+100 ENDANGERED ANIMALS in the world - (2020)

+100 ENDANGERED ANIMALS in the world - (2020)
+100 ENDANGERED ANIMALS in the world - (2020)
Animals in danger of extinction in the world
Animals in danger of extinction in the world

Do you know what it means to be in danger of extinction? There are more and more animals in danger of extinction, and although this is a topic that has become popular in recent decades, today, many people do not really know what does it mean, for what reasons does it occur and what are the animals that are on this red list. It is no longer surprising when we hear the news that some new animal species has entered this category.

According to official data, around 5000 species are found in this state, numbers that have worsened alarmingly in the last ten years. Currently, the entire animal kingdom is on alert, from mammals and amphibians to invertebrates.

If you are interested in this topic continue reading, on our site we will explain you in more depth and we will tell you which are the 10 most endangered animals in the world.

Animals in danger of extinction: causes and consequences

By definition, the concept is very simple: an endangered species is an animal that is about to disappearor that there are very few left inhabiting the planet. What is complex here is not the term, but its causes and subsequent consequences.

Seen from a scientific point of view, extinction is a natural phenomenon that has occurred since the beginning of time. While it is true that some animals adapt better than others to new ecosystems, this constant competition ultimately results in the disappearance of animal and plant species. However, the responsibility and influence that human beings have in these processes is increasing. The survival of hundreds of species is in danger thanks to factors such as: the drastic alteration of the ecosystem, excessive hunting, illegal trafficking, the destruction of habitats, global warming and many others. All these produced and controlled by man.

The consequences of the extinction of an animal can be very profound, in many cases, irreversible damage to the he alth of the planet and of human beings themselves. In nature, everything is related and connected, when a species becomes extinct, an entire ecosystem is altered Therefore, biodiversity can be lost, a key element for survival of life on Earth.


This super cat is virtually extinct and so we start the list of the world's endangered animals with him. Already four species of tiger do not exist, there are only about five subspecies located in the Asian territory. Currently, there are less than 3,000 copies left. The tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world, it is hunted for its invaluable skin, eyes, bones and even organs. On the illegal market, the entire skin of this majestic creature can fetch up to $50,000. Hunting and habitat loss are the main reasons for their disappearance.

Endangered animals in the world - Tiger
Endangered animals in the world - Tiger


Catalogued as the largest and strongest in the world, the leatherback sea turtle is capable of swimming practically all over the planet, from the tropics to the subpolar region. They make this extensive journey in search of a nest and then to provide food for their young. From the 1980s to now its population has declined, from 150,000 to 20,000.

Turtles often mistake plastic floating in the ocean for food, causing their death. They also lose their habitat due to the constant development of large hotels on the seafront, where they usually nest. It is one of the most alert species in the world.

Unfortunately, this is not the only turtle in danger of extinction. To learn more, you can consult this other article about Turtles in danger of extinction.

Endangered animals in the world - Leatherback sea turtle
Endangered animals in the world - Leatherback sea turtle

Chinese Giant Salamander

In China, this amphibian has become popular as food to the point that there are almost no copies left. The Andrias Davidianus (scientifically known) can grow up to 2 meters, which makes it officially the world's largest amphibian It is also threatened by high levels of contamination of forested streams in southwestern and southern China, where they still live.

Amphibians are an important link in aquatic environments, since they are predators of large quantities of insects.

In this other article we show you other Animals that eat insects - Examples and curiosities.

Endangered animals in the world - Chinese giant salamander
Endangered animals in the world - Chinese giant salamander

Sumatran Elephant

This majestic animal is on the verge of extinction, being one of the most endangered species in the entire animal kingdom. Due to deforestation and uncontrolled hunting, this species may no longer exist in the next twenty years. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) " although the Sumatran elephant is protected by Indonesian legislation, 85% of its habitat is outside protected areas."

