also be necessary to reinforce home hygiene and disinfect the environment and the objects used by the cats. Remember that bacteria can remain dormant in accessories, toys, litter boxes, scratching posts, etc. Be careful with traditional cleaning products, as the chemical substances in their formula can poison cats and irritate their mucous membranes. The ideal is to opt for "pet friendly" antibacterial disinfectants, that is, made especially for households with pets.

Feline chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment - Treatment for feline chlamydiosis
Feline chlamydiosis - Infection, symptoms and treatment - Treatment for feline chlamydiosis

Prevention of chlamydia in cats

The best way to prevent feline chlamydiosis is to offer adequate preventive medicine, a positive environment and the necessary care that allow your cat to strengthen his immune systemand preserve your good he alth. To do this, it is essential to make regular visits to the vet every 6 months, respect your vaccination schedule and regular deworming, provide a balanced diet and keep it physically and mentally stimulated throughout its life. And do not hesitate to go quickly to the professional you trust when you identify any change in the appearance or behavior of your feline.

On the other hand, sterilization may be recommended to prevent cats from escaping during their heat period. Remember that chlamydia, as well as many other infectious pathologies, is easily transmitted in street fights or during sexual intercourse.
