Benefits of dog food with insect protein

Benefits of dog food with insect protein
Benefits of dog food with insect protein
Benefits of dog food with insect protein
Benefits of dog food with insect protein

Although insects are an unusual ingredient in our diet, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) already considers insects to be a food of the future. Their enormous benefits, not only nutritional but also environmental, make them a great alternative to other conventional protein sources, such as meat or fish. The extrapolation of these benefits to animal feed has meant that insect protein is used more and more frequently in the feed of dogs and other animals.

If you are interested in learning about the benefits of insect protein feed for dogs,we recommend that you continue reading the following article from our site.

Can dogs eat insect protein?

Insects are a very nutritious source of food Among other things, they contain proteins of high biological value, fats and minerals. In addition, the proteins they contain have low allergenic potential and high digestibility in dogs. This makes insects a food that is not only suitable, but also beneficial for dogs, especially those with allergies or food intolerances. For all these reasons, it is increasingly common for insects to be used as a source of protein in dog food.

What are insect protein-based feeds for dogs like?

Insect protein-based dog foods are those that include insect protein as an alternative protein source to others conventional, such as meat or fish. Normally, insects in their larval stages are used to make these feeds, which are subjected to a heat treatment and crushed until a flour very rich in protein. This insect meal for feed is mixed with the rest of the ingredients and processed to obtain a food rich in insect protein, ideal for dogs.

NFNatcane's Fish Gourmet feed is a great example of insect-based feed. It is a food specially designed for dogs with intolerances to cereals and meat, since it uses hydrolyzed white fish and insect larvae as sources of protein. In addition, it incorporates highly digestible carbohydrate sources (such as sweet potatoes, legumes and potatoes), as well as a protective complex obtained from the green-lipped mussel that contributes to the maintenance of joint he alth. All the brand's ranges are made with high-quality natural ingredients and are marketed through its website, with really competitive prices.

Benefits of feed with insect protein for dogs - What are insect protein-based feed for dogs like?
Benefits of feed with insect protein for dogs - What are insect protein-based feed for dogs like?

Benefits of insect protein-based feed for dogs

The incorporation of insect protein in dog food not only provides a series of nutritional and digestive benefits, but also environmental ones. Below, we list the main advantages of insect feed for dogs.

Nutritional and digestive benefits

We start with the nutritional and digestive benefits for dogs:

  • Insects are foods very rich in protein Continuing with the same example, specifically the insect meal included in Fish Gourmet feed contains about 37% protein. In addition, insects contain proteins of high biological value, since they have a high content of essential amino acidsEssential amino acids are those that the body cannot synthesize itself, so it is essential that the diet of our canine companions contains the appropriate amounts of these amino acids to meet their nutritional requirements.
  • Although insects are mainly protein foods, they are also a good source of fatFat improves the palatability of food and generates a feeling of satiety. In addition, insects contain a good proportion of he althy fatty acids, both mono and polyunsaturated.
  • Insects also have a high proportion of mineral s alts, including potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium.
  • Insect protein-based feed for dogs can be considered hypoallergenic feed, since their proteins have low allergenic potential. The diet of animals with food allergies or intolerances should contain hydrolyzed proteins and/or a protein source that is unfamiliar to the immune system, such as insects. In the specific case of Fish Gourmet, the combination of hydrolyzed fish protein with insect protein makes this product a very interesting hypoallergenic feed for dogs in which a food allergy or intolerance is suspected or diagnosed.
  • Insect feed for dogs has a good palatability (pleasant taste/texture), which is essential for acceptance and enjoy our dogs. In fact, dogs can accept food containing up to 20% insect meal.
  • The digestibility of insects in dogs is high, reaching values very similar to those of other conventional protein sources. Depending on the specific species of insect, the digestibility can range between 80-90%. In addition, feed containing insect meal does not alter intestinal transit or the consistency of the stool, but rather allows the proper functioning of the digestive system and keeps the stool formed.

Environmental benefits

In addition to the nutritional and digestive benefits provided by insect protein for dogs, it is also worth highlighting the environmental advantage of including these foods in feed. Unlike the production of other animals for slaughter, the production of insects implies a less consumption of water and natural resources, less greenhouse gas emissions and less generation of agricultural waste These characteristics make insects a sustainable source of protein that allows produce feed with a low environmental impact and a lower carbon footprint.

Furthermore, in the specific case of Fish Gourmet, it should be noted that it is a feed made in Spain. This not only contributes to the generation of employment in our country, but also favors short distribution circuits, which is a great environmental advantage.