Elephants have complex and close family systems, very similar to those of human beings, they are animals with a very high degree of intelligence and sensitivity. Currently there are less than 2,000 Sumatran elephants located and it is falling. Check out our article on "Elephant Curiosities" and find out more about these wonderful animals.

If you want to know more, check this other article about Elephants in danger of extinction.

Endangered animals in the world - Sumatran Elephant
Endangered animals in the world - Sumatran Elephant

Vaquita Marina

The vaquita porpoise is a cetacean that lives in the Gulf of California, it was only discovered in 1958 and by 2016 there are less than 100 left. It is the species in the most critical state within the 129 species of marine mammals. Due to its imminent extinction, conservation measures have been established, but the indiscriminate use of trawling does not allow the real progress of these new policies. This endangered animal is very enigmatic and shy, it hardly comes to the surface, which makes it an easy prey for this type of massive practice (giant nets where they are trapped and mixed with other fish).

Here we show you more marine animals in danger of extinction.

Animals in danger of extinction in the world - Vaquita marina
Animals in danger of extinction in the world - Vaquita marina


The saola is a "Bambi" (bovine) with spectacular features on its face and very long horns. Known as the "Asian unicorn" because it is so rare and hardly ever seen, it lives in isolated areas between Vietnam and Laos.

This antelope lived quietly and solitary until it was discovered and now poached illegally. However, it is threatened by the constant loss of its habitat, caused by the large felling of trees. Being very exotic has led it to enter the list of the most wanted and, therefore, in that of the animals in greatest danger of extinction in the world It is estimated that only 500 copies left.

Animals in danger of extinction in the world - Saola
Animals in danger of extinction in the world - Saola

Polar Bear

This species had to suffer all the consequences of climate change We can already say that the polar bear is melting along with its environment. Their habitat is the arctic and they depend on the maintenance of the polar ice caps to live and feed. As of 2008, bears were the first vertebrate species listed under the US Endangered Species Act.

The polar bear is a beautiful and fascinating animal. Among many of their characteristics are that they are skilled hunters and natural swimmers that can navigate non-stop for more than a week. An interesting fact is that they are invisible to infrared cameras, only the nose, eyes and breath are visible to the camera. If you want to discover more curiosities, don't miss the article "Polar bear feeding".

Northern Right Whale

The Whale species in greatest danger of extinction in the world Scientific studies and animal rights organizations affirm that there are less than 350 whales traveling through the Atlantic coasts. Although it is officially a protected species, its limited population is still threatened by commercial fishing. Whales drown after being wrapped in nets and ropes for long periods of time.

These marine giants can measure up to 5 meters and weigh up to 40 tons. It is known that its real threat began in the 19th century with indiscriminate hunting, reducing its population by 90%.

Endangered animals in the world - Northern Right Whale
Endangered animals in the world - Northern Right Whale

Monarch Butterfly

The monarch butterfly is another case of beauty and magic that flies through the air. They are special among all butterflies because they are the only ones that carry out the famous "monarch migration", known worldwide as one of the largest migrations in the entire animal kingdom. Each year, four generations of baby monarchs fly together more than 3,000 miles from Nova Scotia to the forests of Mexico where they winter. Yes, they are travellers!

Over the last twenty years the monarch population has decreased by 90%. The milkweed plant that serves as both food and nest, is being destroyed by the increase in agricultural crops and the uncontrolled use of chemical pesticides.

For more information, see Is the monarch butterfly in danger of extinction?

Endangered animals in the world - Monarch butterfly
Endangered animals in the world - Monarch butterfly

Golden Eagle

Although there are several species of eagle, the golden eagle is the one that comes to mind when we are asked the question: if you could be a bird, which one would you like to be? It is very popular, being already part of our collective imagination.

Its home is almost the entire planet Earth, but it is often seen flying through the air in Japan, Africa, North America and Great Britain. Unfortunately in Europe, due to the reduction of its population, it is much more difficult to observe. The golden eagle has seen its natural habitat destroyed due to development and constant deforestation, which is why there are fewer and fewer and is part of the list of the 10 most endangered animals in the world. world

You may also be interested in this other article on Birds in danger of extinction in Spain.

