Curiosities 2024, October

Why does my cat tremble when sleeping? - 6 causes Discover them

Why does my cat tremble when sleeping? - 6 causes Discover them

Why does my cat tremble when sleeping? If you are one of those people who likes to observe their feline friend, you have surely noticed that sometimes cats tremble when they sleep. Find out why

Why is my cat drooling a lot? - 8 CAUSES

Why is my cat drooling a lot? - 8 CAUSES

Why is my cat drooling a lot? A cat that drools is a sign of alarm for its caregivers, especially when it comes to a behavior that has never been manifested before. Keep reading

Do cats like music? + RELAXING MUSIC FOR CATS

Do cats like music? + RELAXING MUSIC FOR CATS

Knowing if cats like music is a frequently repeated question among feline lovers and, thanks to numerous studies and scientific experiments, we can answer

Do dogs predict death?

Do dogs predict death?

Do dogs predict death?. Do dogs predict death? This question has been asked by many people who are experts in canine behavior. It is scientifically recognized

What should I do if my dog dies

What should I do if my dog dies

What should I do if my dog dies. What to do if my dog dies is something that no owner and animal lover wants to have to deal with and sometimes, after years of

How to explain to a child the death of his pet? - Psychology

How to explain to a child the death of his pet? - Psychology

The saddest experience we can live with our pets is death itself. While it is true that as adults we can rationalize it, we must break the news to children in the best way

The funniest animals in the world - TOP 20 with PHOTOS

The funniest animals in the world - TOP 20 with PHOTOS

The funniest animals in the world. Animals can be funny by nature or because of their personality. Among the most popular searches we find that of the funniest animals

The reproduction of turtles

The reproduction of turtles

The reproduction of turtles. The reproduction of turtles is a very extensive topic since there are many different species that use different methods and procedures. exist

How to find my lost dog? - Steps to follow

How to find my lost dog? - Steps to follow

How to find my lost dog?. Losing your dog is a difficult and distressing situation, especially if you live in a state that allows animal sacrifice. For this reason you

Why doesn't my dog like me blowing on him?

Why doesn't my dog like me blowing on him?

Some actions that may seem funny to humans are annoying to your dog, such as blowing on his face or ears

10 places cats love to hide

10 places cats love to hide

Cats love to hide in closed, dark, warm and quiet places. This common behavior in all felines has an explanation

10 curious things that dogs do - Find out what they mean

10 curious things that dogs do - Find out what they mean

Discover the 10 most curious behaviors of dogs and why they carry them out. Some of them are demonstrations of love, others indicate he alth problems that must be treated immediately

10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans

10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans

Discover 10 things that dogs hate about humans and thus you will be able to improve the relationship with your dog, enjoying the two of a relationship with more

Why doesn't my dog like to be hugged?

Why doesn't my dog like to be hugged?

Why doesn't my dog like to be hugged? We love our furry ones so much that sometimes we want to hug them as we would any friend or family member, however, for them

How do dogs show their affection?

How do dogs show their affection?

Don't you know how dogs show their love? At AnimalWised we show you 10 unmistakable signs that your dog appreciates you, and a lot! You will love them

Is it wrong to treat a dog like a baby?

Is it wrong to treat a dog like a baby?

Is it wrong to treat a dog like a baby? It is always necessary to accept responsibility for meeting the physical, mental and social needs of any companion animal before

Is it necessary to cross a dog?

Is it necessary to cross a dog?

Many people say that it is necessary to cross a dog at least once. That's right? What advantages or disadvantages does it represent? Find out

Is it true that wolves attack people? - All the truth here

Is it true that wolves attack people? - All the truth here

In Spain, there are not many cases of attacks on people by wolves, the last one verified was in Lugo, in 1881, due to a wolf sick with rabies. Since then there have been other accidents

Tricks for the bad smell of cat litter

Tricks for the bad smell of cat litter

Tricks for the bad smell of cat litter. The smell of cat urine is very penetrating, as well as the bad smell that cat feces cause. Therefore, daily cleaning

10 curiosities about chihuahuas

10 curiosities about chihuahuas

10 curiosities about chihuahuas. The Chihuahua is by far one of the most popular Mexican dog breeds. In fact, they get their name from the largest state of

