Why is my dog vomiting bile?

Why is my dog vomiting bile?
Why is my dog vomiting bile?
Why is my dog vomiting bile?
Why is my dog vomiting bile?

There are multiple differences between the physiology of a dog and human physiology, which is why from this platform we roundly condemn the self-medication of your pet, since it is a practice that puts their he alth and safety at risk. life.

However, there are also many similarities between our pet and us that can help us better understand some conditions, which if They may well be common, they can also become serious. Does your dog vomit yellow? Do you vomit bile every day? In this AnimalWised article we will answer your question Why does my dog vomit bile?

Bile, yellow vomit

Bile is a digestive fluid that is also present in the human body. It is a yellowish fluid that participates in digestion, is produced in the liver and later accumulates in the gallbladder for later release.

From the gallbladder, this fluid is expelled into the small intestine and is essential for the digestion of fats, since it allows their emulsion.

Although there are multiple causes of vomiting in dogs, when we observe that they vomit bile, that is, a yellow fluid, these causes are reduced and reveal from minor problems to serious pathologies that affect the entire organism.

Why is my dog vomiting bile? - Bile, yellow vomit
Why is my dog vomiting bile? - Bile, yellow vomit

The most common cause of bile vomiting

When a dog vomits bile he usually does so after a prolonged fasting period. If our pet has spent several hours on an empty stomach, bile, along with other digestive fluids, accumulates in the stomach without any food present.

These fluids are prepared to facilitate the digestion of food, but without their presence in the stomach, they are very aggressive for the gastric mucosa.

The bile irritates and inflames the gastric mucosa, consequently and as a defense response by the digestive system, the threw up. In this setting, vomiting is seen only as a yellow-green liquid.

Serious causes of vomiting bile

Sometimes bile vomiting can indicate various pathologies also with different degrees of severity. Let's see below what are the main disorders that can cause the dog to vomit bile:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease: In this case, vomiting with bile occurs frequently and is accompanied by diarrhea that can sometimes be bloody.
  • Hepatic disease: When the liver is affected there may be an overproduction of bile that causes vomiting of it, in this case we will observe also a typical yellowish coloration in the eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Pancreatitis: A dog affected by pancreatitis will show various symptoms, including loss of appetite and vomiting, as we have seen, vomiting on an empty stomach causes expulsion of bile. Abdominal swelling and diarrhea will also be observed in this case.
  • Ingestion of indigestible objects: If our dog has ingested an object, this will cause stomach irritation, increased production of bile and finally vomit with a yellow appearance. Biliary vomiting may also be seen in poisoning.
Why is my dog vomiting bile? - Serious causes of vomiting bile
Why is my dog vomiting bile? - Serious causes of vomiting bile

Biliary vomiting due to parasitic infestation

Parasite infestation in dogs can also cause biliary vomiting and this case is worrying because when the symptoms are widely manifested they indicate a great invasionby this pathogenic agent.

In turn, parasitic infestations can be complex to treat and may have dire consequences for our pet.

Different types of intestinal parasites can cause biliary vomiting, in addition, their presence will cause other symptoms such as the following:

  • Signs of abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy

If bile vomiting is accompanied by these symptoms, it is essential to take a stool sample in a sterile bottle so that it can be analyzed later at the vet in order to choose the most appropriate treatment.

What to do if my dog vomits bile?

If the dog vomits bile first thing in the morning or shortly before the established intake of feed or food, this vomiting may simply be due to the accumulation of bile from periods of fasting.

What do you give a dog when he vomits?

It is not necessary to increase food intake or modify its diet, but to divide its diet so that our pet can eat frequently Still thus, since its gastric mucosa is irritated, we can offer a small portion of rice or boiled chicken, as long as the dog is not allergic or sensitive to these foods.

Before starting a treatment…

Behind a yellow vomit multiple he alth disorders can be hidden as we have seen, therefore, go to the vet is essential. The condition is aggravated if, in addition to yellow vomit, we observe diarrhea, white foam, tremors, rejection of food or if it is a practice that is experienced every day.

The texture of the vomit as well as the presence of other elements in it can be very useful to establish a diagnosis and implement the appropriate treatment as soon as possible, for this reason, whenever possible you should take a sample of vomit