Endangered animals in the world - Golden Eagle
Endangered animals in the world - Golden Eagle

Other endangered animals in the world

In addition to the animals listed above, there are also these other endangered species around the world:

  • Bees.
  • Harpy eagle.
  • Philippine Eagle.
  • White imperial eagle.
  • Mexican Axolotl.
  • Galapagos Alabatros.
  • Angels of the sea.
  • Saiga antelope.
  • Armadillo.
  • African Wild Ass.
  • Red tuna.
  • Blue whale.
  • Vultures.
  • African Damselfly.
  • Bactrian Camel
  • Kangaroo.
  • Common chimpanzee.
  • Black Stork.
  • African Snout-snouted Crocodile.
  • Sword-billed Hummingbird.
  • California Condor.
  • Andean Condor.
  • Amazon pink dolphin.
  • Beluga sturgeon.
  • Seals.
  • Indian Gavial.
  • Mountain gorilla.
  • Red-crowned Crane.
  • Blue macaw.
  • Spix's Macaw.
  • Red Macaw.
  • Green or Military Macaw.
  • Black-footed ferret.
  • Jaguar.
  • Koala.
  • Congo Owl.
  • Lemurs.
  • Amur leopard.
  • Snow Leopard.
  • Licaon.
  • Iberian lynx.
  • Mexican Gray Wolf.
  • Iberian wolf.
  • Red Wolf.
  • Sea cow.
  • Mandrill.
  • Giant Manta Ray.
  • Black-headed spider monkey.
  • Yunnan snub-nosed monkey.
  • Golden snub-nosed monkey.
  • Mono proboscis.
  • African bat.
  • Giant otter.
  • Ocelot.
  • Olm.
  • Borneo Orangutan.
  • Sumatran orangutan
  • Andean bear.
  • Glassed Bear.
  • Slotted bear or sloth.
  • Giant Anteater.
  • American black bear.
  • Asian or Tibetan black bear.
  • Panda bear.
  • Grizzly.
  • Yellow Woodpecker.
  • Pangolin.
  • Guayaquil Parrot.
  • Lazy.
  • African Wild Dog.
  • Shoebill.
  • Penguins.
  • Osprey.
  • Quetzal.
  • Hewitt's Ghost Frog.
  • African Giant Frog.
  • Purple frog.
  • White Rhino.
  • Java Rhino.
  • Black Rhino.
  • Saola or Vu Quang ox.
  • Leaf Toad.
  • Multicolored Tamarind.
  • Tapir.
  • Tatu ball.
  • White shark.
  • Angonoka Turtle.
  • Loggerhead Turtle.
  • Zambezi Flipper Turtle.
  • Leather Turtle.
  • Andean toucan.
  • Uacari.
  • European mink.
  • Yaguareté.

Animals in danger of extinction by zones

In addition to the aforementioned animals in danger of extinction worldwide, you may also be interested in knowing which animals are most in danger of extinction in the following areas or countries:

  • Endangered animals in Africa.
  • Animals in danger of extinction in Chile.
  • Animals in danger of extinction in Spain.
  • 15 animals in danger of extinction in Brazil.
  • 10 animals in danger of extinction in Colombia.
  • 10 endangered animals in Venezuela.
  • 12 endangered animals in Peru.
  • 24 endangered animals of Mexico.
  • Endangered Animals of the Great Barrier Reef.
  • The 12 most endangered animals in Guatemala.
  • The 12 most endangered animals in Honduras.
  • The 12 most endangered animals in Panama.
  • The 10 most endangered animals in Bolivia.
  • The 10 most endangered animals in Argentina.
  • The 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador.

Now that you know which are the most endangered animals in the world, you may be interested in consulting this other article on our site on How to protect the world's endangered animals?