LIFE CYCLE OF FLIES - Birth, Reproduction and Life Expectancy

LIFE CYCLE OF FLIES - Birth, Reproduction and Life Expectancy

Life cycle of flies. Do you know how long a fly lives? The life cycle of flies begins with the egg phase. Once they hatch, the larvae

How are FLIES BORN? - With VIDEO

How are FLIES BORN? - With VIDEO

How are flies born? In each laying, the housefly can lay between 20 and 140 elongated eggs, very small and pale yellowish in color. Within them, are the embryos

Types of mosquitoes - big, small and by country

Types of mosquitoes - big, small and by country

Types of mosquitoes, large, small and by country. There are different types of mosquitoes. Some have no impact on people's he alth, but others are dangerous mosquitoes

Animals that feed on blood - 12 examples

Animals that feed on blood - 12 examples

Discover which animals feed on blood, learning what animals that feed on blood are called and 12 examples of animals that feed on blood

TYPES OF INSECTS - Characteristics and Names

TYPES OF INSECTS - Characteristics and Names

Types of insects. Find out how insects are classified and the different groups that exist. The types of insects are very varied and add up to millions of species, such as butterflies, ants

Differences between viviparous animals and mammals - Examples and curiosities

Differences between viviparous animals and mammals - Examples and curiosities

Differences between viviparous animals and mammals. Within the large group of viviparous we are going to find different reproductive strategies, with their different names. In this

BIPED ANIMALS - Definition, Characteristics and Examples

BIPED ANIMALS - Definition, Characteristics and Examples

Bipedal animals. Bipedal animals are those that have the ability to move supported on two legs. Some of the animals that walk on two legs are birds, humans

The 10 smartest animals in the world

The 10 smartest animals in the world

The 10 smartest animals in the world. The human being, as a more developed species, has considered animals as less intelligent and evolved creatures, to the point

+30 COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS - Examples, Characteristics and Curiosities

+30 COLD-BLOODED ANIMALS - Examples, Characteristics and Curiosities

Cold-blooded animals. Discover some of the main cold-blooded animals, what they are, what they are like and some of their most striking curiosities

The most aggressive animals in the world

The most aggressive animals in the world

The most aggressive animals in the world. On many occasions, aggressiveness is confused with the ability to be deadly or produce the greatest number of human victims. I don't think this

+40 AERIAL ANIMALS - Examples and Characteristics (With PHOTOS)

+40 AERIAL ANIMALS - Examples and Characteristics (With PHOTOS)

In this AnimalWised article we will learn about aerial animals, their characteristics and some examples. Flying is one of the ways that animals have to move, but

14 Animals with feathers - List with names and curiosities

14 Animals with feathers - List with names and curiosities

Animals with feathers - List with names and curiosities (WITH PHOTOS AND VIDEOS). We share examples of feathered animals that fly and do not fly, as well as curious facts and

The 10 most POISONOUS INSECTS in the world - List with photos

The 10 most POISONOUS INSECTS in the world - List with photos

The 10 most poisonous insects in the world. Meet the most poisonous and dangerous insects in the world. Some of them produce allergic reactions, while others are deadly

FLYING INSECTS - Names, Characteristics and Photos

FLYING INSECTS - Names, Characteristics and Photos

Flying insects. Discover the types of flying insects with this complete list. We share examples of flying insects, with their characteristics and photos

Why are flamingos pink? - We'll explain it to you

Why are flamingos pink? - We'll explain it to you

Flamingos are birds belonging to the genus Phoenicopterus, of which three living species are known, all of which are pink when adult

Types of ants - 10 Species, Characteristics and PHOTOS

Types of ants - 10 Species, Characteristics and PHOTOS

HOW MANY TYPES OF ANTS ARE THERE? Discover in AnimalWised the 10 MOST COMMON SPECIES, their characteristics and photographs, you will love knowing them



Classification of animals according to their habitat. We can establish a classification of animals according to where they live. In the most popular searches we find different types of habitats

Where do flamingos live in Spain?

Where do flamingos live in Spain?

Where do flamingos live in Spain?. The common flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) is a bird that can be found in Europe, Africa and certain countries in Asia. It is characterized by its great

How much does a POLAR BEAR WEIGH?

How much does a POLAR BEAR WEIGH?

How much does a polar bear weigh? Polar bears are large land predators, very popular and striking due to their large size and white color. But how much do they weigh?



Birds in greatest danger of extinction. Currently there are many birds in danger of extinction or critically endangered due to causes such as human activity or global warming