The funniest animals in the world - TOP 20 with PHOTOS

The funniest animals in the world - TOP 20 with PHOTOS
The funniest animals in the world - TOP 20 with PHOTOS
The world's funniest animals
The world's funniest animals

On many occasions before we become interested in an animal, we find out about its personality or characteristics. Among the most popular searches we find that of the funniest animals in the world, perfect for awakening the funniest part of the animal world.

Animals can be funny by nature or by their personality. There is nothing like being able to show the funniest side of our faithful friends. In this list on our site we show you the 20 funniest animals in the world that exist Take note!


The sloth is a hilarious animal, mammal and known for its slowness This is due to its resting time (20 hours out of 24) They only come down to the earth's surface to defecate once a week. The rest of activities such as eating, sleeping or mating are done hanging from a branch above a tree in the funniest way.

He is also known for his funny way of hanging upside down in the tree. In addition, he seems to have a permanent smile on his face that arouses tenderness. That is why it is considered one of the most graceful and tender animals.

There are various species of sloths, but in the case of the three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) its upper extremities are longer than the lower ones. In addition, it has a peculiar and funny characteristic, since it has only three fingers on each paw

The funniest animals in the world - Sloth
The funniest animals in the world - Sloth


The Pelican (Pelecanus) and its particular way of stretching, has set social networks on fire. For many people the pelican “yawns” sticking its spine out through its mouth in a very funny way. In fact, according to specialists from the Spanish Ornithological Society consulted by National Geographic [1], se stretchand the gular sac is attached to the neck from the outside.

This curious and fun gesture can make us smile and cause us a certain tenderness, since it may remind us of different images that have gone viral on social networks. In this way, we can consider the pelican one of the most graceful and tender animals.

There are various species of pelicans, but in the case of the pelican of pointed peak, it is threatened by the loss of various places feed due to sedimentation. In the case of the Dalmatian pelican, cases of illegal shooting have been reported. In addition, other constant threats are produced by tourists and fishermen.

The funniest animals in the world - Pelican
The funniest animals in the world - Pelican


The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is one of the most curious animals in the world due to its particular body, a mixture of different animals such as the beaver or the duck that characterizes him as one of the funniest animals. Also, is a mammal but lays eggs and suckles its young but does not have mammary glands.

Leaving aside its interesting mix, which some may find a little laughter, this creature has its less funny side, since it has some venomous spursso you have to be very careful.

The platypus is a protected species legally in all states where it is found. Its main threat is the consequences of climate change such as successive droughts.

The funniest animals in the world - Platypus
The funniest animals in the world - Platypus

Long-eared gerbil

The long-eared gerbil (Euchoreutes naso) is one of the cutest animals in the animal world. It has huge ears, they are two-thirds the length of its body. This hilarious creature has the biggest ears in the animal world in proportion to its size.

Apart from the fun part of their ears, it is used by gerbils to help them release heat. This small nocturnal rodent also has enormous legs compared to its body that allows it to jump long distances. Thus, there is no doubt that it can arouse some laughter in more than one person, since it is one of the funniest animals.

The funniest animals in the world - Long-eared gerbil
The funniest animals in the world - Long-eared gerbil

Yoda Bat

The Yoda bat (Nyctimene papuanus) is a very cute animal with a tube nose and pointed ears. It may be that some people are even afraid, since nature seems to have formed this being in a very curious and funny way.

It is called a bat with a nose for fruit and its diet includes seeds. In addition, this mammal has become quite a discovery on social media due to its hilarious face.

Specifically, the Dayak Fruit Bat is affected by deforestation. Although the species is found in several protected areas,conservation of this bat requires the protection and restoration of forests.

In this section of the article we show you different types of bats and their characteristics. Discover them!

The funniest animals in the world - Bat Yoda
The funniest animals in the world - Bat Yoda

Dumbo Octopus

The Dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis imperator) is characterized by its strange finssimilar to some ears. This physical aspect can make some people laugh, since they give it a funny appearance.

The name also arouses some laughter, as it reminds us of the famous movie “Dumbo” that brings us closer to imagining how this strange and funny creature has ears.

In this section of the article, we show you 20 curiosities about octopuses based on scientific studies.

The funniest animals in the world - Dumbo Octopus
The funniest animals in the world - Dumbo Octopus


The aardvark (Orycteropus afer) lives throughout sub-Saharan Africa. If we look at its body, it may seem like a pig like any other. On the other hand, if we stop to look at it from the front, it can make us laugh because it seems to have funny rabbit ears In addition, itstail is a lot of fun, since resembles that of a kangaroo

In addition to having funny ears and a funny tail, it has a significant difference in size with the front and back legs. This peculiarity makes the aardvark one of the funniest animals on the planet.

The funniest animals in the world - Aardvark
The funniest animals in the world - Aardvark


The parrot fish (Scaridae) is characterized by having a funny and curious almost human smile, since it has an almost perfect smile. It contains some grinding teeth adapted to its eating habit. This animal with a 'profident' smile can be harmful to corals, since it also feeds on them.

There are no specific conservation measures for this amusing species nor is fishing considered to affect the general status of its population.

The funniest animals in the world - Parrotfish
The funniest animals in the world - Parrotfish

Green-crested Turtle

The Green-crested Turtle (Mary's River Slider) is a very amusing creature due to Its 'hair' color of green, result of spending a lot of time underwater.

Turtles are reptiles with a hard shell where they hide their head, legs and tail. In addition, they lack teeth but this does not prevent them from feeding, since they have a beak that they use to eat insects.

The funniest animals in the world - Green-crested Turtle
The funniest animals in the world - Green-crested Turtle

Pachón Duck

Pachón pachón (Pink eared duck) is characterized by being hilarious due to its curious and funny way of feeding, since it they place two ducks, one head in front of the other's tail, spinning around a certain spot.

In addition, they are unmistakable due to their colours: pink on the head and variegated sides. Thus are also known as zebra duck.

In this section of the article we show you different types of ducks and their characteristics. Take note!

The funniest animals in the world - Pachón Duck
The funniest animals in the world - Pachón Duck

Other funny animals

The above are the funniest animals in the world, but the truth is that there are other very funny animals that will also make you laugh more than once. So, other hilarious animals that we found are the following:

  • Welsh corgi Pembroke
  • Bergamasco
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Brussels Griffon
  • Mandarin Duck
  • Meerkat
  • SugarPeaturo
  • Walrus
  • Call
  • wombart

And if you know more hilarious animals that aren't here, don't forget to leave your comment.

Photos of The world's funniest animals
